wider boy pro latest poofs Cubase 4

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I thought it might be a combination of different plugins, so i rebooted and loaded a plain empty cubase project.

load an audio track, load wider boy pro5, just choose one of the presets other than the default in the cubase preset list (the old style one using th up/down arrows)

and all sorts (maybe 10) stacked access violation messages appear.

try to get rid of wider boy pro from the insert slot, and cubase disappears/4so far the other v5's plugins seem ok.


I just did thorough testing, I was also able to reproduce it once when flicking through the presets FAST with clone boy, the others all seem ok for sure.

wider boy does it though the instant you change the default preset.


What's the version no. for Wider Boy Pro?


i'll have to get back to you on that when i m back home, away up north at present, sorry for delay


Ok it's version 5.00

in fact every single one of my elevayta plugins is V 5.00


I just mailed you a link for V5.02. Please try this and let me know if you have the same problem.


ok will check it out today thanks!


all fixed. clone boy still plays up now and then, so it must be the same bug. Wider Boy pro seems rock solid now. is V5.00 the latest for all? except WBP which is 5.02?


Clone Boy, Choir Boy and Convo Boy are also on 5.02. I didn't yet the updates


ok i will wait till they are out. cheers. just a quick unrelated question. with spaceboy, in my new mix, i am using 6 instances on different tracks. the first two is transmit 1 and receive 1, the third and fourth are transmit and receive 2, but the 5th and 6th say 1 again. Is this ok? i can use unlimited instances? Also, does spaceboy support offline processing?




are these 5.02's coming out any time soon?


what happened to elevayta? i just did the downloads ok but my question from 02/june re multiple instances still isn't answered


ttoz wrote:ok i will wait till they are out. cheers. just a quick unrelated question. with spaceboy, in my new mix, i am using 6 instances on different tracks. the first two is transmit 1 and receive 1, the third and fourth are transmit and receive 2, but the 5th and 6th say 1 again. Is this ok? i can use unlimited instances? Also, does spaceboy support offline processing?
Sorry, did not see this question. Maybe something to do with the topic being about Wider Boy and you are asking about Space Boy...?

To answer your question. This is not O.K. If you want to use more than 4 instances of Space Boy you need to check out this thread.



great news thanks. I am just glad you are alive and well!


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