What is the attraction with logic ?

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So,looong time Ableton user here since 2004 and I’ve had a logic license for about 10 years or so and every now and then I dabble and ‘try’ to like what appears to everybody else THEEE daw ?

I really want to like the damn thing but it’s just a PITA for me personally as I can’t get into it

This isn’t a ‘I hate logic’ post by any means but some encouragement would not go astray as I feel I’m missing something

Cheers ,happy weekend !
live 11 / Arturia collection / many Softube plug ins / thats it


damoog wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:46 pm So,looong time Ableton user here since 2004 and I’ve had a logic license for about 10 years or so and every now and then I dabble and ‘try’ to like what appears to everybody else THEEE daw ?

I really want to like the damn thing but it’s just a PITA for me personally as I can’t get into it

This isn’t a ‘I hate logic’ post by any means but some encouragement would not go astray as I feel I’m missing something

Cheers ,happy weekend !
Nobody is saying Logic is THEEE daw except possibly the voices in your head.

Also if you have a Logic license/ serial number then you’re ‘trying’ out 10+ year old software, so no wonder it’s a PITA to use.

What you’re missing is the realization that just because you hear some producer, be they famous or one of the billions of random ppl who make music, say “Logic is THEEE daw”, that means nothing.

Every DAW is THEEE daw for it’s users, unless they've got a case of “The grass looks greener over there”, and they keep trying to force themselves to like something that they don’t based on vague hearsay about how great it is.


Personally, I find Logic's UX to be very low friction - more than any other DAW, it lets me stay in flow state. It's great at navigating and zooming a project. Its keyboard shortcuts are really, really well thought out. It fits my brain. I wish it was better at managing very large projects, but for smaller projects it's great.

Probably the biggest feature for most people is the included sound library which makes it really good value money (for Mac users anyway). And then there are exclusive features like Drummer...


damoog wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 6:46 pm This isn’t a ‘I hate logic’ post by any means but some encouragement would not go astray as I feel I’m missing something

Cheers ,happy weekend !
Logic has Drummer... a unique, useful tool.
Logic's Step Sequencer is my favorite step sequencer in software. It's brilliant!
Logic's Tempo Mapping. I can sit down and improvise a midi performance without a metronome and then Logic conforms the tempo to my playing.
Logic has built-in pitch correction
Spatial Audio is there if you want it
You can lock to SMPTE Code

And of course it is cheap, updates have been free for years, has a ton of other functionality and it includes a huge content library and has excellent synths and FX included.


I've never cared for Logic. It's sort of a Cult of Mac thing. I use a Mac now and I love it. But I just can't get on board with Logic or AudioUnits.

I always felt like Ableton was copping Logic's look and feel. Never liked Ableton, either.


Sounds like you haven't gotten over the first "getting to know the program" bump? Long time Logic AND Ableton user here. In addition to what was said above, compared to Ableton Logic is great to mix in (flexible audio routing, loads of sends, great overview over plugins used in a mix), rock solid plugin delay compensation, fabulous value and zero upgrade costs since 2011.. but it's not like you Have to use it?


jamcat wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:18 pm I always felt like Ableton was copping Logic's look and feel. Never liked Ableton, either.
That's an interesting take. Can you elaborate? I'm a Windows only guy, but a 10+ year Ableton user and Logic doesn't look anything like Ableton to me. From what I've seen logic kind of looks like a pretty standard DAW (by which I mean, not having atypical workflows like Ableton's Session View or whatever Bitwig calls their version of it) that's maybe more comprehensive than Studio One but less complicated than Cubase.

That said, haven't used Studio One since like version 3.5, and the last Cubase upgrade I bought was 10.5


I always thought the main attraction was the price tag.


Razzia wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:11 pm
jamcat wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 9:18 pm I always felt like Ableton was copping Logic's look and feel. Never liked Ableton, either.
That's an interesting take. Can you elaborate? I'm a Windows only guy, but a 10+ year Ableton user and Logic doesn't look anything like Ableton to me. From what I've seen logic kind of looks like a pretty standard DAW (by which I mean, not having atypical workflows like Ableton's Session View or whatever Bitwig calls their version of it) that's maybe more comprehensive than Studio One but less complicated than Cubase.

That said, haven't used Studio One since like version 3.5, and the last Cubase upgrade I bought was 10.5
The flatness, the minimalism, the colour scheme, the style of the knobs. Everything just seems to strike similar stylistic tones, compared to other DAWs.


Logics workflow is pita imo and if you want I can go into detail about the quirks that I find as someone who has recently switched to logic pro. I still use logic pro coming from s1 with insane workflow. I have zero regrets.

