How to use 2 Kontakt 5 Vsti for 32 midichannels as soundmodules in Mulab

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For composing with notescores (not pianoroll) i do need sounds and use a loopbackdriver for this to connect mulab( sounds ) and composer.
I know Mulab is versatile so i hope it can also be used for this?
Is it possible to use 2 kontakt multitinmbral vsti ..or more in MUlab?
Note: it is possible at the moment to get only 16 midichannels in Mulab..can this be extended the number of 16 midi channels to 32 ?

I looked also to the tutorial for a multi Vsti, but this is for Mulab 3
So ad a Mux slot 1 ?
This video is not clear enough and probably you need a new one for Mulab 4


Why not just use two tracks, one for each instance of Kontakt?

The plugin version of Kontakt does not support more than 16 MIDI input channels.


You mean install Kontakt 1 in rack 1 and install Kontakt 2 in rack 2 ?

In my composer i do have unlimited staves where i can assign instruments to
So a score with 32 staves seems to me enough

I must be able to assign sounds in the composer with the loopbackdriver from Mulab


janamdo wrote:For composing with notescores (not pianoroll) i do need sounds and use a loopbackdriver for this to connect mulab( sounds ) and composer.
I know Mulab is versatile so i hope it can also be used for this?
Is it possible to use 2 kontakt multitinmbral vsti ..or more in MUlab?
Note: it is possible at the moment to get only 16 midichannels in Mulab..can this be extended the number of 16 midi channels to 32 ?

I looked also to the tutorial for a multi Vsti, but this is for Mulab 3
So ad a Mux slot 1 ?
This video is not clear enough and probably you need a new one for Mulab 4
I don't understand, what you exactly try to do, but perhaps this answers a few questions:

1. You can add as many Kontakt (or other VSTi) instances as your computer can handle...
2. To use a vsti multitimbral (receiving on more than one midi channle) from the composerit's ok to insert the VSTi in a rack slot...
3. If you want to have access to the multi-outs of the vsti, you have to insert it directly into the session mux...
4. you can enable as many virtual midi ports as you have installed via the MuLab > Midi Setup menu...each can receive up to 16 channels from outside
5. to trigger a vsti multitimbral, it's the easiest way to create e.g. 16 tracks in the composer, drag n drop the same e.g. Kontakt instance on these 16 tracks and set each track to a different midi kontakt create 16 instruments and set their midi channels from 1-16 too...

For further help, I need to understand, what you try to achieve...


One MIDI Port can only ever carry 16 MIDI channels. There is no way around that. If you need more than 16 MIDI Channels, you need more than one MIDI Port. Beyond that, Trancit has covered everything you need, I think.

--edit: Oh, yes, Trancit did say this. :oops:
Last edited by pljones on Thu Apr 19, 2012 8:13 am, edited 1 time in total.


Trancit wrote: 1. You can add as many Kontakt (or other VSTi) instances as your computer can handle...
2. To use a vsti multitimbral (receiving on more than one midi channle) from the composerit's ok to insert the VSTi in a rack slot...
3. If you want to have access to the multi-outs of the vsti, you have to insert it directly into the session mux...
I try to follow the logic of the videotutorial..and do the same for the 2 racks filled with a Kontakt Vsti
How will this the session mux
Trancit wrote: 4. you can enable as many virtual midi ports as you have installed via the MuLab > Midi Setup menu...each can receive up to 16 channels from outside
5. to trigger a vsti multitimbral, it's the easiest way to create e.g. 16 tracks in the composer, drag n drop the same e.g. Kontakt instance on these 16 tracks and set each track to a different midi kontakt create 16 instruments and set their midi channels from 1-16 too...
So i can than use 2 loopbackports for 32 midi channels..than
Rack1 has loopbackport 1 and rack2 has loopbackport 2
The composer software must than also using 2 loopback ports..i think
Trancit wrote: For further help, I need to understand, what you try to achieve...
I do want Mulab use here as a soundmodule, where i can use 32 sounds in my composer software ( assign sounds to staves ), by connecting Mulab with a loopbackdriver to the composer ..that is the idea
As i undertsnad it now the key is to use more than one loopbackdriver port.


Why do you need that loopback driver port?


mutools wrote:Why do you need that loopback driver port?
janamdo wrote:...,where i can use 32 sounds in my composer software ( assign sounds to staves )...
He don't speak about the MuLab composer but from another Composer software...


Ah, yes now i remember.

And isn't that other composing software supporting vst plugs?


No... that's more the case with some composingsoftware i do have..they don't support VSti internal in their programs.. so i am forced to use a loopbackdriver

For instance i use Harmony navigator and using Mulab as soundmodule should be better
Last edited by janamdo on Thu Apr 19, 2012 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.


I'm waiting anxiently for a MIDI recording module in M4 hopefully it won't be too long :hyper:
No band limits, aliasing is the noise of freedom!


janamdo wrote:No... that's more the case with some composingsoftware i do have..they don't support VSti internal in their programs.. so i am forced to use a loopbackdriver

For instance i use Harmony navigator and using Mulab as soundmodule should be better
Pfew, not an easy setup. Now to answer your initial question: With this setup it's not possible to go beyond 16 channels.

What you could do is start using keyboard splits so that on a single channel you can have more than 1 sound, eg lowest 3 octaves = sound 1, mid 4 octaves = sound 2, highest 3 octaves = sound 3.


Kontakt 5 has a good improvement that is the ability to have 4 midi pages (4 ports) with 16 channels each.
However when I want to choose the port "B" I see:

1) omni
2) Port A (from host)
3) Port B (not available)
3) Port C (not available)
3) Port D (not available)

How can I make Port B to D available in Kontat 5 using Mulab 4?

So it is not possible to have 2 instances of Kontakt5 in Mulab 4 on port A and port B?

I repeat the question again, because Trancit sees a solution?


In the setup you're using i.e. using a loopback driver to send MIDI over 16 channels to mulab, and then using MuLab's "Edit MIDI Input Focuses" (i assume that's what you're using right?) to connect the incoming MIDI channels to modules in your session, in this setup it's not possible to use more than 16 channels.


janamdo wrote:Kontakt 5 has a good improvement that is the ability to have 4 midi pages (4 ports) with 16 channels each.
However when I want to choose the port "B" I see:

1) omni
2) Port A (from host)
3) Port B (not available)
3) Port C (not available)
3) Port D (not available)
It's been like that since Kontakt 2... So it's not exactly an "improvement". The VST plugin version supports receiving ONLY from Port A. This cannot be changed in VST2 standard. So, you simply need to load two or more Kontakt instances to utilize more MIDI channels (each of those will still receive from Port A (from host)).
Last edited by EvilDragon on Thu Apr 19, 2012 10:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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