Falcon Singles - just released: Metal Percussion

Official support for: patchpool.de


Just released:


Metal Percussion is a collection of unusual percussive sounds build upon samples of found metal objects and rare instruments. Besides patches with multi-sampled instruments this library combines many of Falcon's synthesis methods in order to create interesting and unconventional electronic sounds, soundscapes, drones, pads, sequencer patches and granular textures often using the new oscillators and effects introduced in Falcon 3.0.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches are assigned in each patch, many also use the modulation wheel, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, time-stretching, granular parameters, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

Sampled instruments:
  • Barrel Drums.
    200 liter oil barrel, multi-sampled hits at different spots of the barrel, played with all kinds of sticks, mallets and other things, also hitting a cymbal lying on top of the barrel - some electronic derivatives and 2 synced loops are also available.
    *Kitchen Percussion.
    Multi-sampled kitchen objects sampled with up to 8x round robin and 7 velocity layers: two cooking pots (one of them filled with water) played with various sticks, spoons and mallets, a milk foamer, a salad spinner, cutlery and a knife sharpener.
    * Container Drums.
    Various waste, recycling, storage and charity containers of different sizes and materials, mostly multi-sampled with round robin, many of the samples are pre-processed.
    *Water Pan, Spring Drum, Thunder Sheet - multisampled with up to 6 velocity layers and 8x round robin, some electronic derivatives and tempo-synced loops.
    * Various found metal objects and a large Tamtam (ø 150 cm), also sampled in the field with a field recorder.
    * Electronic derivatives of the above samples and wave-tables extracted from them.
About 30% of the samples and all wave-tables were produced for this library, all other samples were borrowed from my sound library Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent - distributed exclusively by Steinberg.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • * 784.4 MB of samples (383 wavs/stereo/48 kHz/24 Bit), 11 wavetables, 11 background images for the interface. Most acoustic samples (except for the field recordings) were recorded in L-C-R with phase-aligned microphone signals.
    *Up to 7 velocity layers and 10x round robin.
    *57 patches.
    *Library size in total: 818.4 MB unzipped.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download
    *Price: € 35 EUR
    *Requires the full version of Falcon version 3.01 or higher, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.
The demos below were produced using only patches from Metal Percussion, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... gles-metal

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... FBhVdDH3RO

Thanks for reading
Simon Stockhausen

Frame Drums & Friends is a unique percussion library containing multi-sampled frame-drums, ocean drums and a special gong drum from Pakistan sampled especially for this collection. Besides a broad array of percussive and textural drum sounds with different articulations, this collection also contains bass sounds, soundscapes, tempo-synced loops in various time signatures, experimental noises, drones and synth patches derived from re-synthesized and wave-tabled drum samples. Quite a few patches also layer frame-drum samples or their derivatives with Falcon's internal synth and granular oscillators. Some gong samples and field recordings of ocean waves complete this collection.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches are assigned in each patch, many also use the modulation wheel and sometimes aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, time-stretching, granular parameters, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

About 50% of the samples were produced for this library, the other half was borrowed from my sound library Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent - distributed exclusively by Steinberg - and other patchpool libraries.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • Samples from 5 different frame-drums and 2 ocean drums, electronic soundscapes derived thereof, field recordings and gong samples.
    Up to 7 velocity layers and 10x round robin.
    68 patches.
    1.29 GB of samples (363 wavs/stereo/48 kHz, 24 Bit),
    6 wave-tables and 5 background images.
    Library size in total: 1.31 GB unzipped.
    Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    Delivery: download (zip 1.18 GB)
    Price: € 35 EUR
    Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.

