Welcome to the KVR Developer Challenge 2009, the third free-for-all audio plugin / audio application design event! Due to this, that and the other DC'08 never happened. Apologies. DC'09 follows a similar format the DC'06 and DC'07.
Download The Entries Below! Voting is now closed!
The "KVR Developer Challenge 2009" is for anyone who develops audio plugins or applications (i.e. a "developer"). The challenge is to create and release a brand new free audio plugin or audio application that will benefit the community at large. Creativity is key, it can be as simple or as complex as you want - KVR members will vote on the entries and pick the eventual winner. Anyone can make a donation via PayPal, the prize fund will be distributed to the eventual winners (details below).
Thank you to all developers who took the time to create something and enter the Challenge and thank you to everyone who has donated and those who have taken the time to download and vote.
Now, without further ado, I'm very pleased to announce the winners are:
1st Place: FerricTDS by bootsie
With over twice as many points as the second placed entry, FerricTDS by bootsie, a Windows VST effect Tape Dynamics Simulator plugin, is the clear favourite in this year's Challenge. Bootsie wins 30% of the prize fund as the top Windows entry!
2nd Place: HybridReverb2 by c.borss
In second place, and top placed Mac entry, is HybridReverb2 by c.borss, a convolution-based reverberation VST effect plugin for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. c.borss wins 30% of the prize fund as the top Mac entry!
3rd Place: FMMF by de la Mancha
Another 121 points behind in third place is FMMF by de la Mancha, a 4 operator FM (Frequency Modulation) synthesizer VST instrument plugin for Windows. de la Mancha gets 20% of the prize fund as the next highest placed entry.
Congratulations to the top three and honorable mentions to the seven that complete the top 10:
- Twin Engined Verb (by daz.diamond) (just 4 points behind third place!)
- massTURBOtar (by LpD)
- Antopya (by L-Day)
- Phase Shifter (by Astralp)
- SpectroBits (by g200kg)
- PanCake (by Jakob / CableGuys)
As per the rules, this leaves 20% of the prize fund to be allocated. daz.diamond's Twin Engined Verb was just 4 points off the third place spot so I feel it would be appropriate to select this as the "wild card random selection", getting 10% of the prize fund. So, the last 10% still needs to to be decided - this can be discussed here in the DC Forum.
Here are direct links to all the other entries (in order). Thanks again to everyone for entering. I hope to see you all in DC'10!
- Prodigious Synthesizer (by synthescience)
- Transistorhead (by sonicase)
- NCL Phase EQ (by matt42)
- Metatron by Psychic Modulation (by Jack R)
- Stolon (by novaflash)
- RA Mowg (by Chris Roberson)
- amphetamine by easytoolz (by NEK-X)
- Black Ops (by gpunk)
- _02.circles (by rl)
- New Blend (by xoxos)
- Harsh Digital Nose (by insertpizhere)
- Eigenmode (by eigentone)
- dimensional vector spider (by afdarhus)
- Armchair Guitarist (by Minouris)
- Midi LFO (by gertius)
- sg-grainbot (by synthgeek)
- Barberpole Tuner (by Christian Budde)
- Explor3r (by thelowerrhythm)
- Drum Synze (updated) (by Longsoft)
- Anawave (by Lithium)
- MoarF VSTi (by __F__)
- SynekDC (by duncanparsons)
- Piezo Drum Pad Pack (by FrettedSynth)
- JBM Jagular (by jobromedia)
- dschlon_nzElektrik (by Michael Benjamin)
- unicycle (by spacedad)
- pk_hui (by discodaniel)
- Phonics/Attack Entrancer (by nix808)
- In-Kult (by mickygemma)
- The Marcus Johnson Collection (by sunahura)
The Entries
amphetamine by easytoolz (by NEK-X)
amphetamine is a 6-Oscillator Synth-Module with the following specs:
- 6 Oscillators (4 X Sin-Saw-Ramp-Trigon-Pulse and 2 X 55 various Waves).
- Phase-modulation - Frequenz-modulation - 5 Oct and Finetuning.
- Double-LP-Filters: 2 LFOs - ADSR - Velocity-modulation - Serial-Parallel-mode - Boost - Pan - LFO A - Cutoff - LFO B.
- 8 Step Sequencer (Tune and Cut-Offs) 1-8 Steps - 4 Directions.
- Chorus - Double-delay with Pan-LFOs - ADSR-VCA-Mono/Poly-mode - Glide - 12 Voices.
- 17 Banks a' 16 Presets from the wonderful Patch-designer Kujashi aka Schiffbauer! Many Thanks for the nice patches and Help!
See enclosed PDF for details...
Download Files:
- amphetamine by easytoolz (6.45 MB) Last updated: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 19:10:59 -0700
Audio Demos:
Anawave (by Lithium)
Anawave is a hybrid analog/wavetable synth. The waveform oscillators allow you to draw, import, and export waveforms. I have included a set of 50 waveforms I made for this project. Simply use the load and save buttons to add or save a waveform.
- 2 Analog oscillators (sine, saw, square, tri, noise).
- 2 Wavetable oscillators.
- 4 ADSR Amp envelopes.
- 2 ADSR Filter envelopes.
- 2 LFO cutoff control.
- 32 presets.
- Extra waveforms.
Download Files:
- Anawave (1.3 MB) Last updated: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 14:56:50 -0800
Antopya (by L-Day)
Antopya is mainly made for Ambient sounds and FX.
The main Engine is a FM and Additive Synthesis. Edit the Harmonics Intuitive by moving the Planets on the Crosspad. The Result is wide smooth Pads, Strings, Spacy FX, Bass sounds and more... Additional Presets will come later on my Homepage.
Specs: One OSC + 3 Sub operators, 5 Filter Types (LP/HP/BP/BR/FMT), Phase ADS Envelope, Envelope ADSR, One Step LFO, Chorus FX, Stereo Delay and Crossharmonic Pad for intuitive creating of Harmonics.
Require: Any VST compatible Host on a Windows System. CPU: P3 1,4 GHZ or higher.
Download Files:
- antopya.zip (1.71 MB) Last updated: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 12:58:05 -0700
- presetpack - 1a (36.51 KB) Last updated: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:41:58 -0800
Audio Demos:
Armchair Guitarist (by Minouris)
Armchair Guitarist is a VST plugin for providing MIDI input from one of the numerous console guitar controllers currently on the market. It is a pure-MIDI plugin- MIDI messages, not audio data are sent to the host- in essence, the plugin allows the user to use a guitar controller the way they would a standard MIDI keyboard.
Unlike more general use VST game controller plugins, Armchair Guitarist is strongly oriented around guitar playing. Rather than emulating a linear keyboard, the plugin emulates a Finger Board, with a floating cursor representing the position of the five note buttons on the guitar controller- and therefore the user's hand- on the neck of a virtual guitar. When combined with one of the numerous guitar sampler plugins on the market it provides a more natural "feel" when playing guitar than when using a MIDI keyboard.
