MuLab 4.1.9

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robenestobenz wrote:Any advice on the input/output issue I mentioned? I did a totally fresh install of 4.19 to test if it was something with my installation, but I had the same problem.
Crossed posts, missed that one.

Are you on Windows or OSX?

Anyone else having similar issues with M4.1.9?


Win7 64 bit.


Hang on, don't spend any more time following this up, it might be my PC! I just had Winamp's audio act funny as well.

//Edit: Reinstalled my MOTU interface's drivers and it seems to be OK. Weird. Sorry for the false alarm.


mutools wrote: Well i further finetuned that preset.
I assume that's an even better "Basic Synth" and it's still basic enough.
You are right that it's a better Basic Synth patch, but somehow I still find it not the most usefull patch/instrument to begin with, for beginners. I'll explain why. To me personally, the "Basic Synth" patch is a basic "template" patch for the MUX, to build a synth with. The basic blocks, to build upon further in the modular environment so to speak.

If you present such a patch to complete beginners, or people who are just new to the MuLab host environment, then they will probably not instantly understand that it's a patch to build upon in the MUX. They will probably not even understand yet what is the modular environment and what it all beholds.

It took me quite some time too before I took a dive in the MUX area. :shock:

Just my point of view, no offence meant :)
No band limits, aliasing is the noise of freedom!


OK, just tried it. I see what Nielzie is saying.

If someone said "Well, it's just a basic synth", I'd be thinking something like two or three oscillators with selectable waveforms, a filter and ADSR envelope. Like Muon's CM101:

Something as minimal as Basic Synth is likely to at least confuse newcomers. It doesn't really provide any introduction to basic synthesis: it's "minimal" rather than "basic", I'd say.

However, I don't think there's a problem with having the New.Session as is - maybe just rename it to "Minimal Synth"? That in itself might encourage further investigation (and even discovery of the modular area).


I think this leads to something like the little Synthia we had before.
I'll evaluate this further when in M5 stage as there are some related technical items on the wishlist. Currently i'll keep the finetuned Basic Synth which is a better than before anyway.

Currently fixing a bug in the MuDrum MUX element.
Also working on the VST versions.


mutools wrote:I think this leads to something like the little Synthia we had before.
I'll evaluate this further when in M5 stage as there are some related technical items on the wishlist. Currently i'll keep the finetuned Basic Synth which is a better than before anyway.
Mmm, when doing something with a more dedicated editor, like Synthia, MuSynth etc, this implicitly blocks the way to the deeper MUX. (because it's good to gently protect the relation between dedicated editor and patch architecture)

So if Basic Synth would become even more worked out, then it goes away from its purpose.

So i think the Basic Synth preset should stay as is (+-) but maybe the M5 factory New.MuSession could benefit from a more nice looking synth like the MuSynth, but a simpler one, so this could be Synthia II.


Actually, with the new patch, I think it's pretty interesting. It displays many of the features that a user will learn about and then be able to carry forward as they explore the deeper areas of the tool. It does it in a friendly enough way that it doesn't overload. You can open the "Oscillator" and go "Whoah!" and close it safely if that's too much :), whereas dropping straight into the modular area could be unnecessarily confusing. It's also interesting enough to make the more adventurous think "so how does that work, then?" and poke around. The benefit over something too closed is that there's a massive reward for that "poking around"!


Yes that's 100% how i see it too :)


Crash report.

I dragged the parameter bar in the MUX into the MUX. I guess the parameter bar itself shouldn't be drag-able.


Thanks, it shouldn't be draggable into itself indeed.

Note that module editors are draggable as a proxy for the module, so you can, for example, drag a module editor onto a track.

Will fix the bug.

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