Product page

The demos and videos below were produced using only patches from Frame Drums & Friends, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... framedrums

Youtube playlist_
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cd7lDUk ... uRJ8yTUEJd



Crotales are rare orchestral percussion instruments not often used in classical music, the instrument sampled for this library ranging from C5 – C7 (C3 – C5 in classical terms). Tuned chromatically its distinct and very bright bell-like sound cuts through even at low velocities. For this soundset the instrument was multi-sampled with 2 articulations, bowed (violin bow) and beaten (special mallets with a metallic tip). There are also tempo-synced loops, improvised textures and tremolos, these samples were then used as a starting point for producing tonal soundscapes, musical beds and more experimental sound textures, often involving Falcon’s multi-granular oscillator and combining it with FM, pluck, wave-table and analog synth oscillators.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches are installed in each patch, some patches also use aftertouch, providing detailed and creative control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, dynamics, stereo animation, layer leveling and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

The included samples were mostly borrowed from my sound libraries Aureus Ventus for HALion and Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent (distributed exclusively by Steinberg), users holding a license to Aureus Ventus can purchase Falcon Singles - Crotales at a 40% discount.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • * 23 patches (including 1 variation).
    *936.2 MB of samples (stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 3 wavetables, and 2 background images for the interface. Library size in total: 943.3 MB unzipped.
    *Library size in total: 943.3 MB unzipped.
    * Delivery: Download (zip 791.1 MB).
    * The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    * Requires the full version of Falcon 2.5.3 or higher, does not work with the UVI player.
    *Price: € 22 EUR (40% discount for license holders of Aureus Ventus = € 13.20)
The demos below were produced using only patches from Singing Bowls & Friends, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... s-crotales

Youtube playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2aATMd ... 4mTPSmVXo2


Multi-sampled singing bowls of various sizes, crystal and glass bowls, meditative/cinematic soundscapes, pads and synthesizer patches derived from processed and wave-tabled bowl sounds.

At the core of this library there are 7 multi-sampled singing bowls, beaten, rubbed and bowed with a cello bow. In addition there is a multi-sampled crystal bowl, a glass bowl and a ceramic bowl played with various beaters. Up to 2 minute long samples with electronically processed and re-synthesized bowl sounds and some wavetables derived from singing bowls complete the collection.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many patches also use aftertouch, providing detailed and creative control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, dynamics, stereo animation, layer leveling and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

About 50% of the sample content was borrowed from my sound library Colliding Worlds for Groove Agent (distributed exclusively by Steinberg) and other patchpool libraries, the other half was produced especially produced for Singing Bowls & Friends.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

Product page

  • * 42 patches.
    *920.5 MB of samples (146 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 8 wavetables, 1 impulse response and 4 background images for the interface.
    *Library size in total: 949.2 MB unzipped.
    * Delivery: download (839.3 MB)
    * The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    * Requires the full version of Falcon 2.5.3 or higher, does not work with the UVI player.
    *Price: € 26 EUR

The demos below were produced using only patches from Singing Bowls & Friends, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ging-bowls

Youtube playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6Kbv4Z ... f1&index=1


Falcon Singles - Ambient Piano
An ambient take on the piano instrument using samples played on various grand and standup pianos, also inside the instrument, plucking and treating the strings with various tools and playing flageolets and muted sounds. Ethereal piano clouds and tonal soundscapes meet vibrant pads and spectral sounds, warm embracing tones clash with bizarre sound effects and

Many patches use the multi-granular engine, sometimes layered with wave-table sounds and analog or additive synth tones. Samples are also used to excite the physical modeled pluck oscillator, effect modules introduced in Falcon 2.0 are often involved.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches are assigned in each patch, many presets also use the modulation wheel and aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, granular parameters and more. All patches use a background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

About 50% of the sample content was borrowed from other patchpool libraries, the other half was produced especially produced for Ambient Piano.

Current specs:
  • *33 patches including some variations.
    *853.1 MB of samples, 81 wavs - up to 2+ min long (stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 6 wavetables, 1 impulse response and 1 background image for the UI.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 862.5 MB (808.2 download)
    *Price: € 23 EUR
    *Requires the full version of Falcon 2.03 or higher, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ient-piano

Epic Melancholy

Flageolets XFade C-String

Tinkle Scape

Granular Piano Scape

Release no. 11:


Falcon Scapes Vol3 focusses on long evolving soundscapes and drones, musical beds, wavetable-based pads, sound effects and other electronic sounds. Many of the soundscape samples are several minutes long, often with a distinct tonality, some explore the more experimental, darker side of things. Often granular textures and sample maps are layered with Falcon's internal sound generators creating dense and fascinating sounds usable for a wide variety of genres. Quite a few patches make use of the new features introduced in Falcon version 1.5 (wavetable FM and frequency shifter FX).