Update: Uploaded a bugfix release to improve plugin compatibility.
Update 03/11/2009: Found the real reason people couldn't use it, after much testing. Multiple people have informed me that this is working now. Sorry about that.
Update 23/11/2009: Parameterised all the button and axis mappings, and added presets for the XBox and PS3, as well as a button in the gui to switch between them. PS3 support is still experimental, so please tell me if you find a problem with it.
Update: 04/07/2010: Assorted bug fixes and features, including better Whammy Bar parameters, working Playstation 3 Guitar Hero preset, extended fret board, smoother whammy time-out, and assorted other fixes. Also launched the new website - check it out at http://www.armchairguitarist.com/!
Download Files:
- Armchair Guitarist (1.39 MB) Last updated: Sat, 03 Jul 2010 05:24:48 -0700
Barberpole Tuner (by Christian Budde)
Barberpole Tuner is a simple visual tuner based on interference.
The work is part of the Delphi ASIO & VST Open Source Project.
- straight forward barberpole tuner implementation
- build in filters to remove unwanted rumble and noise
- build in automatic gain control
- optimized DSP code
- open source
- manual included
Download Files:
- Barberpole Tuner (425.95 KB) Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:10:46 -0700
Black Ops (by gpunk)
It FSU in the most FSU kinda way.
I could give you a manual but just mess until it FSU.
OK so go FsomeSU.
Oh and by the way LOUD can be very very LOUD :D
Download Files:
- Black Ops (1.19 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 10:56:50 -0700
dimensional vector spider (by afdarhus)
The dimensional vector spider is a midi transmitting vector sequencer. It transmits midi from its four corners that can be used to control any parameter you can imagine as long as the parameter can receive midi.
Apply vector synthesis to your favorite sampler and make it behave like an old Yamaha TG33. Or control four different filter cutoffs at the same time dynamically.
The dimensional vector spider is a great utility to use if you want to merge sounds from different instruments and turning the sound to an organic moving texture.
Also included: the dedicated (but optional in use) "vector spider faders" (both mono and stereo version), who makes midi assignment easy with the vector spider.
Oh... There is a pretty slick PDF manual with tutorials included too. I will try to take care of the minor bugs in the plugin and make it run smoother when I get the time to do so.
I have made a sound example using instruments in NI Kontakt that is being controlled by the vector spider. Pay attention to how the individual sounds react to each other and merges over time. The samples have been normalized and a reverb have been added, it's pad sounds after all.
There seems to be some issues using the vector spider in Ableton Live. I have written a special manual for Live users that can be downloaded at http://www.2storstark.com/afdarhus/vectorspider.html
Download Files:
- dimensional vector spider (6.2 MB) Last updated: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 11:46:02 -0800
Audio Demos:
Drum Synze (updated) (by Longsoft)
A VST-Remake of the early 80's Drum Sync boxes. But this one can be played polyphonic over MIDI.
In the updated version it can also be triggered with an audio signal e.g. a tom sound or by clicking the GUI on the right side.
And now it has 16 Presets.
Download Files:
- LongSound Drum Synze (880.65 KB) Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 13:59:37 -0700
- LongSound Drum Synze NEW (919.94 KB) Last updated: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 03:20:41 -0800
dschlon_nzElektrik (by Michael Benjamin)
- basic monophonic block instrument model - produces raw waveforms, mixes and filters them - tweak the controls to change the sound and find the right octaves to play. contains: - 2 custom stereo oscillators - 1 simple stereo oscillator - 3 internal transfer curves - 8 internal filters - 2 user controlled filters - 2 delays - 1 simple envelope - 1 simple arpeggiator - 1 simple cutoff lfo - full stereo path 1.05 update - changed aux osc to 4x aux osc with small unison and additional internal filtering - changed arp to play on every note - changed internal mixdown - changed all presets - tweaked volume, tweaked filters - added 4 inverse filter modes - added 7 just pitch offsets, now 7x one oscillator and 7x both oscillator detuning - merged lfo runmode & waveselect parameter, now 3x lfo and 3x env - added filtermix parameter - some bug fixes as usual, you take all the actual results
Download Files:
- dschlon nzElektrik (2.13 MB) Last updated: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 00:40:26 -0700
Eigenmode (by eigentone)
eigenmode is an audio file viewer, player, and format convertor by Eigentone Research.
Current Release
1.0.1, published November 11, 2009
Previous Releases
1.0.0, published October 29, 2009
It reads mono or stereo uncompressed audio formats.
The internal audio engine offers a 64 bit floating point end to end signal path for superior audio quality.
eigenmode's audio engine has been written and optimized for modern computers. It efficiently handles many streams and formats, and it was designed for multi-core/multi-processor operation.
High resolution waveform overview with time and amplitude zooming.
User definable waveform foreground and background colors.
Format conversion to multiple AIFF and Wave formats.
It also displays many of the file's properties, including sample rate, channel count, length, and regions.
System Requirements
This software presently supports the following configuration(s): Apple Computer with a 64 bit Intel processor, running Snow Leopard (10.6)
Other hardware and/or software configurations may work, but they are not supported, and any existing compatibility may not be maintained in future releases.
If you intend to open many files or open large files, a good amount of memory is recommended to avoid memory exhaustion. Since eigenmode will run as a 64 bit process, it will allow you to use more than 4 GB of memory.
- For technical support: eigenmode.support@eigentoneresearch.com
- For feedback: eigenmode.feedback@eigentoneresearch.com
- If you would like to test upcoming releases: eigenmode.betatest@eigentoneresearch.com
- If you would like to report a bug: eigenmode.bugs@eigentoneresearch.com
eigenmode 1.0.1 release notes:
- Bugfix: Repaired and re-enabled property transfer during export
- Bugfix: Improved import support for some SDII and CAF files which could not be opened in previous releases
- Bugfix: Removed the 'Record' button. This functionality was disabled in part in previous releases, but was not intended to be included in this generation of eigenmode.
- Multiple minor User Interface refinements
- Monophonic playback (Temporarily disabled)
- eigenmode will consume more memory than average editors (Expected)
- Drawing while many samples are visible can be slow.
Download Files:
- eigenmode 1.0.0 (initial release) (277.03 KB) Last updated: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 11:00:32 -0800
- eigenmode 1.0.1 (current release) (557.22 KB) Last updated: Wed, 11 Nov 2009 11:17:00 -0800
EQUINOX is a multiband compressor / limiter which uses dynamic equalisation instead of a traditional cross-over network.
EQUINOX does have cross-over filters, but these just feed the 4 compressor sidechains: the resulting gain modulation signals are matrixed into modulation signals for 3 dynamic low-shelving filters plus a single gain stage.
- 4 independent bands of compression or limiting with adjustable cross-over frequencies.
- Dynamic EQ technique avoids phase anomalies around the cross-over frequencies.