Why I love logic pro x:

1. Sandboxed plugins. rare crashes with logic pro (my experience may not be like yours I meticulously upgrade my plugins). Usually my crashes are related to using logics built in flex time or flex pitch mode when im doing a smaller edit and not using melodyne.
2. Quick Sampler: 1. good modulation sources 2. imo the creme de la creme and as someone that makes a lot of percussion stuff having retune in the quick sampler. It tells you the root key and if you use the step sequencer it auto puts the root key in the sequencer lane for you.
3. Step sequencer that is easy to use and makes for good edits and pattern saving
4. Logics pros in the box plugins that come with the daw are imo some of my favorite plugins: Auto filter (pre and post distortion is so fire) , phat fx, step fx, beat breaker, the compressor with easy switch between compressor types, chromaverb and spacedesigner and my go to reverbs period.The delay designer is one of the best delays ever made with the transposition controls and filter controls, its an incredibly intuitive delay but has complexity if your willing to learn it, I could go on about more plugins in logic pro i love like the analog eqs. Not the biggest fan of logic channel eq mostly just bc it lacks features and versatility. only big l is the multiband compressor in logic just not an intuitive ui if you didnt make music in the early 2000s lol. i never use it.
5. Goes with 1 but for me its the most stable daw by far. Studio one is such a respectable daw but when you lose your work even with a minute auto save and then when logic has its very rare crash your able to recover your work no big deal.
6. Logic has key commands that allow me to be precise with my actions quickly. ableton u can do a lot of stuff very quickly but when you cant its like eff.
7. its the only daw that when im working with the laptop in my lap that i dont want to punch the screen for minimal space. ableton for example the browser on the left and then you have plugins on the bottom arrangement view becomes so small. I also have key commands to capture zooms sizes and screen sets for various tasks like mixing or editing.
8. I really dont like ableton and the wrench to open plugins. I love their built in effects dont get me wrong hybrid reverb, glue comp, and echo are truly S tier and roar is my favorite multiband distortion period. again logic and key commands win.
9. im an apple fan boy and i wont pretend im not.
10. other daw features are kinda gimmicky. logic may show up late to the party on a lot of things but when it shows up to the party everyone looks at them.
• Logic Pro 10.8.1
• MacBook Pro 2023 - M2 MAX - 96 GB RAM
• Focusrite Red 8Line + UAD Satellite


Razzia wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:11 pm (by which I mean, not having atypical workflows like Ableton's Session View or whatever Bitwig calls their version of it)
Logic has their own version of the Session View now...


pdxindy wrote: Sat Feb 03, 2024 2:15 am
Razzia wrote: Fri Feb 02, 2024 10:11 pm (by which I mean, not having atypical workflows like Ableton's Session View or whatever Bitwig calls their version of it)
Logic has their own version of the Session View now...
Ah. Didn't know that thanks


Logic blows my mind. I started recording ping-ponging 2 cassette decks through a cheap Radio Shack mixer. Then to a Tascam cassette 4 trk, then to a Roland VS880, and then to Logic in 2007. I only wish I'd had a tool-set like this when I was in my early 20's.

It's perfect for me, though I am still on 10.7.7. There are problems with updating RME drivers for Sonoma at the moment, so I am abstaining from the latest iteration for now.

It is stable. Free and significant updates. Very low latency with my RME Fireface. The built in fx are excellent. It has Alchemy (another free update). I dunno? It is for me. I've tried Cubase 10 and Reaper. Neither made me want to switch. It is an Apple program made to work on Apple computers. It is unfathomably deep. I've seen Environment setups that make me go cross-eyed. IMO, for someone recording music in a linear way, I can't see anything better. I don't do loops and very little sequencing, though Logic has both.
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-Martin Luther King Jr.


Anyone writing ‘cult of Mac’ as a reason should be banned.

Logic for me is fully featured, phenomenal value and astonishing quality of updates. The perfect partner for Live.

And I think it’s also the best looking DAW.

Of course if Apple implement a subs model I’m gone.
I lost my heart in Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu


revvy wrote: Sun Feb 04, 2024 9:00 am Anyone writing ‘cult of Mac’ as a reason should be banned.
These people are stuck inside their own identity-centric echo chamber.

Describing enthusiasts of specific brands, such as Mac, as 'cult' members simplifies and unfairly groups a wide array of individuals under a single, dismissive label. This approach not only neglects the complex reasons people may have for their preferences but also highlights a lack of self-awareness in the speaker, who may not recognize their entanglement in their own identity-driven biases. By embracing the diversity of consumer motivations, we can cultivate a more nuanced and respectful discourse that values and seeks to understand differing viewpoints.

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