macro to put mute on AuxSend plugin

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Hello, I need help creating a macro because for several days I have been trying to find a way to activate or deactivate the Mute in the Aux Send plugins from the computer keyboard and I can't do it.
Ideally I should be able to use different keyboard shortcuts for different tracks.
am I making myself understood correctly?
I tried this macro command: Tracktion.muteSelectedpluginsAuxsend6() but it doesn't work
(AuxSend6 is an exemple track).
Is it possible to do this macro?
Thank you in advance for your help.


You can disable the send/return plugins as usual by pressing the [F] key...
Waveform 12 Pro, Cubase Pro 13, Windows 11, i7-13700H


Thank you for your reply.
Yes there is this possibility but it requires selecting the effect before. What I would like is to be able to assign a different key on my computer keyboard for each effect on one or more Aux Send tracks. For example the G key to control a Delay in an Aux Send 1 track and the H key to control a reverb in the same Aux Send track or a different one. This is so that you can hear the effect continue when you deactivate it. It would be useful for me to control effects on a snare drum when I play live with an e-drum.


I'm a bit confused by some of your terminology.

In general sound engineering, an Aux Send feeds sound to a bus, and the bus feeds an Aux Return, which is a track which may have plugins on it.

In Waveform, there are Aux Send and Aux Return plugins which are used to establish these relationships. You would place the Aux Send plugins on the tracks that the sound is coming from, and Aux Return plugins on the return tracks they are feeding into.

Additionally, you don't normally mute plugins. You bypass plugins, or mute a track.

Are you trying to mute the entire return track, to bypass individual plugins on a track (but not all of the plugins on the track), to bypass all of the plugins on a track, to bypass a specific plugin on multiple tracks, ...?

If your goal is to mute the sound going into a specific return track, you are probably better off muting the return plugin at the start of the return track than trying to identify all of the individual sends and bypass them.

EDIT: of course, even once you narrow that down, the Waveform macro API is so stupidly arbitrary in what is included and how you access it that I don't see any way to do that. You can get a "track" by index, but what can you do with it once you have it? You can mute a selected track or disable a selected plugin, but how do you select a specific track or plugin in the first place? Ugh. They really need to redesign this macro interface. It has come up before, and will almost certainly come up again. What they have right now is a total mess.


hi fde 101.
Yes, that's exactly it. I use the SSD5 drum plugin on track 1 (drum), in the SSD5 mixer I only send the snare drum tracks (top, bmt and rg), to another track in order to isolate this one, say on track 2. On this track, which I call Aux snare, I put the Aux Send plug in.
I create a track again on which I put the Aux return plug in (track 3 snare fx 1) which I send to the Aux Send 2 bus (Aux snare). On track 3 snare fx 1, I put the effect plugin that I want to control (reveb or delay or another). If I want to control several effects, I must create a new track per effect and so on. It is on this track 3 (snare fx 1) that I want to be able to put a macro on the on/off of the Return Aux plugin so that the sound of the delay, for example, continues after having turned it off.
It's a lot of manipulation for not much, whereas it was enough to create return tracks. And to assign macros it's even worse, I don't understand why they haven't developed a way of doing things similar to Live. Unfortunately, for the use I need, I can't use ableton which is much simpler, because of a latency problem that I don't have with waveform.

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