- External Sidechain inputs (switchable per band)
- True stereo operation.
- Peak or RMS sensing.
- Hard or soft knee.
- "Range" control to limit gain reduction.
- Continuously variable between feedforward ("VCA") and feed-backward ("Opto") topologies.
- Powerful envelope shaping with "Hold" parameters.
- Zero latency.
- Flexible gain / gain reduction metering: click meters to switch.
- Animated EQ transfer curve display: click graph to enable.
Use this whenever you want the power and flexibility of a multi-band comp without the compromises: when EQUINOX is doing nothing it really is doing nothing: try a null test with the 'init' preset if you don't believe me!
In addition, if any two adjacent bands have the same gain, the low shelving filter for those two bands will be at unity gain with no cutting or boosting at all. In other words; if all 4 bands are set to +6dB with no gain reduction taking place, the 3 low shelving filters will all be flat, and EQUINOX will simply be boosting 6dB at the gain stage.
I have therefore been using it in situations where I would hesitate to use a traditional multiband, such as strapped across sub-groups of a full mix, or inserted on individual channels. I have found it particularly useful on vocals, as it can add some of the up-front presence of a condenser mic to live SM58 recordings, while simultaneously keeping the proximity effect firmly under control.
And of course there are sidechain inputs, which can be switched individually per band. This allows for a wide range of interesting possibilities, ie: compress the low and mid frequencies of a bass instrument, while ducking the subs in time with the kick drum. Or, compress the lows and highs of your "guitars and synths" sub-group while ducking the mids from the vocal group, or the snare channel (or both!).
The Range controls are particularly useful for sidechaining purposes, as you can specify precisely what the maximum gain reduction should be for any band.
The meter for each band defaults to a red 'gain reduction' meter: click it to change it to a green 'gain' meter, which shows make-up gain as well (and is therefore bi-directional). The 'gain' meter is useful when judging make-up gain settings as you can easily see how the overall gain swings around unity, while the 'gain reduction' meters are probably better when setting the threshold. The Range control sets the meter scale as well as the maximum gain reduction.
Click the graph at the top of the GUI to enable the animated EQ response curve. This curve is an actual measured response rather than an approximation, but turning it on increases CPU load: feel free to enable it from time to time for a quick check, but I urge you to rely mostly on your ears and the gain reduction meters, as I find these kinds of graphic EQ curves can be misleading.
Download Files:
- EQUINOX 1.0.5 (1.24 MB) Last updated: Mon, 16 Nov 2009 02:02:37 -0800
- EQUINOX 1.0.6 (1.24 MB) Last updated: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 03:57:19 -0800
Explor3r (by thelowerrhythm)
Explor3r is a three oscillator monosynth with channel-dedicated amplitude envelopes, lowpass filters and LFOs, all glued together with a matrix that allows both phase modulation and sync inputs on each oscillator to be fed by the output of any other oscillator (including itself). With the addition of global texturizing (tube saturation and noise w/high cut) and delay, Explor3r can create anything from fat, complex leads to droning sound effects and terrible, screeching chaos.
(created with Synthedit)
Download Files:
- Explor3r (947.46 KB) Last updated: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 22:34:42 -0700
FerricTDS (by bootsie)
FerricTDS - Tape Dynamics Simulator
Inspired by the smooth dynamic shaping capabilities of some high-end reel-to-reel tape recorders, this plugin simulates three of the most distinctive and much appreciated sonic effects generated by these devices:
- DYNAMICS - gently shaping the overall dynamic response
- SATURATION - adding extra harmonic-related content
- LIMITING - controlling peak performance
Functions at a glance:
- performs gentle audio dynamic treatments
- masters difficult to handle audio material
- adds extra harmonics and saturation effects
- controls outgoing audio peaks
Plugin specification:
- Win32 / VST compatible
- state-of-the-art digital signal processing
- 4x oversampled core algorithms
- performance-critical parts are written in assembler
- completely SSE-optimized
For more information, please refer to the manual or visit varietyofsound.wordpress.com.
Download Files:
Audio Demos:
FMMF (by de la Mancha)
FMMF is a 4 operator FM (Frequency Modulation) synthesizer in VST plugin format for Windows based hosts.
FMMF has 2 primary aims
- Make FM synthesis as accessible and user-friendly as possible.
- Use multi-stage envelopes and LFOs to make give lots of movement and modulation.
The waveforms, algorithms and envelopes are all shown graphically, with the envelopes allowing dragging of nodes and clicking to change contour. Special attention has been paid to the envelopes to allow you to customise them in many ways, such as the number of stages, the contour of each stage, sustain and repeat points and tempo-sync. There are envelopes for the volume of each operator, the pitch, and the effects section (filter, distortion and delay) all with velocity and key tracking. Further modulation comes in the form of LFOs for the pitch and effects section, with many waveforms including randomising.
For further sound design potential you have a low pass filter, a multi-mode distortion and a flexible delay (with comb delay option). An arpeggiator lets you add even more movement to create rhythmic sequences.
The default preset bank was created by sound designer brian botkiller and shows off the potential of FMMF to make atmospheric pads and leads with lots of movement, big fat bass sounds, funky arps and oddball sound fx.
We hope you enjoy using FMMF as much as we enjoyed developing it!
- 4 Operator FM Synthesis instrument with 17 FM algorithms.
- 11 different waveforms per operator, with note sync option.
- 7 Multi-segment Envelopes (up to 32 stages) for amp, pitch and effects modulation · 3 LFOs for pitch and effects modulation.
- All envelopes can be free or tempo-sync, each stage can have its own contour.
- Envelopes can have user defined sustain and repeat points with flexible locking and zeroing options.
- LFOs can be free or tempo sync, with 20 waveforms and phase & note sync options.
- Each LFO has its own ADSR envelope.
- Arpeggiator with 6 modes and adjustable tempo-sync, note length and octave range.
- Resonant low pass filter with key and velocity tracking, can be modulated by envelopes or LFOs.
- Distortion effect with 18 flavours, can be modulated by envelopes or LFOs.
- Delay with comb delay option, size, feedback and damping, modulated by envelope or LFO.
- Harmonics can be adjusted from 1 to 256, with limit on frequency beyond Nyquist.
- Polyphony adjustable from 1 to 16 voices.
- Portamento time.
- 64 presets by brian botkiller covering many styles.
Download Files:
- FMMF (2.64 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:10:07 -0700
Harsh Digital Nose (by insertpizhere)
Plays two images (very poorly) as oscillator waveforms. The brightness of each pixel, starting at the top left, sets the amplitude of each sample.
Load images (png, jpg, gif) by drag & drop. Also converts wav files (32-bit float, 65536 samples long) to images by drag & drop.
