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Gig Performer

Live Performance Plugin Host by Deskew Technologies
Gig Performer
Gig Performer Gig Performer Gig Performer Gig Performer Gig Performer Gig Performer
Gig Performer by Deskew Technologies is an Audio Plugin Host for macOS and Windows. It can host VST Plugins, Audio Units Plugins and VST 3 Plugins.
Windows 7 with SP3 or newer – Windows 10 is recommended.
Gig Performer itself does not require a lot of RAM. The real constraints on RAM and disk space are the requirements of the plugins used. If your system is really limited and you need to run some disk or RAM intensive plugins, please review this article on predictive loading that might be helpful
Intel processors : 10.9 or greater
Native Apple Silicon: 11.2 or greater

Gig Performer itself does not require a lot of RAM. The real constraints on RAM and disk space are the requirements of the plugins used. If your system is really limited and you need to run some disk or RAM intensive plugins, please review this article on predictive loading that might be helpful
Can Host
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Deskew Technologies, LLC is pleased to announce the immediately availability of Gig Performer 4.5.

Gig Performer 4.5 adds many new features and improvements:

  • Record what you play complete with all your effects.
  • Drag plugin blocks between other blocks to automatically insert them into the route.
  • Widgets now support MIDI Thru so messages can be mapped to widgets and still be output from MIDI In blocks.
  • Widgets now support various relative modes for compatibility with more controllers.
  • Individual widgets can be hidden when not in edit mode.
  • The new Follow Hardware feature allows widgets in different rackspaces to be automatically set to the current value of a controller when you switch rackspaces.
  • Audio options can be exported and imported making it easy to support multiple audio configurations.
  • The Duplicate with Inputs option for makes it easy to pass the same audio source to multiple blocks without having to manually connect them.
  • The global MIDI Monitor now displays outgoing messages.

Among other improvements are more system actions, a new Timeline callback for GP Script along with many new system functions, OSC named targets, better global management of song part Program Change assignments, several miscellaneous workflow and graphics improvements, and a number of bug fixes. For those interested, a complete list of changes and bug fixes is available on our support page.

Gig Performer 4.5 is a free update for all Deskew Technologies customers who already have a Gig Performer 4 license and continues our commitment to provide our customers with significant value for their investment.

What is Gig Performer

Gig Performer is a cross-platform (Windows, Mac) plugin host optimized for live performing musicians. Guitarists, keyboard players, vocalists, drummers, wind players — build and control your live music rig with Gig Performer to transform and elevate your live performing experience by gaining complete control over the sound of your instrument or voice. Our innovative approach and focus on usability is paired with an intuitive rack design, called a Rackspace, which transforms your plugins into the most powerful, yet user-friendly live music software system. And our impressive list of cutting edge features allow you to control multiple instruments, layer sounds and employ authentic effects... easily, and with little power usage.

Visit Deskew Technologies, LLC for more information.

About Deskew Technologies

Gig Performer was developed by Deskew Technologies, LLC, a company founded by people who are both software developers and serious musicians. Deskew Technologies, LLC is also the developer of Scorecerer, a popular sheet music application for the iPad.

The Gig Performer project was started in the summer of 2015 as an effort to address the shortcomings of previously available products and to create functionality that could previously only be accomplished awkwardly by combining multiple products together.

As active users of Gig Performer ourselves, we have the benefit of being able to implement quickly new features as we conceive of them, something we would like to bring to our customers as well.

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 5.00 from 11 reviews
Gig Performer

Reviewed By Beatlab [all]
April 22nd, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.7 on Windows

After having been a very long time Brainspawn Forte user (which is discontinued for some time now) I found Gig Performer as a great replacement which adds a lot off additional possibilities and improvements for my workflow.
It was very easy for me to learn the first steps because it has a great drag and draw feature for setting up VSTIs and Routings.
But being easy to operate doesn't mean it has less abilities. Through Scripting abilities you can tweak and Change nearly anything you like.

