Shape audio signals in pinpoint detail with VolumeShaper's unique level manipulation toolset.
VolumeShaper is fast and easy to use but packed with power, with a drawable volume LFO on each of its three frequency bands. Work at the speed of inspiration with intuitive editing, audio/MIDI triggering, pro presets, 1-click sidechain and much more.
At the heart of VolumeShaper 6 is an LFO unlike any other. From precision multiband sidechaining and level edits to extreme gating and tempo-synced stutters, any wave shape you can imagine is just clicks away with Cableguys' easy LFO waveform editing tools. Lock LFOs to tempo with sample accuracy, or trigger in any non-4/4 rhythm with MIDI notes or even audio transients.
VolumeShaper runs in Cableguys' ShaperBox 3 effects plugin. Use it on its own, or combine it with Time, Drive, Noise, Liquid, Crush, Filter, Pan and Width Shapers for elaborate, multilayered effects.
Find out more and download the free VolumeShaper demo at the Cableguys website – try it in your tracks today.
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