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Arpeggiator Plugin by CodeFN42

RandARP has an average user rating of 5.00 from 4 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for RandARP


Reviewed By The_Anarchivist_00 [all]
February 23rd, 2024
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Cornerstone of my setup. It is the best thing for arping chords. Really really great. Indespensible.

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Comments & Discussion for CodeFN42 RandARP

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9 May 2019 at 9:01am

Thank you so so much for such an amazing effect. I was like oh another arp whatever but I use Chordz and its amazing so why not give it a try and Holy #&%*@ this little plugin just boosted my inspiration and fun by a million! Thank you for making such good plugins and giving them away for free. I will donate as soon as I can.

11 October 2019 at 2:46am


I am using Studio One. I am using a MIDI track as source. Is this wrong and dumb? Am I expected to use a controller only for MIDI source. I am missing something big. I also messaged your facebook.


19 May 2022 at 5:26pm

Really love this arpeggiator, but I'm running into a really frustrating bug that I'm wondering if anyone has encountered/knows how to prevent/fix.

I use it in Reaper and have not tried it with anything else. I'll have some chords playing (to arpeggiate) on a track, and then suddenly after playing through a sequence for quite a while, it will just STOP playing like it stopped generating MIDI (I can see no MIDI is being generated), and then on the next chord press a few moments later, it will resume playing. If I have different tracks with their own RandArp instances going, it even stops those other instances. It also does it if I just have one RandArp instance in my project.

I'm NOT using note probability at all (cranked up to 100% on all instances). All random knobs are set to 0%. Velocity Fixed = 100. Rate 1/8, Type: Normal, Velocity Mode: As Played.

In Reaper, on the track I just have RandArp instance, followed by a VSTi like Serum. On the track itself, I'll have a bunch of MIDI items, one after another, that are maybe 4 bars long. It might get through like 90 bars worth, then suddenly it will stop playing all RandARP instances (but the other tracks without RandARP play fine).

So more weirdness with this... let's say I just have one MIDI item at bar 41 into my track that is two bars long. It might stop playing at bar 41.5, then pick back up playing at bar 42. If I drag the MIDI ITEM around (say if I make it span from 40.5 -> 42.5), it will always be at that 41.5 -> 42 part of the bar where the ARP cuts out. I really don't understand what's happening, and this weird problem makes this plugin unusable for me unless I bounce the MIDI out and manipulate it (btw, the bounced MIDI is missing the notes too).

22 June 2022 at 3:47am

@cstooch, you need to use ghostnotes in between your gaps. It needs to be triggered by a note all the time. Fil the gaps between your chords with ghostnotes.

17 February 2023 at 10:24am

Anyone found a bank of presets for the Randarp?

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