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The Glue

Dynamics (Compressor / Limiter) Plugin by Cytomic

The Glue has an average user rating of 5.00 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for The Glue

The Glue

Reviewed By Rabid [all]
November 13th, 2012
Version reviewed: 1.2.1 on Windows

My approach to compression and The Glue is very different than the first two reviewers. My experience with finalizing a mix is limited. My comfort zone was always with playing music and my old musician ears are losing the detail that makes me comfortable mixing. What I need is a compressor for idiots and with a light touch The Glue does that very well. On the final bus and with a light touch it does bring the mix together.

I have a few of the compressors available in the UA system. The Glue is half the price, not bound to hardware and both competes and compliments the UA compressors. It may be a bit early but right now I would call The Glue the must have compressor for any budget. It is nice that most any budget can afford it.

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The Glue

Reviewed By AudioGuy720 [all]
February 27th, 2012
Version reviewed: Vista/XP on Windows

Tried it for a half hour and bought it soon after. Considering the amount of buzz on the forums here at KVR I'm surprised there's only 1 other review for this. You know what I think it is? People want to stay hush hush about it because it's their "secret weapon".

And if it were a real weapon it'd be an atomic bomb!

The Glue is a hybrid of the buss compressor found on Solid State Logic 4000 G and 4000 E consoles. These consoles go for around $30,000+ used and eat up your electric. The G buss is famous for "gluing" tracks together, hence the name of this plug-in (to avoid legal issues).

This plug-in sounds fantastic for its original purpose...evening out peaks on the 2-bus. For this I use gentle settings but it doesn't sound to shabby when used for parallel compressing drum busses or acoustic guitars, especially with oversampling on. The wet/dry mix knob makes doing the "NYC compression trick" very easy.

What surprised me most is how affordable the plug-in is for what it can do. But that can be owed to the fact that you will likely never see The Glue advertised in major publications. The savings are passed on to us and the way people hear about this processor is word of mouth. It's worth way more than its price tag but I thank the developer for not forcing me to break the bank!

I demoed Waves G buss plugin and wasn't ecstatic about it. It tended to weigh down my master track as opposed to "glue it together". Which was a disappointment considering their SSL EQ strips were fantastic. The Glue completes the collection and couple those with Slate Digital's Virtual Console Collection and you've spent less than $1,000 to virtually get the classic sound of an SSL desk inside your DAW!

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The Glue

Reviewed By pheeleep [all]
September 16th, 2010
Version reviewed: 1.0.18 on Windows

It took me a moment to come back to my senses when I realized that no one had reviewed The Glue on KVR yet. I've only owned it for a few days and I don't know where to start. Let's keep things simple: This is the best compressor I have in my arsenal and I use quite a few very good payware and freeware compressors. The Glue is the "creme de la creme” for me. I primarily make electronic music such as Electronica, Trip Hop, Hip Hop and Lounge, and The Glue is fattening and pumping sounds in ways I can’t even begin to describe. I have a software channel compressor that comes close (it flies like a rocket), but The Glue gets the crown. The Glue does it all. I’ve tried it on individual channels (including Vocals, Acoustic guitar, Kick, Snare), I’ve tried it on a Drum sub mix. I’ve tried it on the Master, where it definitely works wonders gluing all the sounds together. The Glue is easy to use. And by that I mean you can easily hear the changes being made to the audio without having to fine tune each parameter (Many other compressors require you to do quite a bit of labor intensive tweaking before hearing noticeable results). Not so with the Glue. You are limited in your options, but in this case it’s a great thing. Each setting has it’s own character and you’re not tweaking a knob for a half an hour to find that character. It’s a great compressor for beginners, but with a professional sound. The results with The Glue are immediate. Tweak the different controls for a short amount of time and you are bound to find a sound that you like. I love the “range” knob, which can back off the compression. I really love the built in Sidechain, which allows you to compress less of the low end frequencies. It’s working wonders. I tried the external sidechain, ducking a synth line using a bass, then a kick, and got some nice results. It does seem that we are a bit limited in how far (how many db’s) we can get the sound to duck compared to other compressors, but I could be wrong. I only occasionally sidechain in this way. The PeakClip in button is awesome. You can really squash stuff without distorting. It doesn’t always produce nice results though (and you don’t always want or need to engage it anyway). I play it by ear. I’ve never used the SSL buss compressor The Glue emulates, but I have used high end hardware compressors and The Glue definitely has that hardware vibe. When I was trying the demo, I was just going Wow.. Wow.. Try it for yourself. You won’t regret it. The price is more than fair. It comes with a lot of presets but you don’t need these. I guess they can be a good starting point for someone trying to work their way around how a compressor works, but if you’re used to using them, then you really don’t need them. You’ll be dialing up great settings on your own in no time. The only problem is deciding which ones to go with because you will often end up trying different settings and liking everything that you hear. That’s a good sign.
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