1 note Zebra

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Here is a long audio piece made with 1 Zebra preset. I was experimenting with how much sonic variety could be had while holding a single note. This is long (18 minutes) and it is 1 held note and 2 instances of Zebra both with the same preset and lots of parameter manipulation (mostly realtime knob turning). Now that I have done it, I could double the modules in the preset and use 1 instance rather than 2... was just easier. There are a few crackles as I should have put a limiter. Since there is randomization, recording the midi would give a very different result played each time, so this is an unrepeatable piece recorded straight to audio.



Spooky! :shock:
Horror movie morphing drone.
Nice drifting flow to it.
Thanks. :)

It's strange that I can dl your mp3's today, but the other day I couldn't.
Got the spectro one too, and I like it.
Sounds like a clavinet morphing either waves or osc sfx or both.


Zebra is certainly NOT a one trick pony, is it? In fact, I've never seen a pony with black and white stripes. Better talk to Jack and Meg about that.


This is very cool, I enjoy these sort of improvisations, often do them myself.

The stuff that comes out is often very surprising.

This particular one reminds me of the atonal stuff from 2001: ASO
"The educated person is one who knows how to find out what he does not know" - George Simmel
“It's what you learn after you know it all that counts.” - John Wooden


Very nice! I love these kind of experiments! Well done! :)



lovely :) So a big part of the preset is the comb module, what other modules are in there?
Qw, music from twelve weeks in quarantine is now streaming on spotify and bandcamp. This is a collaboration with the the smallest of worlds VR art project, that documents our living spaces in times of isolation. You can join their project here.


mcnoone wrote:Spooky! :shock:
Horror movie morphing drone.
Nice drifting flow to it.
Thanks. :)

It's strange that I can dl your mp3's today, but the other day I couldn't.
Got the spectro one too, and I like it.
Sounds like a clavinet morphing either waves or osc sfx or both.
Weird you can download now... glad you like it :-)


softegg wrote:lovely :) So a big part of the preset is the comb module, what other modules are in there?
Osc, Comb, XMF filter in dual mode


Great work!!! Really weird sound and I like it 8)
Keep going... :wink:
Sound Design, Music Production


Wow pdxindy, this is great! I only had time to write the jokes yesterday, not actually listen. lol It's a real treat to hear someone pushing the limits of our beloved Zebra and showing others what its limitless potentiality is all about. The more I use Zebra, the more I love it. Something about it's whole interface just clicks with me. I hope to eventually start doing more with the vectors and real time control too. I think what you are doing will really encourage others to push Zebra's limits more too. Seeing as there are a raft of people posting Youtube Videos of them playing with just their sequencers and modules, plugging an unplyugging chords, have you thought about possibly doing a shorter piece in the saem vein as this? Just a suggestion.Thanks for posting and some new inspiration!



rockmachine wrote:Zebra is certainly NOT a one trick pony, is it? In fact, I've never seen a pony with black and white stripes. Better talk to Jack and Meg about that.
:lol: :hihi:
Now that was funny!
(I'm not being ironic today btw.)


And now, transpose the audio file down an octave or two, and enter another sound dimension.
VSTi and hardware synth sound design
3D/5D sound design since 2012


rockmachine wrote:Wow pdxindy, this is great! I only had time to write the jokes yesterday, not actually listen. lol It's a real treat to hear someone pushing the limits of our beloved Zebra and showing others what its limitless potentiality is all about. The more I use Zebra, the more I love it. Something about it's whole interface just clicks with me. I hope to eventually start doing more with the vectors and real time control too. I think what you are doing will really encourage others to push Zebra's limits more too. Seeing as there are a raft of people posting Youtube Videos of them playing with just their sequencers and modules, plugging an unplyugging chords, have you thought about possibly doing a shorter piece in the saem vein as this? Just a suggestion.Thanks for posting and some new inspiration!

Hey, glad you enjoyed it!... Something about Zebra just clicks for me as well... the interface is easy to understand, yet powerful! Zebra has a vast sound palette.

What I like in doing a piece like this in Zebra is how it is possible to make organic transitions that don't just crossfade but evolve from one sound to another in interesting ways. There are a number of synths that do soundscape stuff which have some layers playing samples and you can blend between them in complex ways. I usually still hear that there are different sample sources which fundamentally have no relationship to each other and which blend but not evolve or morph as an integrated sound source would. Synthesis is more integrated and Zebra is powerful enough to offer a wide range of sonic evolution. I think it would be hard to do this piece (or similar range of timbres) in most synths.

I'd buy an iPad if there was an app that had option of 4, 8 or 12 X/Y pads with user adjustable midi channel and per pad latch mode so I could more effectively control a couple instances of Zebra in realtime. Would be fun to do this sort of piece as a live performance. (more interesting than a video for me:-))


pdxindy wrote:

"it is possible to make organic transitions that don't just crossfade but evolve from one sound to another in interesting ways."

I couldn't agree more about its organic elements and the profound difference between the sampling/rompler things and synths like Zebra. Fading and morhing in those things seem far to "obvious" for lack of a better word. In any case, the musicality of it is much reduced. I have quite an aversion to samplers in general, even though I use them occasionally in things like Reason and my east west orchestra VST. Even then, I often prefer string patches that I come up in synths than in those things. The only other synth that I have seen out there that in any way can compare with Zebra is Camel's Alchemy, which is another monster of a synth. In case you didn't know about it, it has an x/y vector window with 8 locations in which you can store 8 snapshots. You can then morph at will amongst the snapshots and the transitions can be as smooth and as harsh as you want. Like the 4 x/y windows in Zebra- and Tera also-it is an incredible real time tool with which to make very musical transitions and manipulations. Go synths go!


I really love the evolution of sound you created here. This is very similar to the kind of thing I like to do with Zebra (as should be evident by the patch banks I've created :hihi:). This thread actually inspired me to create a Max/MSP patch that allows me to use my Kaoss Pad as 4 midi X/Y pads! I can still only control 1 X/Y pad at a time but I use the 4 buttons along the bottom of my KP3 as routing switches so I can quickly change which pad on Zebra I'm controlling. Now I'm off to see if I can add inertia to the pads!

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