Love The Sound, But...

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Ok, I just demoed your reverb, and the sound was very impressive (making me think I should pickup your reverb over the Princeton Digital), but I have one little problem with it. I can't seem to figure out how to see more than one preset at a time. I'm wondering if there's anyway to activate a dropdown menu of all the presets allowing me to jump to the one's I want to try out instead of having to click the "next" and "previous" arrows. Perhaps right clicking an unused part of the GUI, like RGC's synths do. If it's in there already, I couldn't find it, and if not, this would be huge feature request on my part as not having it really slows down workflow. I wouldn't even mind if there was a whole page on the GUI dedicated to a preset list, but right now I find the preset management entirely too tedious. BTW I'm using Sonar 4 through the latest VST adapter.

But again, I was really impressed with the variety of sounds and how well each sounded. I couldn't find a bad sound in there that wasn't supposed to be (like the resonant and car speaker presets). Very impressive sound, guys, really.
I'm sorry this post wasn't about techno.


Hi Funkybot,

if you click the yellow folder right besides the presetnamefield, a dropwdown menu will open with "Load Preset" and "Save Preset" entrys as well as a "Factory" and "User" entry.

The factorypresets can be accessed through the "Factory" entry. They are organized in several categorys. Just navigate to a category of your choice and select the preset.

The "User" entry will show your own saved presets [not in Demoversion] in your self created categorys.

Your userpresets then will also be accesible via the previous/next buttons.

Hope that answers your question...


That was exactly what I was looking for. Thanks Oliver. I think I'm not going to be able to hold out on this reverb much longer...
I'm sorry this post wasn't about techno.

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