Record engages when pressing play. Normal?

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When I hit play in Bitwig, record also engages. Is this normal behavior? It means for example that when I want to work in arranger view and audition a midi part whilst playing the arrangement, data will be recorded to the timeline.
Is there any way around this or what am I doing wrong!


brikbat wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 11:13 am Hi,
When I hit play in Bitwig, record also engages. Is this normal behavior? It means for example that when I want to work in arranger view and audition a midi part whilst playing the arrangement, data will be recorded to the timeline.
Is there any way around this or what am I doing wrong!
There's an option is Settings to start playback when record is turned on, but not the other way around.

So no, that doesn't sound normal. But I sense some confusion here, as well. You say you "want to work in Arranger" so does that mean you have stuff in Clip Launcher as well? Perhaps the focus is still there and when you hit "play" the other stuff - that's not in Arranger - plays as well? Does it actually record data to timeline (you say "will be", but does it actually?).
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Thanks for you reply mate.

Yes I have lots of parts in clip launcher, starting to drag and & drop sections into arranger. Decide to record new synth part (from new instrument) into arranger. When I hit play in this project, record engages every time. (I have indeed switched all playback/focus to arranger rather than clip launcher)

Since your reply I opened a new project to check & the behavior I describe doesn't happen, eg behavior with play/record is normal.

Is it possible I have automated the record button in transport? Any other possibilities?


Also, should have said yes it does actually record data.


Maybe you have "record on scene launch" enabled? (in the "play" menu)


Not meaning to derail the thread, but does anyone else think it would be better if "recording launcher clips to arranger" wasn't tied to the regular record button, but to a separate option instead? The way you can't record into launcher slots using the regular record button was one of the biggest sources of confusion for me when I first got into Bitwig.

I'm working around it by pinning the "Overdub playing launcher clips" to the main toolbar and effectively using that as a "Launcher record button", but it still feels wrong.


david.djx wrote: Fri Jan 08, 2021 1:21 pm Maybe you have "record on scene launch" enabled? (in the "play" menu)
Thanks, but no everything in the play menu looks as it should.


Any more help with this would be fantastic. Just to be clear, when I hit play on a scene in Clip view the transport Record and Automation Write are engaging and recording everything into the arranger.

This is only happening in the main project I am working on. Other projects the behavior is "normal".


I'm bumping this as still not solution. Only happening in one song! Any help much appreciated.


brikbat wrote: Sat Mar 20, 2021 1:40 pm I'm bumping this as still not solution. Only happening in one song! Any help much appreciated.
Best to contact Bitwig support ( )

Send them the project file so they can look at the issue.


Just in case anyone stumbles across this thread having the same issue - I was too - turned out I had inadvertently turned on punch in recording in the transport bar.


_ttc_ wrote: Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:05 pm Just in case anyone stumbles across this thread having the same issue - I was too - turned out I had inadvertently turned on punch in recording in the transport bar.
OMG thanks!

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