From left to right, the controls are:
- Amp envelope (attack, decay, sustain, release)
- Main volume
- Oscillator 1 pitch
- Oscillator mix
- Oscillator 2 pitch
Download Files:
- Harsh Digital Nose (AU) (3.48 MB) Last updated: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 09:44:02 -0700
- Harsh Digital Nose (source code) (2.97 MB) Last updated: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 09:45:32 -0700
- Harsh Digital Nose (Windows VST) (935.34 KB) Last updated: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 11:07:02 -0700
HybridReverb2 (by c.borss)
HybridReverb2 is a convolution-based reverberation effect which combines the superior sound quality of a convolution reverb with the tuning capability of a feedback delay network. The sound quality of a convolution reverb depends on the quality of the used room impulse responses. HybridReverb2 comes with a set of high quality room impulse responses which were synthesized with a state-of-the-art auralization software ("tinyAVE"). The user can choose between different rooms, different source distances, and different dampings (different reverberation times) suitable for different purposes. In contrast to the "music" damping which simulates a quite reverberant environment, the "speech" damping will result in a subtle reverberation effect. HybridReverb2 is not designed as a "flashy" reverb effect, but as an effect which adds natural sounding reverberation to your audio projects.
- free and open source plugin (GPL)
- high quality room impulse responses (PCM, 48kHz, 24bit)
- rear channel impulse responses for a natural spatial envelopment
- low latency (down to 64 samples)
- low CPU load
- individual performance optimizer
- intuitive and clearly arranged user interface
- quick selection of presets via categories
- tuning of room impulse responses:
- initial gap / length / pre-delay
- dry / wet / master gain
- envelope (with increasing resolution for fine tuning the early reflections)
- timbre (equalizer with 1/3 octave resolution)
- editor for the preset database
- user specified impulse responses can also be used
The packages generated for KVR DC'09 contain a set of selected room impulse responses. Packages with a larger database (200MB) of high-quality room impulse responses are available at the project homepage: http://www2.ika.rub.de/HybridReverb2/
Download Files:
- HybridReverb2 for Debian Lenny (IA32) (13.95 MB) Last updated: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 10:10:14 -0700
- HybridReverb2 for Mac OS X Leopard (IA32) (14.51 MB) Last updated: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 16:43:36 -0700
- HybridReverb2 for Ubuntu Jaunty (IA32) (13.96 MB) Last updated: Sun, 25 Oct 2009 10:28:41 -0700
- HybridReverb2 for Windows (IA32) (3.41 MB) Last updated: Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:48:01 -0800
In-Kult (by mickygemma)
This is a synth with: three oscillators, two filters, two assignable LFOs, two assignable envolvent,64 presets, chorus, phaser, delay... and more.
Download Files:
- In-Kult.vst - mickygemma (3.66 MB) Last updated: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 10:45:52 -0700
JBM Jagular (by jobromedia)
JBM Jagular is a hybrid synth consisting of many different synthesis methods packed into one bundle. It is a 2 oscillator synth that each oscillator has over 500 different waveforms onboard. The synth comes with 80 presets showing a wide variation of possibilities this synth has.
Subsonic77 described the plugin like this: "Very extravagantly, many-sided sound, many functions."
Please fill in this survey. As a thanks I'm gonna send you the beta of the next version once this contest is over.
This synth is open source, and the source code is included in the same package. It comes with an easy waveform editor that lets you create entire new banks of waveforms while you test the sound of them. These new banks can be imported into 8 slots per oscillator, this means that you can have up to 16 different banks giving you more than 1000 waveforms to toy with. The synth is configured to have the same 8 banks in both oscillators. But it doesn't stop there.
The synth has also 9 different filters that processes the oscillators. The synth is relatively low on the CPU side, and it is configured to withstand most CPU spikes. When a voice (16 total) is not in use then it goes to sleep freeing up further more CPU.
There has been complaints regarding a share*it link in this plugin. This link is not related to the plugin itself, but related to a module this plugin uses. In other words there is no cash required to buy this synth. I am unable to get rid of these links as of yet, but I'm working on a solution.
Finally some words about the demos. The demos are entirely recorded with JBM Jagular except for the drums. Demo 7 (vocoded voice) uses other plugins as well for the sounds, but the vocoder is done by JBM Jagular with my terrible song as input. :) Anyway people have a damn great time!
Updated to 1.02. Here are the changes:
- 20 new patches
Updated to 1.01. Here are the changes:
- Two new buttons added. They link to my support topic and bug reports.
- Added the missing images.
1.00 features:
- 2 oscillators
- 520 waveforms / oscillator
- Onboard filter with 9 models
- DCO, DCF, DCA, MOD1 and MOD2 EG's ADSR model.
- 3 oscillator modulations
- Individual keyboard follow for oscillators
- 80 patches.
Download Files:
- JBM Jagular 1.01 (3.66 MB) Last updated: Mon, 02 Nov 2009 23:10:18 -0800
- JBM Jagular 1.02 (3.66 MB) Last updated: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 23:44:58 -0800
Audio Demos:
massTURBOtar (by LpD)
Morfiki's massTURBOtar is a hybrid synthesizer with unique morphing capabilities. Every parameter (excluding delay amount and velocity smoothing) can be controlled via MORFIKI preset system.
Features include :
- Two morphable oscillators.
- Lowpass/Bandpass/Hipass (band type and width controlled via 12dB/octave lowpass and hipass filter).
- A/R amplifier envelope.
- Modulation : sine/pulse lfo and A/DR envelope both with morphable destination.
- Voice control: polyphonic/ legato.
- Effects: chorus, sample rate reduction, soft saturation, delay.
- Parameters are controlled by MORFIKI preset system, velocity to bank modulation with adjustable smoothing included.
- Dropdown menus with fixed values for oscillator scale transposition and tempo.
- Host synchronization for lfo speed.
Download Files:
- massturbotar (3.18 MB) Last updated: Fri, 30 Oct 2009 08:25:12 -0700
Audio Demos:
Metatron by Psychic Modulation (by jack [psychicmodulation])
Metatron is a 2 oscillator phase synth with an arpeggiator that works alongside a gated modulation sequencer for creating unique rhythmic patterns and sounds. The oscillator section uses waveforms that double up to create a phasing effect similar to pulse width for each waveform. This along with a powerful unison detune section and ring modulator give Metatron a rich, fat sound. With the addition of versatile graphical envelopes, LFOs and other modulation options, Metatron becomes an instrument that can create complex sounds, but at the same time keeps things simple without trying to do everything, making it a perfect 'go to' synth for one-finger basslines, rhythmic techno leads, spacey gated pads and other creative arpeggiated sequences.
- 2 phase oscillators
- Unison detune (up to 16 voices)
- Oscillator pitch drifting
- Ring modulation
- Graphical envelopes
- Arpeggiator section
- Sequencer section (16 steps, for gating as well as modulation)
- 3 LFOs
- Dual stereo delay
- Assignable modwheel and pitchwheel
- 64 presets
Download Files:
- Metatron VST Synthesizer v1.0.2 (1.83 MB) Last updated: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 09:47:41 -0800
Midi LFO (by gertius)
This is an open source project using the JUCE library. It provides a user tweakable Midi LFO, which sends a selectable ControlChange Message (CC) with LFO modulated values to a selectable Midi output.
