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PSP MasterQ has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for PSP MasterQ

PSP MasterQ

Reviewed By kvrkvr [all]
February 27th, 2024
Version reviewed: 1.02 on Windows

old MasterQ v1.02 Cream Color, New v2 is Dark like the Photo, purchased from PSP store years ago... old version had dynamic Latency, when plugin is Oversampling 2x internally from 48kHz to 96kHz to 48Khz, plugin increase latency, when Not, has 0-sample latency, but CPUs in that era were Not Fast, DAWs freak out, Oversamplign needs perfect phase alignment, sometimes cannot do it, requires a Turn-Off/On. PSP decided to avoid that, next versions had Fixed latency. i prefer v1.02 vs. v1.6 vs. v2.0, PSP also changed the algorithm in v2.0, more Bits, according to .pdf manuals. MQ1 sound is very nice, my favorite EQ for x86 CPU. Mac version was PowerPC G3 G4, later intel, OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 has Rosetta to Emulate PPC on intel 2010 macs Not tested. Linux can load VST plugins with Carla, MQ2 ilok requires PC license method, No USB on Linux, MQ1 serial activation. for CPU MQ1 sound Very Analog... DX more transparent vs. VST, ffx4 from VB audio.fr can load DX in VST. EQs have 4 main Q shapes, Narrow to Wide, like GML/SSL/Neve, but... Not exactly, most EQs 0dB = +4dB in the Highs, PSP MQ 0dB = 0dB, sound darker, but has a knob to change that to all bands. i prefer MQ1 vs. many others in the same Vintage category. Linux requires to register Dx .Dll to regedit, easier VSThost or Carla for Windows when using DX plugins. There are many other EQ plugins, but 2 main categories: Digital/Clean or Analog/Vintage, some plugins have a Clean or Vintage switch, very nice feature, MQ1 lacks Clean Digital mode "2 EQs in 1", Not as touch screen friendly as others, but i like it, there is something about MQ1.02 that makes me wanna go back, also has different Limiter, Saturation, Soft & Hard clipping algorithms to stop peaks going over 0dB for mastering or recording.

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