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Plug-in Chainer / Rack by Nexoe

Comments & Discussion for Nexoe Resampler

Discussion: Active
22 March 2012 at 8:37am

I've had my eye on Nexoe's Resampler for a while now but have yet to buy it due to the rather insane price. As an alternative I've bought and have been using Extreme Sampler Converter which does 90% of the same thing. The only thing ESC doesn't do is export to Nexoe's Yase format. This can easily be circumnavigated by exporting the samples from ESC into Akai S5000 format. Then you can import into Nexoe YASE for the Fantom X or G. This works really well and costs a fraction of the price of Resampler. Plus you get more formats and a load of other functions that Resampler doesn't have. If you want a good ( perhaps better ) alternative to Resampler check out Extreme Sampler Converter. It also works very well with Yase. Still waiting for a discount to come along for Resampler but so far no go. Is anyone using it? If so please post your experiences. Thanks!

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