Main Features:
- One LFO with parameters Rate, Depth, CenterValue
- Waveforms: Sine, Square, Saw, Triangle
- Customizable Midi CC Message as output
- External sync over Midi
For future development find the Sourceforge Project page here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/midilfo/
For a short presentation and mini tutorial see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJtiakAIA7M
UPDATED: To run it you need Mac OSX 10.4 or higher.
Download Files:
- MidiLFO_v1.0_OSX_10.4 (701 KB) Last updated: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 11:37:49 -0800
MoarF VSTi (by __F__)
...and the both news are good:
- Perpetual change: MoarF continuously generates and morphs sound states for you. And yes, you can set the rules.
- Play a chord = MoarF detects the keynote and transposes the bassline + it tells major from minor chords to alternate the melody... non-regular chords are welcome as well
- Arpeggiator: you edit the pattern directly. With desirable trancegate blend in same flask.
- Use MoarF as a midi processor: drive other synths via midi out...
You say, it's moar than two good news?.. OK, that's even better.
Download Files:
- MoarF (1.11 MB) Last updated: Thu, 01 Oct 2009 10:14:39 -0700
NCL Phase EQ (by matt42)
Phase EQ is a high quality 6 band EQ that allows simultaneous Left/Right and Mid/Side Processing.
Features at a glance:
- Windows VST
- 6 Band EQ
- 64 bit internal precision
- Optional oversampling
- Simultaneous Left/Right and Mid/Side processing
- Optimized CPU usage
Possible uses include stereo correction and enhancement in both mixing and mastering as well as more traditional and creative EQing tasks where audio quality is of the highest importance.
Download Files:
- Phase EQ (1.67 MB) Last updated: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 00:46:41 -0800
New Blend (by xoxos)
Algorithmic music generator (an 'in the works' port of forthcoming breathcube, algorithmic song generator).
Download Files:
- New Blend (4.6 MB) Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:24:19 -0700
PanCake (by Jakob / Cableguys)
PanCake is an innovative VST plugin that allows you to create flexible pan modulations. You can draw your own modulation curves, and do this in a very intuitive manner, with impressive precision and unparalleled ease.
Key Features
- Free, and available for both PC and Mac.
- Creative Modulation Tool: Create complex pan modulations with ease.
- Unique Waveform Drawing Capabilities: Construct your own modulation curves in a very intuitive manner. Waveforms can be easily drawn using soft or hard breakpoints, thus producing gentle transitions or sharp bends in the waveform. The unique drawing tool is similar to professional graphics/vector software, and allows you to draw with impressive precision and unparalleled ease.
- Customized Waveforms: Up to 10 customized waveforms can be stored.
- LFO Speed: LFO speed can be set free-running from 0.02 Hz to 5.24 kHz. It can also be set in rhythmic units synced to the host sequencer, from a fast 1/128 note modulation up to 32 bars.
- User Friendly Buttons: Reverse the waveform, move it in any direction, or randomize it. Select from a list of default waveforms, or copy and paste between waveforms, including presets.
- Complete Parameter Control via Automation: Absolutely everything in PanCake can be automated. Even the shape of the modulating waveform can be automated, and breakpoint movements can be recorded and played back. And if you want to use more than four modulation curves in a song, you can automate the plugin to switch between them.
- Exceptional Sound Quality: PanCake computes the audio at a per-sample basis; the modulation is interpolated with linear or, for the audiophile, cubic interpolation. The plugin's LFO will always stay in sync, even when you make tempo changes in your host software, or jump ahead to different parts of your track.
Version 1.0.1 fixes drawing issues in Reaper and in various hosts on Mac OS X.
Version 1.0.2 fixes a bug on Mac OS X. It could happen that PanCake's controls had been disabled when certain other VST plugins had been opened at the same time.
Download Files:
- PanCake 1.0.1 (Windows) (1.15 MB) Last updated: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 13:31:38 -0800
- PanCake 1.0.2 (Mac OS X) (4.13 MB) Last updated: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 12:49:23 -0800
Phase Shifter (by Astralp)
In the late 60's composer Steve Reich stumbled across a technique he called phasing, which was to have two identical tape loops that run at slightly different speeds, the result is that every possible combination of sound is cycled through until they arrive back in sync. The result with a melodic piece of music is that it moves through moments of chaos and moments of melody. Brian Eno also used this technique extensively on some of his Ambient albums. After becoming interested in this in 2008, I decided to build myself a simple plugin to emulate the process as it was surprisingly difficult to emulate with any software I had at that time. I have now expanded it to emulate four tape decks and many more features such as time stretching, filters & FX so that it has become a much more capable synthesizer.
Phase Shifter is designed more for playing live, though full VST automation is supported and having an external controller makes the process a much more rewarding experience. It also has a built in recorder so that the output can be recorded directly to disk. It works by loading up to 2 WAVs, and is triggered via a midi keyboard. Middle C will play the WAV at it's original speed. It has a lot of potential for producing interesting sounds, I would be pleased to hear of the different ways people use it.
Here are some basic possible uses, and a quick guide to how it is achieved:
Load up the default patch, Reich Piano Phase, which uses the base riff of one of Steve Reich's more famous phasing pieces. Hold down the middle C key and keep it held. You will hear that the loops slowly go out of sync and eventually they come back together having shifted through all combinations of sound. This patch is only using the top 2 Phase Shifters, you can see that the pitch knob on number 2 is slightly speeded up, and so is the one shifting forwards. When I use it for basic phasing I find it easier to always leave PS1 set to normal speed. You will also notice that the P1 and P2 buttons are enabled on PS2, this means that the speeding up is timestretched instead of the pitch altering. If P1 is switched off, then the pitch will alter with the speed (like a true tape deck). Try loading one of your own loops in this patch and playing with the speed.
Another great use of Phase Shifter is the ability to retune a loop using the P1 pitch shift, and having N (Note Based) pressed. This means that there is no speed change, and so the loops will play in sync. Load the next patch 'Reich Piano Phase 2' to hear/see this in action. Playing with the pitch knob on PS2 you will hear that it moves in semitones.
Sticking with the Piano Phase 2 patch, now move the start slider a couple of notches along and retrigger the note (middle C). You will now hopefully hear that WAV in PS2 has begun playback 2 beats in and so there is a delay type effect. This slider will move between 16 equal positions in the WAV.
I hope that gives an idea of some of the basic possibilities, there are also all of these techniques working together, using 2 WAVs and all 4 Phase Shifters some wonderful collages can be created, especially making use of the filters and panning, I hope that the presets will give some ideas of the scope, although I don't think it is really a preset machine, it is more exploratory. My personal favourite is patch 16 'Reverse Guitars' if you play that lower than middle C and keep the key held down for a long time, it is reminiscent to me of some of the early ambient Eno tracks. Of course it can also be used as a synth and at times has a mellotron type feel. The added SoundScaper also adds another depth to explore.