As a live performing keyboardist I use it as host for a lot of different VSTis so I have endless possibilities soundwise. One great feature in Gig Performer is, that I'm able to set up different sets (called rackspaces) of VSTIs, Plugins and Routings per song or per songpart and can switch instantly between them without any gap. So I can freely choose per song/songpart if I need something from Omnisphere, Nexus, Halion, Falcon, Sampletank or even multiple instances of these within one song, easily spread over different keyranges of my masterkayboards. I also use different Plugins on the Mic Input of my Audio-Interface to do some Vocoder and Harmonizing stuff which I can also program per Song/songpart.

Right now Gig Performer is the perfect Live-Host for me because it combines very quick and easy workflow with endless abilities.

I could go on writing some pages about all the cool features but I strongly recommend to anyone who is looking for a live Host to try out the Demoversion.
I also need to mention that it has a very friendly and experienced quick replying community behind which is also a great Thing.

+ Easy and intuitive to learn
+ Windows and Mac available
+ Low CPU usage
+ Seamless Sound switching
+ Very powerful (scipting)
+ great Community

- I didn't find anything yet.

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Gig Performer

Reviewed By R13 [all]
April 4th, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.6.1 on Mac

I purchased Gig Performer in August last year. I am a guitar player and had been previously using Reaper exclusively as my plugin host. Why I started looking at Gig Performer was because I wanted something I could just open and start playing, and that would give me quick access to many different setups (I was also not recording much so it didn't make sense to be using a DAW).

I have used wiring/connection UI's previously, but that was on really outdated free hosts. It really couldn't be simpler in Gig Performer: add some overdrive plugins, your amp sim (S-Gear all the way), and some post FX plugins for reverb and delay, maybe the in-built audio player for a backing track - connect them up - and you're away. If you want to create a different setup, just create a new 'rackspace' (or duplicate your original as a starting point). The other great thing about wiring views is that it is extremely easy to set up parallel FX chains or other more complex setups.

It took me a while to get used to creating 'widgets' on the front/panel view, but for me the benefit of these is the other major drawcard for Gig Performer: 'variations'. These are like presets within a preset - so within your rackspace setup, the widgets you have linked to different plugin parameters can be saved/changed per-variation. So that allows you to have variations created, for example, for 'Clean', 'Crunch', and 'Lead' tones, where the variations will: bypass or activate your overdrive plugins, or switch on the delay, or reduce the reverb mix level, or increase the amp drive and sag of your amp sim etc. These variations can be accessed directly using program change messages from your MIDI controller, or you can move up/down using global MIDI control change messages.

The other really nice feature I've been using is the ability to use the variations to send MIDI messages out to external gear. I wanted to use my analog guitar pedals with my Gig Performer setup, so I bought a midi-controllable pedal switcher. So now my variations for 'Clean', 'Crunch' and 'Lead' can also activate/deactivate my analog pedals.

There's a great setlist/song feature, which allows you to set up setlists and songs that re-use your previously created rackspaces and variations. It also manages audio tail 'spillover' nicely so you don't cut off your reverb or delay when you change rackspaces.

I've also found that Gig Performer is extremely usable with other audio apps. I have been successfully using virtual audio ports to route multiple output channels from Gig Performer to Reaper for recording, or to a looper app. I have also used virtual MIDI ports to send MIDI message from these apps back to Gig Performer to automatically change rackspaces or variations at specific positions on your transport timeline. I've also dipped my toe in using the scripting language to have greater control over Gig Performer than what is available in the standard UI.

In all, it is now my daily-driver and I'm extremely happy with my setup. It can definitely cover all bases from simple to extremely complex workflows. A great app.

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Gig Performer

Reviewed By palaires [all]
April 4th, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.6.1 on Mac

A class of its own; this is the right main "tool" to play Live, managing all my controllers on one side and plugins to a higher degree, .

shaping my sound and allowing creative freedom.

Also excels on MIDI routing, taking advantage of OSC.

Im a "happy camper" with Gig Performer first in the studio around sound design, connections, .

then at rehearsals testing, improving and finally in a Live situation focused on performing, knowing that Gig Performer stable, reliable, ground based helps.

my music making like no other piece of software.

Simply check the free trial and experience for yourself;-).

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Gig Performer

Reviewed By tonycore [all]
March 30th, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.6.1 on Mac

This will definitely sound like an ad, but I paid for the software, I get no compensation from Deskew, and I'll tout it if I want to!;-).

