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MusicDevelopments updates RapidComposer to v4.2.3


MusicDevelopments has updated RapidComposer to version 4.2.3. The new update offers chords track playback in the Melody Editor, a quick way to drag the master track chords as MIDI, and includes several bug fixes.


  • Ctrl-drag Master Track chords as MIDI file (timeline selection, or all when there is no selection). Use Ctrl-Shift-drag for voice leading.

  • Phrase variations: 'Remove' and 'Remove All' work for all selected phrases.

  • Phrase variations: setting a parameter works for all selected phrases.

  • Shortcut added for showing/hiding the browser (unassigned by default).

  • [Melody Editor] Playback option added to play the chords track together with the melody.

  • [Melody Editor] Chords track length issues fixes (when adding/removing motives).

  • [Melody Editor] Crashing issue when resizing the last chord fixed.

  • Fixed chord rule selection from menu when magnet was 'off'

  • Fixed bug when applying Mirror Vertically on a Chord Generator.



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