Hope you all enjoy it!
Download Files:
- Phase Shifter pt1 (18.63 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:04:35 -0700
- Phase Shifter pt2 (18.63 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:15:52 -0700
- Phase Shifter pt3 (8.79 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 09:20:15 -0700
Audio Demos:
Phonics/Attack Entrancer (by nix808)
This is my second second attempt at a project for this comp. My first one sucked too much CPU. So I cut it down to make a synth you might use to make not the rarest sounds, but usable ones. I'll start a thread if you want to talk about it :)
Download Files:
- Entrancer (2.01 MB) Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 20:51:48 -0700
- revision1 :) (2 MB) Last updated: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 20:09:07 -0800
Piezo Drum Pad Pack (by FrettedSynth)
Designed to be used with a piezo type drum pad plugged directly into your soundcard. Turns the audio input into a MIDI signal usable by any drum VST\I or triggers an internal .wav player. Five different versions are included! a two channel version, a seven channel version and an eleven channel version for MIDI out. CompleteDrums which provides SoftDrumLTD as a multi wave player and SingleDrum provides a single channel trigger\wave player. Each Version except SingleDrum also contains a group channel to switch between three different note numbers using a continuous controller pedal, useful as a hihat controller and more.
Hopes to provide a version for any situation? Be it a complete electronic drum kit, a electronic kit with real cymbals and hihat or an acoustic kit player that just wants a couple extra trigger pads.
Download Files:
- Drum Pad Pack (57.13 KB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 12:29:28 -0700
- Piezo Drum Pad Pack (4.49 MB) Last updated: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 11:15:57 -0700
pk_hui (by discodaniel)
With pk_hui, a KORG padKONTROL can double as an integrated precise control surface for your DAW, featuring:
- High precision 9 bit fader control, with tactile feedback down to the last bit.
- Channel strip controls: Fader, pan, mute, solo, rec, with tactile and visual feedback.
- Transport controls with visual feedback.
- Useful metering.
- All scenes on the padKONTROL are left intact and can be accessed at any time.
- Optimised for usage away from the computer, i.e. in the recording booth or in bed.
pk_hui uses the HUI protocol supported by Protools, Cubase, Nuendo, Logic, Digital Performer, Reaper, Sequoia, Samplitude and others. Consult the manual for your DAW to check if it supports the HUI protocol.
Download Files:
- pk_hui for Mac v1.0.3 (7.93 MB) Last updated: Mon, 22 Feb 2010 05:18:32 -0800
- pk_hui for Win v1.0.2 (3.31 MB) Last updated: Sun, 29 Nov 2009 08:01:46 -0800
Prodigious Synthesizer (by synthescience)
The Prodigious synthesizer is a Mono/Poly instrument based in the architecture of a famous synthesiser from the past, complemented with a few more characteristics from other well known machines, all combined into a single powerfull yet balanced, performance oriented instrument.
It is ingredients are: two audio oscillators that can be self modulated by a third non audio oscillator (FM synthesis capability...) one fat 24db lowpass filter with self oscillation capabilities (and with the possibility of being modulated by the second oscillator,flexibility increased), dedicated envelopes for filter and volume contour, a powerful and flexible arpeggiator for those moments where the fingers are simply not that fast (just kidding...), a chorus effect section with three distinctively rich chorus modes (to thicken up things a bit) and to finalize a delay unit to bring out those spacey sounds to the front. - The result - a very temperamental instrument dressed with a graphical work to match...
Last but not least, it is packed with a full set of 128 presets that covers Basses, Leads, Pads, Strings, Keys, Organs (sort off..), Arpegiated and something in between.. and by the way it is fully automatable too. To install, simpy copy the Dll. file into your Vst plugin folder on your sequencer.
Download Files:
- Prodigious Synthesizer - Lighter version (1.47 MB) Last updated: Fri, 06 Nov 2009 17:47:29 -0800
- Prodigious Synthesizer - Operation Manual (542.53 KB) Last updated: Mon, 09 Nov 2009 18:09:04 -0800
- Prodigious Synthesizer by Synthescience (2.11 MB) Last updated: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 15:50:14 -0700
RA Mowg (by Chris Roberson)
RA Mowg is a Minimoog Model D clone created by Roberson Audio. Another addition to the lineup of Roberson Audio's collection of vintage replica synths, many many months have been spent to create an instrument that not only resembles the Minimoog in appearance, but delivers the same feel while playing. From the deep, full-bodied filters, to the mellow analog-style oscillators, to the distortive drive from feedback-looping the output, this instrument can give you the feeling of playing a Minimoog without spending a small fortune to do so. For more technical info and notes before playing the synth, see the ReadMe file.
Download Files:
- RA Mowg (1.79 MB) Last updated: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 20:13:49 -0700
Audio Demos:
sg-grainbot (by synthgeek)
Updated 11/04/09 - bugfix for small knobs
Updated 10/31/09 - sequencer & knob bugfixes
Synthgeek's grainbot is an experimental synth based on granular synthesis and mathematically generated noise. It's not made for traditional bass/lead/pad type stuff (though it can do that if pressed), but it is capable of a wide range of other sounds: mechanical and engine-type sounds, rhythmic percussion sequences, random bleepery, drones, ambiences, and more. It can also process external audio.
There are two sound sources: the grain generator (which can granulate internal sound sources or an audio input), and "gen 1", a chaotic math-based sound generator. There is also a ring modulator which uses these two generators as its inputs. You can choose between 5 different input sources for the grain generator: live audio input, a built-in analog-style oscillator, the input amplitude modulated by the oscillator, gen 1, or audio input from a file. The sound generators are processed through a filter with 5 types (lo pass, hi pass, notch, and 2 flavors of band pass) and a selectable number of stages. There is also a stereo delay effect which can sync to host tempo (or not). Various parameters (including the delay effect) can be modulated with 2 step sequencers, 3 LFO's, and a 6-stage envelope. The modulation routing is provided via matrix. Besides the modulators mentioned above, there are also matrix inputs for key tracking and velocity, and a "combiner" which uses various math formulas to combine any two mod sources in various ways.
The presets include a few which use the audio input feature, please bear in mind that the output will depend on what you feed into it- so be careful, as your input material could cause significantly different levels/frequencies. This also applies to sg-grainbot in general, it is capable of producing loud & nasty sounds, so be careful!
