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All reviews by Leonard Bowman

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Sinmad Hybrid Synthesiser

Reviewed By Leonard Bowman [all]
June 18th, 2021
Version reviewed: 0.9.8 on Windows

It's a strong synth that pushes you in different directions.

Sinmad's great strength is its diverse and unique feature set. While no individual element had me absolutely amazed, the combination of all of these different approaches to synthesis led to some very creative sound design when I used it for the One Synth Challenge.

This doesn't uproot a powerhouse like Vital or Surge in my toolbelt, but it does fill some creative niches I didn't know I needed.

If you're starting to feel like every synth you've used is the same, give Sinmad a try. It has all the comforts of a subtractive synth but it places its focus on less standard features like sync, FM, RM, and of course the burst and resonator sections.

The missing 5th star in this review acknowledges that 1) this synth is fairly new at this time and may still have a few bugs and crashes, and 2) there are other synths that I will use more often, just because they draw me towards different styles of music making.

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