L In -> L Out, R In -> R Out ?

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Hi, so there is one fundamental thing I can't seem to get my head around..

I have a simple 2x2 audio interface and I play in an acoustic duo. I just want to be able to process our vocals separately and then hook them up separately to the Front Of House mixer when we play out live etc...

Mic 1 > Left input > Rack 1 > Left output > FoH Ch1 etc
Mic 2 > Right input > Rack 2 > Right output > FoH Ch2 etc

No matter how I play around with the routing, I can hear the dry input of the first rack when I activate the Input Connect of the second rack and viceversa...

For example, I'm testing this on my monitors at home by putting a big reverb set at 100% wet into Rack 1 (I just wanted to hear all reverb, no dry signal).. So then I set the "Audio Channels" for the reverb plugin (ticking "1-Front Left" for both the Input and Output). Then I click "Input Connect" on Rack 1 and sing into Mic 1 and hear just reverb in the left monitor, which is what I was hoping, but as soon as I also activate "Input Connect" on Rack 2 to test the other mic (which is routed to the right), I hear the dry signal of Mic 1 coming out of the left monitor over its reverb.

Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong/explain how to set up the routing properly for what seems like an easy setup?!

Any help really is much appreciated, thank you.


I JUST went through this so I understand your frustration. My findings that I posted in another thread 2 days ago:

After understanding the nature of the problem/bug/feature, several workarounds are possible.

Short answer: if using more than 1 external audio source, don't connect any master bus channel to both an audio input and an audio output. I.e. use plugins to route each source from its own input channel to a separate output channel.

Long answer: http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=283055

All you really need to do to adjust your current setup is run each audio input into a different bus channel other than "1-Front Left" and "2-Front Right", and then set the input of the first effect in each rack to those master bus channels.

The reason this is necessary is that when you enable audio input for a rack, it sends all inputs to their configured channels in each rack. There are really 2 master busses in your setup -- one for each rack -- and both of your vocal signals are being sent to both racks.

I hope that helps.


Thank you! I used a couple of the auxiliaries like you suggested and all seems to be good now! Thanks again


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