Download Files:
- sg-grainbot (1.65 MB) Last updated: Thu, 14 Jan 2010 22:43:13 -0800
SIMPLICITY is a 2 oscillator subtractive synth. It's main features are:
- 2 x high quality oscillators with 11 waveforms
- Full unison with low CPU overhead
- 9 of the 11 waveforms have variable, modulatable width [like PWM]
- Low-Pass Filter with selectable 12 or 24db/octave slope
- ADSR envelope with selectable interpolation [slope]
- Tempo-synced LFO with 5 destinations [up to 3 simultaneously], including stereo Pan
- Stereo Wide mode which inverts one channel to create space in the centre of your mix [phase cancellation]
- Overdrive effect
- Low-Profile GUI for improved workflow
Download Files:
- SIMPLICITY VSTi (1.77 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:12:34 -0700
SpectroBits (by g200kg)
Plugin Name: SpectroBits ver.1.02
Developer Name: g200kg
Operating System: Win32
Formats: VST Instrument
SpectroBits is a "Spectrogram" based Synthesizer. That means a graph of the Freq spectrum (Y-Axis) and Time (X-Axis). Any pictures are interpreted as sounds. Draw or import freely, and play.
Demo Movie: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pCCbQCIQ5M
Download Files:
- SpectroBits ver.1.02 (2 MB) Last updated: Fri, 20 Nov 2009 07:27:53 -0800
Audio Demos:
Stolon (by novaflash)
STOLON a three parallel stereo channel pitch shifter effect. It can be used as a classic effect and/or like a instrument driven by the midi keyboard. Large range effect can be set :
- robotizer,
- vocodizer,
- chorus,
- vibrato
- and pitch shifter!
One LFO per channel.
One ADSR envelope in keyboard mode.
Custom background color.
SSE, PC/VST Sample Rate : 44.1 up to 196Khz.
Download Files:
- Stolon a based pitch-shifter effect (1.69 MB) Last updated: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 22:39:02 -0800
- Usine project from Nay-Seven (47.94 KB) Last updated: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 16:24:19 -0700
Audio Demos:
SynekDC (by duncanparsons)
SynekDC is a simple FM synthesiser which uses a single algorithm and routing configuration to produce a variety of sounds. There are 40 presets included with SynekDC, which demonstrate a range of sounds from familiar FM electric piano timbres, to brash ear-splitters via percussive tones and gently moving pads.
It offers
- 16 voice polyphony
- 2 competing Frequency Modulation sources (Modulator and Vibrato)
- a feedback control
- simple tube emulation
- bandpass filtering
- an amplitude modulator
- a chorus effect.
The bandpass filter dispenses with the traditional envelope paradigm in favour of a roving centrepoint which travels from a static point to meet a keypress at a specified speed, then returns home after all keys are released. This gives a different feel and set of timbre variations to other synth palettes.
It is currently supplied for the Micrsoft Windows platform only (32bit, x64 to come) in VST format. A version for the Apple Macintosh system is planned, but wasn't ready in time for the Developer Challenge. Watch the RoughDraftAudio and KVR websites for news!
Download Files:
- SynekDC v1.0 for Windows (1.57 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 05:56:59 -0700
Audio Demos:
The Marcus Johnson Collection (by sunahura)
The Marcus Johnson collection is a synthesizer, sample player, synth drum instrument made for inspiration, you can layer sounds by controlling the outputs and really come up with some good stuff, shareware KVR DC09, enjoy, Made with synthedit.
Created by sunahura
Beta tested by - rsmus7 kvr member
Download Files:
- The Marcus Johnson Collection - by Sunahura (10.84 MB) Last updated: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 16:23:14 -0700
Transistorhead (by sonicase)
Transistorhead is a single oscillator synth with phase patterns, filters, modulation and tape delay effects. This synth can create sounds that are spacey, organic, dissonant and dirty. The main inspiration for this synth comes from some similar sounds heard in various radiohead songs. While the presets are ok, most of the dynamic sounds you get will come from tweaking the knobs. The delay portion is especially good for people who like to mess around with feedback and tape-delay sounds. Be warned that the filters, gain and feedback are allowed to self oscillate
Have fun tweaking!
Download Files:
- Transistorheadzip (3.7 MB) Last updated: Wed, 28 Oct 2009 07:43:48 -0700
Twin Engined Verb (by daz.diamond)
whiteLABEL Twin Engined Verb (TEV)
- reverbs (reverbs), rooms rooms rooms
- delay effects and echos (echos) : catacombs of doom
- small places, large places
- scary in the dark places
- tiny spaces, phatt spaces
- nasty in your face spaces
- reverbs (reverbs), rooms rooms rooms
- and incidentally - really nasty, fear-inducing : booooooooooooms
by which I mean "character reverb (plugin) effect for 32 bit Windows and VST2.3 compatible host"
Whilst TEV's aim is not to be ultra-realistic - it is designed to be just that little bit different : Two independent stereo echo and reverb units with enhancer and filtering to create a wide variety of spaces ranging from up-close and personal to well, erm ... beyond - out there - other.
Twin Engined Verb support thread here
Audio :
- demo 1 - TEV vs some stems - track starts dry, TEV joins in later
- demo 2 - TEV vs guitar & vox - no amps, no speakers, no valves - just a few TEVs
TEV splits the input into low and high bands and uses a different echo and room effect for each band. The outputs of this are cross-mixed and fed into the enhancer section which uses mid / side processing : dynamics, delay, distortion and noise - shaping the signal before a set of stereo balance controls configure the wet and dry signals ready for the output mix
From small, slappy spaces and long drawn-out chasms to damped delays and distorted noisy fsu effects; passable rooms and implausible environments - there's plenty of scope for creating unique spaces. TEV's distortion has controls for level and threshhold (with boost), and when used with noise, the impulse trigger can be used to make all manner of explosion effects - handle with care ... If all that seems a bit much, there's 192 presets and a set of randomise buttons for the ultimate in lazy patch-design ... its probably a good idea to the read the manual :o)
Info & Credits :
- vote for Twin Engined Verb at KVR DC'09 :)
- TEV's whiteLABEL page : here
- concept, design & programming : daz disley
- presets : daz disley, thunder
- additional modules : david haupt, peter schoffhauzer, ralph gonzales, astral p, kelly lynch
- additional coding : unkargherth, built on the work of jeremy wakefield
- beta testers : ilkombo, db69, djvoon, geroyannis, autodafe, rsmus7
- built with SynthEdit © Jeff McClintock
- new modules made for TEV will be released some time later this year
- VST and ASIO are trademarks of Steinberg Soft-und-Hardware GmbH
- "Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries."
