Why is the demo so limited?

Official support for: bitwig.com


Studio One and Ableton Live both have 30 days full trial and yet bitwig have the save and export disabled. At least with reason you can save your song and re-open once you buy the license.

Expensive and very limited demo. At least if the intro price is cheap, people can impulse buy once they try the limited demo. :?


i better go with an unlimited demo period, instead of 30 days with saving+exporting.
so i can checkout everything until i decide to buy it.


Peronally I hate time-limited trials. But being able to save but not load would have been a good compromise.


save-enabled but load-disabled demo... good idea!
does any other software use this, or did you come up with the idea just now?


+1 on the unlimited demo. There are many times Ive installed a demo with good intentions of demoing it, then life gets in the way and a month later you realize your demo is expired and your SOL. Even without saving it lets me jump in and mess with bits and pieces that I havent touched yet as I get to them


Propellerhead Reason demo ,saves but cannot load a project.
EDIT: Cockos Reaper also is a fully unlimited demo with saving and loading enabled.The main reason I finally bought it.
Last edited by korakios on Wed Mar 26, 2014 3:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.


This is a bit of an issue for me too. I generally test out hosts using a midi file with 14 tracks. So unless I am willing to load that file and groom each track everytime I take BWS for a spin I am out of luck. Maybe this will change in the future.


Limiting the demo is the best way to prevent it from being warzed. i.e. the "Save" code is probably compiled out of the final demo version, so there is no danger of the crackers hacking it back in because the code just doesn't exist.
... space is the place ...


But its not compiled out, the demo version is the full unlockable version. I agree though, not sure why devs dont do more separate demo builds with some #ifdef DEMO_DISABLE's sprinkled about


ezelkow1 wrote:+1 on the unlimited demo. There are many times Ive installed a demo with good intentions of demoing it, then life gets in the way and a month later you realize your demo is expired and your SOL. Even without saving it lets me jump in and mess with bits and pieces that I havent touched yet as I get to them
FL studio does this. We were just talking about that in the bitwig thread a while ago. Coincidence?


Live has unlimited demo without save and export, and the real demo with full functionality for 30 days, which seems the most logical way to do it.

I wanted to try to make a full track in Bitwig to give it a run, but it seems it will be a waste of time since I wont be able to progress.
Last edited by rod_zero on Wed Mar 26, 2014 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
dedication to flying


ZenPunkHippy wrote:Limiting the demo is the best way to prevent it from being warzed. i.e. the "Save" code is probably compiled out of the final demo version, so there is no danger of the crackers hacking it back in because the code just doesn't exist.
no the save code is still there, you just need to authorize BWS and then its enabled the same for the export feature. that way you dont have to provide 2 versions like ableton did with v9.

we can be happy that they give out BWS w/o a dongle and provide a demo after all!
ive seen companies doing more worse compromises when giving the people a change for a test-ride.


I wish the demo noise wasn't there... it is grating and does not invite exploration of a complex software.


pdxindy wrote:I wish the demo noise wasn't there... it is grating and does not invite exploration of a complex software.
That's a shame. This along with the inability to save your project doesn't exactly leave the best impression. DAWs are complex and take time to explore. If you spend 4 hours building up a test track to get a feel for all of Bitwig's features, but then can't save your work, that's pretty discouraging. Reason has one of the best demos I've ever used and was actually instrumental to me upgrading. As I started building up more and more songs ideas, I eventually upgraded so I could keep working on them. :)


pdxindy wrote:I wish the demo noise wasn't there... it is grating and does not invite exploration of a complex software.
which demo noise? when comes it around? i was play with BWS for 10-15 mins and no demo noise here. :ud:

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