Many of these presets are running in split mode and/or layer sound textures via key-switches. Up to 25+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, effects and more. Often complex tempo-synced modulation assignments are programmed so that these patches can provide interesting rhythmical animations. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *62 patches (including one variation) combining most synthesis forms available in Falcon.
    *3.72 GB of samples (116 wavs/stereo/48 kHz/24 Bit), 14 background images for the UI and wavetable re-synthesis, 5 impulse responses, 11 wavetables.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples, wavetables and single cycle waveforms can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Library size in total: 3.74 GB
    *Delivery: download (RAR archive in 4 parts for better download handling, download size 2.75 GB).
    *Price: € 42 EUR
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Patch categories:
  • *Drones - Pads (15)
    *Musical Beds (6)
    *Sequencer (3)
    *Sound FX (4)
    *Soundscapes (34 including one variation)
Product page

The demos below were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Falcon Scapes Vol3, no post-processing was applied apart from an occasional limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... n-scapes-2

Video playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Rl8mY ... J3WUWHW_cm

Release no. 10:


This library contains multi-sampled water bell samples borrowed from my sound library Resurrection for Alchemy 2, various different sized Nepalese bells dipped into a bathtub after the initial accent, sampled with up to 8x round robin. A singing bowl also dipped into the water after hitting it with a wooden beater, various processed waterbell textures and ambient soundscapes derived from those bell samples, two wavetable patches using wavetables extracted from the samples and a few original soundscape samples produced for this library.

Up to 25+ Macros and switches are assigned in each patch, most presets make use of the modulation wheel, many patches also use aftertouch and modulation via velocity, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, dynamics, EQ, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI.

All water bell samples were produced at a resolution of 48Khz/24 Bit/stereo/wav - recorded in L-C-R with 3 Neumann microphones, all signals are phase-aligned.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *290.1 MB of samples (47 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 5 background images for the UI, 2 impulse responses for the convolution reverb, 2 wavetables.
    *19 patches combining many synthesis forms available in Falcon.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *Library size in total: 301.3 MB
    *Delivery: download (zip).
    *Price: € 18.50 EUR (50% discount for license holders of Resurrection for Alchemy 2).
Product page.


The demos below were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Water Bells, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ater-bells

Video playlist (to be extended):

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USX_Pev ... UWxHCtt2rz


Release no. 9:


Falcon Singles - HANG

Multi-sampled HANG percussion, deeply sampled with plenty of articulations, textures and electronic derivatives. The nine pitches of the Hang were sampled at 5 velocity layers and 6x round robin, two articulations were sampled (mallet/hand), also the backside of the Hang was captured, producing some remarkable sub-bass tones. Dynamic tremolos for each pitch (hand/fingers/mallet) were also recorded, dozens of little rubber balls were inserted into the instrument creating sublime pentatonic textures, wavetables were extracted from Hang samples, textural Hang sounds were re-synthesized and processed with a plethora of sonic tools to compose a unique collection of mellow, beautiful, mysterious, haunting and new-age sounds. The original tuning of the Hang was preserved in many patches, in quite a few presets there is a Macro installed which will tune the samples to the traditional tempered tuning.

Up to 25 Macros and switches are assigned in each patch, most presets make use of the modulation wheel, many patches also use aftertouch and modulation via velocity, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, dynamics, EQ, stereo animation and more. 
All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

All Hang samples were produced at a resolution of wav 48Khz/24 Bit/stereo - recorded in L-C-R with 3 Neumann microphones, all signals are phase-aligned.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

As some of these samples are borrowed from my HALion 5 library Aureus Ventus, license holders of AV get a 20% discount on this library, a dedicated paypal button has been installed on the product page.

  • *1.27 GB of samples (627 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 7 background images for the UI, 4 wavetables.
    *41 patches.
    *Library size in total: 1.29 GB.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download (compressed RAR-archive)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
    *Price: € 46 EUR
Patch Categories
  • * Hang Instruments (15)
    * Loops (3)
    * Pads - Drones (7)
    * Synth - Bass (4)
    * Textures (12)
Product page.

