One/Solo can load .akp files !!!!!!

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From the Easter Egg sticky thrread at the top of this forum..............
Easter egg #2 - hidden file formats

There are built-in file format importers in Tachyon which are not exposed by the ONE/solo GUI. However, they're still there. By setting the drop-down file type to "*.* All Files) you can load Akai S1000/S2000/S3000/S5000/S6000 keymaps (not synth settings and with some limitations). You can also use ONE/solo to load our own DS404 format (full import, all samples and parameters!).
Just thought I'd point out that all those sample collections on arrive with a .akp file which is an akai mapping format. I've just successfully tried a bunch of sample collections and it works a treat :)

No need to faff about converting them to soundfonts and the amplitude and filter envelopes, lfos etc. can all be used to tailor the sound.

Nice feature, Dave :D


Thanks :D

The import is kind of crude but functional. At the moment, it won't work if the keymap contains overlapping zones, velocity crossfades etc. Sometimes the pitch doesn't come through quite right for a zone if the Akai programming is a bit fancy.

I've got the AMG Vince Clark "Lucky Bastard" CD here in Akai format and I can load in both the AKP sample map and then the MIDI file into ONE/solo - works rather well. Haven't tried Hollowsun, might have a go at that :)




Can it load (what most can't) from a hard-disk?

I have loads of Akai AKP and associated waves that I keep on my drive rather than on Cd - now if it can load them - that would be great.

For some reason most softsamplers don't seem to like or even see these files - let alone load them.



Yes, it can load Akai .AKP (S5000, S6000) files directly from the hard drive. CD-ROMs for these Akai samplers can also be read directly in windows so you load directly from an Akai CD if you want to.

Akai S1000, S2000, S3000 etc. use a proprietory disk format which windows can't read. You'd need to get these files (.P and .S) across to the PC first before trying to load them. I use Nexoft Samplibrowse for this kind of job (though its sort of flakey under XP, works fine in 98).

Hope this helps


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