Cherry Audio Backstory
Cherry Audio launched in 2018 and was assembled from an innovative group of developers, synthesizer designers, sound programmers, and musicians to turn a dream into reality. Our first product, Voltage Modular, was initially conceived in 2004 with the development of an innovative new alias-free analog modelling oscillator design. Over the years, the project has evolved and expanded into a thriving virtual modular platform supported by an expansive community of Module Designers.
Since then, Cherry Audio has evolved to offer an extensive catalog of high-quality, award-winning virtual instruments and effects. Many emulate beloved classic synthesizers with expanded features, while others are our own highly acclaimed and inventive original designs.Our team diligently ensures that all of our products function intuitively, look amazing, and, most importantly, sound fantastic! If you love synthesizers, music production, and the art of sonic experimentation, Cherry Audio instruments will blow you away.
Cherry Audio was formed by a small group of industry veterans from the likes of Sonic Foundry, Cakewalk, Bias, Acoustica, and Keyboard Magazine. The team is made up of creative professionals who are passionate about synthesizers and all aspects of music production, and Cherry Audio products are built by developers with decades of experience creating audio and DSP software.
© KVR Audio, Inc. 2000-2024
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