The demos were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Hang, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ngles-hang

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrOSuKe ... x7Itx9JSrn


Release no. 8:


Falcon Scapes Vol2 contains a wealth of soundscapes, multi-sampled and synthesized pads, icy, abyssal and ominous drones, minimal and edgy sequences, impacts and stabs, beautiful cinematic textures, wondrous and haunting tones and some extraordinary dry and processed samples of sound sculptures made of huge springs, tubes and pipes. Processed vocal sounds and some ethereal choir textures perfect this library to the max.

Often granular textures and sample maps are layered with Falcon's internal sound generators creating dense and fascinating sounds usable for a wide variety of genres. Quite a few samples were borrowed from the patchpool Iris subscription-library, all other samples were created exclusively for this library.

Many presets make use of Falcon’s multi-granular and sampling engine and there are also patches included using the wavetable, FM, pluck and analog oscillators. Many of these presets are running in split mode and/or layer sound textures via key-switches. Up to 25 Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, effects and more.
Often complex tempo-synced modulation assignments are programmed so that these patches can provide interesting rhythmical animations. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *53 patches.
    *1.67 GB of samples (115 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 12 background images for the UI and wavetable re-synthesis, 8 single cycle waveforms, 2 wavetables.
    *Library size in total: 1.72 GB
    *Content is not encrypted, samples, wavetables and single cycle waveforms can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download (compressed RAR-archive in 2 parts)
    *Price: € 35 EUR (40% off for active Iris subscribers in 2016 and following)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.

The demos were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Falcon Scapes Vol.2, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output. Video demos are coming soon.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... n-scapes-1

Here are some demo videos for Scapes Vol. 2:



Release no. 7:


Multi-sampled acoustic steel string guitar played with an e-bow, a much expanded and falconized version of the acoustic guitar sounds in Sonic Cinema for HALion 5. New samples were added, wavetables extracted and patched, electronic derivates and soundscapes were produced and some processed e-bowed mandolin sounds were created to compose a unique collection of sounds.

Many patches use the multi-granular engine, then there are patches using multi-samples over the entire instrument range, several animated wavetable pads/drones and sounds using the samples to excite the pluck oscillator are also included. Expressively playable instruments create sizzling timbres with rich harmonics that sometimes remind of indian instruments like the sitar and santoor, some patches sound big and cinematic, others produce mellow and embracing tones.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many presets also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, granular parameters and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *20 patches.
    *463 MB of samples, 45 wavs - up to 2+ min long (stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 4 wavetables, 2 background images for the UI.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *All acoustic instrument-samples in this library were recorded with 3 Neumann microphones in L-C-R, a U87 as the center mic and a stereo set of KM 184 for L-R.
    *Delivery: download (zip)
    *Library size in total: 470.6 MB
    *Price: € 18.50 (30% off for license holders of Sonic Cinema)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.

The demos were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Acoustic E-Bow, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... on-singles




Thank's for reading
Simon Stockhausen

Release no. 6:


Multi-sampled glockenspiel, a much expanded version of the glockenspiel found in my sound library Aureus Ventus for HALion 5. More pitches were sampled for this release, making it a total of 19 pitches sampled between G4 - C7 (all “white“ keys +C#5), sampled at 3 velocity layers, the lower 2 played with hard plastic mallets, the highest velocity played with metallic mallets for some extra PING. Also more electronic samples and some wavetables were produced, all derived from glockenspiel sounds and phrases in order to create beautiful, ethereal and haunting glockenspiel soundscapes, drones, textures, plucks, an animated wavetable pad and a multi-sampled spectral pad.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many patches also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *13 patches
    *603.5 MB of samples (204 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit/phase-aligned), 3 wavetables, 4 background images for the UI.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download (compressed RAR)
    *Library size in total: 607.4 MB
    *Price: € 20 EUR (25% off for Aureus Ventus license holders)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.