I began using GP a couple years ago on the recommendations of musician Trey Gunn and mastering engineer/electrical engineer Steve Turnidge (he designs circuit boards for Pigtronix, among other things) in Seattle. It was just what I was looking for - a reliable and flexible way of going completely in-the-box without sacrificing any of the quality of my sound (I am a guitarist). But now, with GP, my laptop, MidiGuitar 2, a SoftStep, some expression and switch pedals, a Guitar Wing, and a Sensel Morph (which I am using for the drum pads, also connected to GP), I can cook up any scenario I can think of and be ready as an improvisor to come up with new sounds as well. My regular guitar sounds (which can get pretty wild), guitar synth sounds - using any synth in my VI collection via MidiGuitar 2 - and drum sounds are all handled by GP and all I have to do is draw lines between them to create connections (no thinking about busses & aux tracks) and teach it some MIDI controls. (I've also experimented with using Lemur on an iPad for visual feedback so I can keep the laptop out of the way.).

And, the whole setup fits inside the bag that used to carry my VG-99, while weighing less in entirety than the FC-300 pedalboard I used to carry as well. The developers are very responsive, and there's a great online community who have helped me with questions both simple and obscure. I can't recommend it highly enough.

Tony Geballe.

(full disclosure - I was in the Trey Gunn Band, and Trey now plays in a band with one of the developers - but we didn't discover that connection until after I began using Gig Performer. It came up as an aside while the dev was helping solve a problem on a tech support call that came moments after I posted a question to their support site, and we started talking about musicians in Seattle.).

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Gig Performer

Reviewed By MikeDee [all]
March 20th, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.6.1 on Mac

Having grown frustrated with Mainstage's sluggish performance, I purchased GigPerformer [v1.? at the time...now at 3.6.1] for Mac and was impressed by its responsiveness, as well as its user interface. GP's superior memory management allows me to load a large number of Rackspaces (each of which contains one or more plugins) and select (either separately or as part of a Song) via mouse, external MIDI controller, or iDevice (using OSC)...instant playability; no lag or hiccup. GP is easy to navigate, and its performance is rock solid. Although primarily for live performance, I enjoy using it in the studio: the Rackspaces/Songs I configure for recording can be reused on stage...no problem sounding like the record...same sounds and config.

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Comments & Discussion for Deskew Technologies Gig Performer

Discussion: Active
6 March 2020 at 10:13pm

Seems suspiciously like advertising rather than actual reviews.. .

6 March 2020 at 10:25pm

Everyone who has posted a review here is a user who has PAID for Gig Performer. We asked our users (via our community forums) if they would be willing to share their experiences and several responded at the same time. We are very grateful for their feedback.

In fact, even the high-profile artists who have commented on Gig Performer are people who actually purchased it first. We made a conscious decision a long time ago to not pay people to promote Gig Performer so all user reviews are from people who have put their mouths where their money already was.

If you are not convinced, I invite you to visit our user forums and simply ask your questions there.

7 March 2020 at 8:36am

...what "Uncle Deskew" said.

I am not trying to sell anything, because i won't have any advantage of that.

The review i wrote is just my personal opinion and experience - i really do think that Gig Performer is just a very good software.
(no hidden llamas there;-)).

7 March 2020 at 4:04pm

Mr. Jameson, you know programming and performing, but perhaps are not as savvy as you'd wish KVR-wise, in regard to how even the appearance of shady marketing tactics can doom a nascent plugin developer's reputation. People aren't going to see your explanatory reply first, they're simply going to see five 5-star reviews, all within a short span of time on the same day, and conclude "Welp, that's fake nonsense", and move on with a bad taste in their mouth. You have your own forum.community, fine- but have at least a token forum presence here, if only to re-direct people.

7 March 2020 at 5:21pm

I appreciate your feedback - we can't be experts in everything.

Nevertheless, we asked users if they would share their experiences and they did so. We didn't ask them to delay what they wrote or otherwise try to manipulate the process in any way.

There are always cynics who will come to the wrong conclusion because they can't be bothered to read a little further.

If we delete those reviews or the comments (or repost them each with different dates) then a different group of cynics will decide we did something shady.

If a few people don't do their research and/or conclude erroneously that those reviews were faked, then so I guess we lose a few customers. What happened, happened! I think it's wrong to manipulate it.




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