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Guitar Suite

Guitar Suite by SimulAnalog is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin.
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SimulAnalog Guitar suite is a suite of vst plugin with amplifiers and analog processors for guitarists, actually containing the simulation of:

  • Boss DS-1 (Distortion stompbox).
  • Boss SD-1 (Super Overdrive stompbox).
  • Tube Screamer (Overdrive stompbox).
  • Oberheim PS-1 (Phaser stompbox).
  • Univox Univibe (Modulations stompbox).
  • Fender Twin 1969 (Guitar amplifier).
  • Marshall JCM900 Dual Reverb (Guitar amplifier).

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 3.67 from 6 reviews
Guitar Suite

Reviewed By The Chase [all]
May 7th, 2018
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

I'm reaching back into my old plug-in folders and some of these really stick out as being great beyond their time for old VSTs. The distortions may not fare well compared to modern freebies, but the two modulation plugs are indispensable in my collection of freeware modulation plugs. Particular the Univibe emulation, so creamy and lush, especially when played across your favorite chords.

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Guitar Suite

Reviewed By Killvehicle [all]
January 11th, 2006
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

LIsten, I Freakin HATE Guitar Amp sims,, I Have me my bad ass Peavey 5150 Combo and it is the best, BUt I am a guitar player for almost 20 years now, and I will always try something whether it be another amp sim or POD, whatver it may be I will try it, and until now I have alwasy been left unimpressed, Yeah you can always get a nice clean sound wiht a sim and it is a lot easier to make it sit in the mix properly but always, ALWAYS, Sim's lack something. BUt this thing is almost unbelievable for the fact it is free and with the Super Overdrive or Tube Screamer pedals inserted BEFORE the amp(Jcm 900), you can get some Very Heavy Distortion. I play Death metal and for me to say that an Amp Sim comes close to getting a great sound is hard for me!! haha BUt this DOES.

It is fairly well-known by now but I actually felt this reviews were low considering how good this sounds and how well it interacts with your playing, It has a feeling of a real amp and responds to your playing like a real amp would. Yes there is no GUI or presets and sh!t like that but it doesnt need any,it is a great amp and if you are unable to tweak some knobs or insert an effect pedal sim, then you shouldnt be allowed to create anything ever!!! Twist them knobs, turn channel B up to about 9.5 and you will be happy with that to start//. So I am going to give presets and GUI an 8 to not drag down the score. WIth some real time and money this will probably be one of the leaders in Amp SIm technology in the near future, if not already, Is easily on par and probably surpasses the big amp sims like Guitar Rig and Amplitube, not as flexible obvioulsy but pretty damn close given the stomp boxes that D/L with this.

I still will probably never record and release something with an amp SIm, but for Demos and kepping it simple, FOr me this is great and is easily good enough to record pro quality guitar tracks..

It does seem to not fully recall the settings, but so what remeber em like you would your own amp and you can easily re-create your sound in a few seconds.
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Guitar Suite

Reviewed By Midiworks [all]
December 18th, 2004
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

This Guitar Suite is so well done,
in fact re-modeled in detail after the original gear, that it has to get a 10 for sound.

Quote SimulAnalog:
Many commercial amp simulators claim state of the art modelling techniques inside the product and say things like "every component in the audio path of the original instrument has been accurately modelled". But sentences like this are more like advertising and are not supported by technical papers describing what really happens in the product. Besides, many of the processors have to run all the simulation algorithms on a low cost DSP to keep as low as possible the cost of the hardware. That's why the models they use should be as simple as possible, but... not so close to the real gears they want to emulate.
But of course in the advertisement they have to claim incredible thecnological prodigies to stay competitive with the other products.

What about SimulAnalog Guitar Suite? It is a freeware and no profit set of plugin. Born as a test bench for SimulAnalog research, we saw that without any effort it could be distributed to musicians that may find it useful. That's why it is given as is, with no support and with a very rough user interface.
But we can assure that "every component in the audio path of the original instrument has been modelled, except for the secondary effects of some active devices" and that "the response of each original device have been compared with the respective simulated response, obtaining less than -40dB of difference" without any particular commercial interest saying that.

Interface 10 ?
There is none, just the sliders no fancy gui.
Who needs that anyway, sure a cool gui is nice, but it is really not needed here.
Documentation 10, its not needed.

Presets 5, they could have been included. But they are for download at the SimulAnalog web site.

All in all a very impressive work !
Sad, that people forget the REAL sound of those boxes and amps these days, otherwise they would not have given so bad points.
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Guitar Suite

Reviewed By benwalker [all]
February 15th, 2004
Version reviewed: ? on Windows

Being a guitarist first and foremost, I was interested to see what this suite of plug-ins has to offer.

So first things first - pull out a popular twin humbucker guitar and head straight for the Marshall. The sound is good, not unlike a lot of the modern solid-state amps you get today, but definately has that Marshall grunt behind it. The reverbs are like the spring units you find in 'real' amps, so it's weird hearing them in a software environment usually populated by TC and Waves. You forget that this is what amp reverbs actually sound like... oh and you really don't need any more controls, since this is what the original has.

Next, it's a strat into the Fender Twin. Great combination, and combine with a tape delay (eg karlette) for some vintage surf. The vibrato stands out as a runaway success on this emulation - a lot better than most plug-ins.

The Boss distortion boxes are all okay, but the TS9 is a lot better for those SRV moments. I'm also loving the Univibe (cue lots of renditions of Little Wing and Shine On...) and the PS-1. Would have preferred an MXR90 or Small Stone, but the sound is far better than a lot of phaser emulations.

No Documentation, but then do you really need it? The lack of GUI isn't a problem either - the sound is what counts. Overall, CPU useage is low and a good zero-latency setup allows for realtime listening, which is great. The sounds available are easy to mix with - no harsh digital-ness or other quirks, so for people wanting a decent guitar sound without the need for Amps, Mics and Mixers, should look no further. Best of all, it's free.
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Guitar Suite

Reviewed By christiancoriolis [all]
November 16th, 2003
Version reviewed: ? on Windows

Well, it's a bunch of free guitar processors that are simple, but effective. Don't know how close they are to the originals, but to me it is more important how they sound in a mix. They're all kinda clean-sounding, probably more so than their hardware equivalents, but you can always run them through something to "dirty" up the sound.

The one i've been using the most is the Fender Twin clone, and with good results. Again, it is very clean and the effect is very subtle, but it does do something amp-like to the sound. Has a really nice tremolo, prolly the best i've heard in a vst. It doesn't sync to host tempo, but neither does a Fender Amp, and to me that's what makes it sound good. And don't expect any squarewave stuttering here, only a soft, undulating sinewave (or triangle?). I'd like to see an overdrive option on this one though. The Marshall clone has plenty of that obviously, but it aint the same...

The effects are nice enough. I was never a fan of Boss distortion boxes, but the Univibe is fine. I do suspect the originals are all a bit weirder and quirky, and have a warmer sound.

All in all, a very useful package, being free and all.
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