The demos below were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Glockenspiel, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ockenspiel

Video - patch walkthrough:


5th release from the Falcon Singles series - Falcon Scapes Vol.1


This collection assembles a small sonic universe, combining cinematic, mysterious, wondrous, abstract and ethereal soundscapes - up to 2+ minutes in length - with lush and haunting vocal pad sounds and one-finger-beauties, dark and futuristic drones and some animated sequences with electronic bass, drum and arp sounds using Falcon’s analog and FM oscillators. The samples involved were derived from a broad range of acoustic instruments, electronic sources and field recordings, often using techniques of spectral and additive re-synthesis and/or audio morphing. A bunch of samples was borrowed from the patchpool Iris subscription-library, all other samples were created exclusively for this library.

Many presets make use of Falcon’s multi-granular engine and there is also a wavetable synth included. Quite a few presets are running in split mode and/or layer sound textures via key-switches. Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, effects and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *24 patches
    *780 MB of samples (53 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit) 5 background images for the UI and wavetable re-synthesis.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 783.4 MB
    *Price: € 18.50 EUR (25% off for active Iris subscribers in 2016 and following)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.

The demos below were produced using only patches from Falcon Singles - Falcon Scapes Vol.1, no post-processing was applied apart from a limiter on the master output.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... con-scapes






4th release from the Falcon Singles series - Bass Flute - a falconized excerpt from my HALion 5 library Aureus Ventus:


Falcon Singles - Bass Flute is an expanded and falconized excerpt from Aureus Ventus for HALion 5. Multi-sampled bass flute dynamics, overtone beauty, mysterious soundscapes, audio-morphed and re-synthesized sounds, dark drones, granular phrases, pads, an organ flute, a key slap bass and some glass chimes. For the main acoustic instrument 14 pitches were sampled with vibrato, 6-7 notes per octave between B1 - C4 with creshendo, decreshendo - sampled with 2x round robin.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

  • *11 patches
    *359 MB of samples (78 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit/phase-aligned), 2 wavetables, 4 background images for the UI.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 366.3 MB
    *Price: € 16 EUR (50% off for Aureus Ventus license holders)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
Product page.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... bass-flute



3rd release

Falcon Singles - Celtic Harp

Multi-sampled Celtic harp, originally sampled for my MachFive 3-library Scattered Entity, falconized, expanded, improved and re-worked for Falcon in January 2016, also making use of the new synthesis forms introduced in Falcon like the multi-granular engine, the wavetable and physical modeling synths and adding many more Macro controls. Two patches have scripted interfaces, the scripting was executed by Iain Morland.

This library provides various Celtic harp articulations like single accents with 3 velocity layers - 4x round robin, up/down glissandos in various modes (major/minor harmonic/minor melodic/dorian), bisbigliandos (tremolos) and plenty of electronic derivatives, re-synthesized harp sounds and two bell samples. So besides the acoustic harp patches you will find some beautiful and mysterious soundscapes, warm pads, edgy plucks, a grungy bass and a groovy sequencer sound.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, granular parameters and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *20 patches
    *995.1 MB of samples (364 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 2 harp-wavetables, 3 background images for the UI.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download (compressed RAR 587.8 MB)
    *Library size in total: 1.01 GB
    *Price: € 29 EUR (50% off for license holders of Kontakt Celtic Harp)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... on-singles

Patch walkthrough video:


Product page.


2nd release:

Here comes the release info for the second single from Falcon Singles, the Stick Cello, originally sampled for my Alchemy 2 library Resurrection plus some new samples produced for this release:


Falcon Singles - Stick Cello

Multi-sampled stick cello, originally sampled for my Alchemy library Resurrection for Alchemy 2, some new electronic samples derived from the cello were added for this Falcon release. The single accents were sampled on 10 pitches across the entire cello range at 5 velocity layers - 3x round robin, the tremolos were sampled at 3 pitches on open strings (A1/A2/A3), playing the highest notes on a violin. Two tonal, granular soundscapes, a tremolo patch with time-stretching and a model synth are also included in this collection.

Up to 20 Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, some also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use background images in the UI.

