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The Penultimate Trilogy

No Longer Available
The Penultimate Trilogy by The penultimate stopover is Soundware (samples or presets that load into other products).
- A host that handles ACID and/or Apple Loops formats
- A Convolution reverb unit that loads wave files
- A fast connection (6.03 GB volume to download!)
ACIDized WAV Apple Loops WAV
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CC-BY ...The only restriction of their use is determine by creative commons as such (copy/paste) : http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/uk/
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...is nothing but a compilation of the most atypical of my works as sound designer and contains:

1) A first library in Apple Loops format of inharmonic sequences mainly inspired by west-African traditional musics, tailored exclusively in complex signatures : 6/8, 9/8, 12/8.

I called it "Subsaharian Ethnotronics".

2) Another library in ACID format of harmonized soundscapes that are focused on specific types of scales : all harmonized background soundscapes without any rhythmic pulsations, ... that can be adjusted by the user into the tonality of his choice, mainly for improvisation, but potentially also arrangement and composition.

I called it "Marred Waters".

3) A Down-sampled version (16/44.1) of a library of exotic Impulse responses created from scratch, also based on specific types of scales and tonalities. ( The original version BTW has been published under DBU signature, down at this page : http://www.dangerousbear.com/dbsig.html )

I called it "Deep Spaces Light".


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Comments & Discussion for The penultimate stopover The Penultimate Trilogy

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11 November 2012 at 5:16pm

http://www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/DC2012/tpt_1.0_01.zip - is corrupt

http://www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/DC2012/tpt_1.0_02.zip - the link is broken


11 November 2012 at 5:29pm

sorry, wait till monday i'll see what i can do...

11 November 2012 at 5:35pm

hi, cool, ok

ps - http://www.anak-krakatoa.net/~downl/DC2012/tpt_1.0_21.zip - is also corrupt and cannot completely unpack

the 10, 11, and 20 unpack okay

12 November 2012 at 12:55pm

i just fixed the "1.0_0.2.zip" and checked out the ones that you showed to me as corrupted without noticing any issues after (re)downloading them

The only possible sign to encircle the problem that shines to me could be the that the compilation was made under MacOX (i'm mac-based), perhaps there's something incompatibilities with you unpacker software ?

12 November 2012 at 2:11pm

hi there, thanks, 1.0_0.2 downloaded and unpacked ok.

the zips with the errors are tpt_1.0_20.zip and tpt_1.0_21.zip both of which partially unpack,..

tpt_1.0_20 cannot unpack the contents of one folder - 'A/A others' - giving a 'the system cannot find the specified path' error for each file.

tpt_1.0_21 cannot unpack the contents of four folders - 'A#/A# others, B/B others, C/C others, and C#/C# others' - giving a 'the system cannot find the specified path' error for each file.

I use 'WinRAR' which is prob the best packer on the PC, but i also tried unpacking with 'Universal Extractor' and got similar warnings on the same folders.

hope this helps :) sarah

12 November 2012 at 6:20pm

I'm afraid the only truly reliable solution i can give you would would be to ship it on a DVD to your postal address...

...PM me if interested

13 November 2012 at 9:43am

The problem with tpt_1.0_20.zip, tpt_1.0_21.zip and tpt_1.0_22.zip are that they contain folders that are called

"A others..." "A# others..." "B others..." etc etc.

When the extracting program (WinRAR, Universal Extractor, whatever) tells the Windows filesystem to create those folders, it will not do that, because..:

On Windows, you can not have a folder name that ends with a "." or a ".." or a "..." or a "...." - etc etc.

Instead of having a folder named "A others..." you get a folder named just "A others"

So when the extracting program tries to extract the files into the "A others..." folder, Windows gives an error, saying that "There is no folder named 'A others...' here" - and the extracting program comes up with "The system cannot find the specified path" error.

To solve this, you have to rename the folder names from "A others..." into "A others" etc. and then create new versions of tpt_1.0_20.zip, tpt_1.0_21.zip and tpt_1.0_22.zip

As a temporary workaround, we who have downloaded these versions with "A others..." etc, can use 7-Zip.

(I used 7-Zip 9.20 - this is the latest stable version).

7-Zip is "smart enough" to understand that since this is a Windows system, it has to rename the "A others..." folders into "A others" and tell the Windows filesystem to create folders with these names instead, and finally extract the contents of the archive into those renamed folders.

13 November 2012 at 10:12am

When using 7-Zip 9.20, I was able to extract all 9 archives perfectly.

741 AIF files in "Subsaharian Ethnotronics" (TPT_1.0_0x)

115 WAV files in "Marred Waters" (TPT_1.0_1x)

1289 WAV files in "Deep Spaces Light" (TPT_1.0_2x)

Btw, may we expect a 4th "Subsaharian Ethnotronics" (TPT_1.0_03) with 31-50 and 61-70?

And also a 4th "Deep Spaces Light" (TPT_1.0_23) with F#, G and G#?

And - this is just a guess - maybe there also exists a 4th "Marred Waters" (TPT_1.0_13) with K-M and U-Z?

13 November 2012 at 10:39am

thanks for the info Chris. I opened the zips in WinRAR, removed the ... from the folder names and they all unpacked fine

:) sarah

13 November 2012 at 1:13pm

The "Subsaharian Ethnotronics" are divided into 90 folder, each corresponding on a same "spectrum sequence" itself rendered in the biggest number of octaves as possible, from up to down (spectrum synth room" for metasynth, for the insider)
The "Marred Waters" contains about 140 ambient loops of one minute each divided into 29 folders, each folder corresponding on a samed "image synth" ("image synth room" from metasynth, for the insider again)
the trick was to use different mono-samples of different nature, but following a same sequence or alike (determined by the image)
The "Deep Spaces" as you might figure out by now are divided on 12 folders corresponding on the 12 half-steps. just wait for the one that are lacking i hope to be finished tonight
Thanks for your patience, folks...


15 November 2013 at 4:03pm

The website seems to be gone, I am redirected to http://ww2.anak-krakatoa.net/ which is a typical parked domain link page (in better words: useless) :((.

15 November 2013 at 7:56pm

It Is défini tels., i need to built another one, please wait patiently,...please .

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