All acoustic samples in this library were recorded with 3 top notch microphones (Neumann) in L-C-R in 48 Khz/24 Bit, the microphone signals of all acoustic samples were phase-aligned which improves the stereo picture, enhances the transparency of the sound and makes for snappier transients.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *6 patches combining sampling, granular synthesis and physical modeling.
    *374.5 MB of samples (171 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit/phase-aligned), 2 background images for the UI.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 377.5 MB
    *Price (paypal): € 15 EUR (50% off for Resurrection license holders = € 7.50 EUR)
https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... tick-cello

Patch walkthrough video:


Product page.


1st release:

I just launched a new collection of single instruments and smaller libraries for UVI's Falcon. The first libray available now is Falcon Singles - Oud, originally sample for my Alchemy library Aqualignum, also containing new hybrid sounds which make use of Falcon's wavetable and pluck synth.


Falcon Singles - Oud

Multi-sampled oud, originally sampled for my Alchemy library Aqualignum, providing various articulations like single accents with 5 velocity layers - 3x round robin, up/down slides with 2x round robin and sample start control, vibrato notes with 3x round robin, tremolos, trills, repetitions, bowed strings, some granular patches, processed FX sounds, pads and bass sounds using wavetables extracted from oud samples and pluck synths using oud samples to excite the resonators.

Up to 20 Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *18 patches
    *794.4 MB of samples (218 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit/phase-aligned), 4 wavetables, 5 background images for the UI.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 806 MB
    *Price (paypal): € 21 EUR (50% off for Aqualignum license holders = € 10.50 EUR)
https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... ingles-oud

Patch walkthrough video:


Product page.


The 8dio Qanun has been on my to buy list for several months now, but each time something happens, like now this Oud. Playable in Falcon.
You condemn me to bread, cheese and water, but how could I possibly resist this beauty?
Windows 7, Cubase 9.5 and some extra plug-ins | Takamine EN-10C and PRS Mira


ErikH wrote:The 8dio Qanun has been on my to buy list for several months now, but each time something happens, like now this Oud. Playable in Falcon.
You condemn me to bread, cheese and water, but how could I possibly resist this beauty?
Thank you, Erik - which brings to my mind that I should eat something, with all this sonic mayhem around me I keep forgetting...


Here comes the demo for the next single-library, which is Stick Cello. This demo uses a granular soundscape, the main instrument is a multi-sampled stick cello (cello played with a drumstick), more details over the weekend.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... tick-cello


Here comes the main demo for the Falcon Singles - Stick Cello, I'll release it later today after working on it through the night, just have to make a quick walkthrough video after getting some sleep now.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... tick-cello


Here comes the release info for the second single from Falcon Singles, the Stick Cello, originally sampled for my Alchemy 2 library Resurrection plus some new samples produced for this release:


Falcon Singles - Stick Cello

Multi-sampled stick cello, originally sampled for my Alchemy library Resurrection for Alchemy 2, some new electronic samples derived from the cello were added for this Falcon release. The single accents were sampled on 10 pitches across the entire cello range at 5 velocity layers - 3x round robin, the tremolos were sampled at 3 pitches on open strings (A1/A2/A3), playing the highest notes on a violin. Two tonal, granular soundscapes, a tremolo patch with time-stretching and a model synth are also included in this collection.

Up to 20 Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, some also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation and more. All patches use background images in the UI.

All acoustic samples in this library were recorded with 3 top notch microphones (Neumann) in L-C-R in 48 Khz/24 Bit, the microphone signals of all acoustic samples were phase-aligned which improves the stereo picture, enhances the transparency of the sound and makes for snappier transients.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *6 patches combining sampling, granular synthesis and physical modeling.
    *374.5 MB of samples (171 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit/phase-aligned), 2 background images for the UI.
    *The content is not encrypted, so you can use the samples and wavetables in other samplers and synths or directly in your DAW.
    *Delivery: download
    *Library size in total: 377.5 MB
    *Price (paypal): € 15 EUR (50% off for Resurrection license holders = € 7.50 EUR)
https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... tick-cello

Patch walkthrough video:


Product page.

Thank's for reading, many more Falcon singles are in the pipe.
Simon Stockhausen


Here is a first demo for the next Falcon Single-library, the Celtic harp, an updated, expanded, revisited, much improved excerpt from Scattered Entity Vol. 1 for Falcon/MachFive. This will be a free update for all license holders of Scattered Entity. I also made some new samples and patches with processed and re-synthesized harp samples and some wavetable and physical modeling sounds making use of the new synthesis forms available in Falcon.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... eltic-harp


And here comes a more urban groove thing featuring 3 patches from Celtic Harp, all these sounds are made with/derived from harp samples/sounds - 100% Falcon:

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... eltic-harp


Three patches in a little 6/8-vamp, one being a harp synth layering the multisampled harp with an FM synth, one wavetable synth using a wavetable extracted from a harp accent (with a key-switch for selecting a second wavetable), and a harp bell patch layering a granular harp with a ship bell.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... eltic-harp


Demo with three granular patches from Falcon Singles - Celtic Harp, all sounds are derived from /made with Celtic harp samples.

https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... eltic-harp


Here comes the 3rd release for the Falcon Singles series - Celtic Harp - a falconized excerpt from my MachFive 3/Falcon library Scattered Entity.


Falcon Singles - Celtic Harp

Multi-sampled Celtic harp, originally sampled for my MachFive 3-library Scattered Entity, falconized, expanded, improved and re-worked for Falcon in January 2016, also making use of the new synthesis forms introduced in Falcon like the multi-granular engine, the wavetable and physical modeling synths and adding many more Macro controls. Two patches have scripted interfaces, the scripting was executed by Iain Morland.

This library provides various Celtic harp articulations like single accents with 3 velocity layers - 4x round robin, up/down glissandos in various modes (major/minor harmonic/minor melodic/dorian), bisbigliandos (tremolos) and plenty of electronic derivatives, re-synthesized harp sounds and two bell samples. So besides the acoustic harp patches you will find some beautiful and mysterious soundscapes, warm pads, edgy plucks, a grungy bass and a groovy sequencer sound.

Up to 20+ Macros and switches plus the modulation wheel are assigned in each patch, many also use aftertouch, providing detailed control over volume envelopes, filtering, amplitude- and pitch modulations, EQ-ing, dynamics, stereo animation, granular parameters and more. All patches use some sort of background image in the UI, split patches have colored key-zones in the Falcon keyboard for easier navigation.

You can view/download the PDF for this library with more details, the licence agreement, and the patchlist including descriptions and playing tips here.

  • *20 patches
    *995.1 MB of samples (364 wavs/stereo/48 Khz/24 Bit), 2 harp-wavetables, 3 background images for the UI.
    *Content is not encrypted, samples and wavetables can be used in other samplers and synths.
    *Delivery: download (compressed RAR 587.8 MB)
    *Library size in total: 1.01 GB
    *Price: € 29 EUR (50% off for license holders of Kontakt Celtic Harp)
    *Requires the full version of Falcon, does not work with the UVI player.
https://soundcloud.com/sampleconstruct/ ... on-singles

Patch walkthrough video:


Product page.

Thank's for reading :party:
Simon Stockhausen


Sweet - thanks for this great addition to Falcon Simon, and for taking care of your Scattered Entity owners.


aMUSEd wrote:Sweet - thanks for this great addition to Falcon Simon, and for taking care of your Scattered Entity owners.
Cheers, Stephen - all of you early MachFive 3-adopters got the ball rolling for me with this instrument, so it's my pleasure to give something back!


Just a question about 'Celtic Harp Granular Bisbigliando' - the sample speed is set to 1.10 by default and MW is assigned to it but when I use the MW it returns to 0, not 1.10. Should it be doing that?
Last edited by aMUSEd on Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:38 am, edited 1 time in total.


aMUSEd wrote:Your soundset is not the only one where this happens but is there any way to stop the MW returning a patch to 0 when I use it on a patch that is set to something else? - for example in 'Celtic Harp Granular Bisbigliando' sample speed is set to 1.10 by default and MW is assigned to it but when I use the MW it returns to 0, not 1.10.
I'll have a look at the script, but I think that that assignment is absolute, not relative.

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