- props : novaflash, prodyon, dlm, kriminal, e4m
- special thanks : g200kg for the most excellent knobman, amie slavin
What's in the box ? (also see interface, controls and schematic images)
Low shelf filter, 6 settings :
- 100, 200, 400, 800 Hz, 1.6 or 3.2 kHz
- -18dB cut
Pre-effect crossover :
- range : 80 to 2500 Hz
- slope : 6dB / octave
2 independent rooms, each with :
- room on / off
- pre-echo with controls for time (MS & BPM), feedback (0 to 90%) & damping (0 to 100%)
- reverb engine with controls for size (0 to 10) and width (0 to 10) and choice of 3 algorithms
- echo / reverb mix control
- post-room stereo flip
- stereo balance control
Enhancer :
- enhancer on / off
- enhancer algorithm (one, two or three)
- enhancer modes (clean, light, gloss, thin, overdrive, distortion)
- enhancer amount (0 to 10)
- post-effect, pre-mix stereo flip
- output wet / dry mix
- input and output stereo balance controls
- distortion and threshhold controls per enhancer mode with boost button
- 2 colour envelope following noise generator
- mid / side pre-enhancer flip (on / off)
- +/- 18dB output gain control
High shelf filter, 6 settings :
- 400, 800 Hz, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4 or 12.8 kHz
- -18dB cut
Auxilliary controls :
- freeze mode (on / off)
- inpulse generator (trigger)
- graphic side-band dynamics control
- linked mid/side offset delay control
- input mode (mono / stereo)
- output mode (mono / stereo)
- input and output stereo balance controls
- seperate mid, side and output gain controls
- midi input (on / off)
- midi output (on / off)
- individual randomisers on major controls
- group randomisers for both rooms enhancer & crossover
- 30 key-click modifiers on each major control
- international keyboard support (QWERTY / AZERTY / QWERTZ / DVORAK / COLEMAC)
- embedded pdf manual
- links to visit : kvr & whiteLABEL
- credits screen
Visuals :
- unique response display
- input and output stereo VU meters
- mirrored waveform display
- scope view
- correlation waveform
Other :
- current version : - see readme for changelog
- .dll for 32-bit Windows
- VST 2.3 - requires compatible host
- minimum 1ghz CPU, 256mb ram
- recommend >2ghz, >512mb ram
- 32 bit floating point resolution throughout
- automation parameter support
- midi (cc) support
- 192 presets in 3 banks
Download Files:
- TEV (5.01 MB) Last updated: Sun, 01 Nov 2009 14:28:42 -0800
- TEV manual (zipped pdf) (382.16 KB) Last updated: Mon, 26 Oct 2009 06:11:11 -0700
unicycle (by spacedad)
unicycle by spacedad and mbreges
polyphonic/mono sample-based synth using 8bit fourcycle waveforms instead of an oscillator,there are 300 to choose from.
the synth is split into 4 parts; amp/pitch/filter/badness. each with ADSR and 2xLFO's(tempo-syncable or free).
plus samplerate and bit control.
this nasty beast was inspired by niffla's fourcycle synth.
if it gets in the top 10, i promise to make a grey version for the colour-sensitive.
please note:
there is a known bug with version 1.0xx of SynthEdit that affects some multicore processors,when loading more than one instance.
Download Files:
- unicycle for windows v013 (2.63 MB) Last updated: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 01:33:20 -0800
_02.circles (by rl)
An experiment in UI Design for VST plugins. Inspired by Wassily Kandinsky's painting "Einige Kreise" this plugin opens an intuitive access to sound construction, modification, modulation, live performance tweaking, etc. being an interactive painting and thus a form of art by itself. VST plugins nowadays mostly resemble the look and feel of real instruments so musicians feel comfortable with, but neglecting the power of contemporary user interfaces: mouse, touchpads, multitouch, gestures,... This plugin follows an intuitive approach, e.g. instead of knowing the filter cutoff value has to be modified to "2100 Hz" and the frequency modulation index has to set to "75" the user is encouraged to play with the elements, e.g. make the blue circle a bit smaller and drag the green circle a little so that it becomes more visible, or even try things like "what will it sound like when I modify this red circle"?
Operating System: Windows (developed and tested with XP SP2)
Format: VST Instrument dll file
Installation: Simply copy _02.circles.dll into the VST plugin's folder or any other folder where the VST host searches for instruments.
Known Issues: - VST automation has some quirks. Investigation is on schedule.
Misc: Minimum requirements: SSE capable processor, VST Host compliant to VST 2.3 spec. Tested with Orion Platinum 7.62, Ableton Live 7, Energy XT 2, Tracktion 2, MULAB 2.6, FL Studio 8
VST is a trademark of Steinberg Soft- und Hardware GmbH.
Download Files:
- circles synthesizer by rlma-labs.de (1.19 MB) Last updated: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 16:30:52 -0800
Rules, Information, Guidelines, etc.
Show/Hide Rules
You can go wild! Any operating system, any plugin format, even a stand-alone application - anything that will assist in music making goes! You have a few months to get it together - submissions will end on September 30th October 28th, 2009 EXTENDED!. They will all then be hosted for download on the KVR server and released "AT ONCE" for public appraisal and voting!
Although anything goes, you should consider how to appeal to the largest market - things such as open source or being multi-platform will garner a bigger audience, and consequently more votes. This is your call though. Whatever you are comfortable with!
The Rules:
- Anyone may enter.
- Your entry must be an original creation made by you (your team / crew / company / family). Of course you may reuse code / modules / development frameworks, but the actual plugin / application should be a new, original creation, not just an obviously cut-down subset of a program you have already written.
- Your entry must not break any copyright rules or license agreements - if your entry uses GPL code then your code should adhere to any restrictions imposed by this, for example.
- Your entry must not be restricted in any way that could make it appear to be a demo / trial version for a subsequent "full" release. i.e. It must not be save-disabled or beep every few seconds or nag the user to donate / pay, etc.
- Your entry may support any operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, DOS, iPhone, Android, OS/2, etc.).
- Your entry may support any plugin format, or be a stand alone application / utility.
- You may use any programming language or development environment (e.g. programming languages such as C++, Delphi, Java, etc. or any of the myriad of development applications such as SynthEdit, SynthMaker, Max/MSP, etc.).
- Design and testing must be done in private - public beta testing is not allowed as this may affect the voting process.
The entry form should be made available on August 7th, 2009, at 9:00 am UTC/GMT and entries can be submitted (and revised) any time between then and September 30th, 2009 4:00 pm UTC/GMT.- OK, that last rule / point / plan didn't pan out!!.... Let's try again: The entry form WILL be made available on September 30th, 2009, before 5:00 PM UTC/GMT and entries can be submitted (and revised) any time between then and October 28th, 2009 5:00 pm UTC/GMT.
- You grant KVRaudio.com the permission to distribute your entry for download via our server from October 29th, 2009 onwards.
- You grant KVRaudio.com the permission to act on your behalf, without monetary involvement, for your entry to be published and/or publicized in/on written publications with or without accompanied media such as CDs and DVDs, as well as online publications. You may choose to opt out via a written disapproval of such permission at the time of your entry. However, you may be contacted before submission deadline for individualized permission request by a KVRaudio.com associate. KVRaudio.com will not seek or make attempts at financial gain by promoting your entries on written and online publications.
- KVR Members will vote for their favourite entries between October 29th - November 30th, 2009. Depending on the amount of submissions, the voting period may be extended for another week or so. All KVR members will be eligible to vote although we may instigate some restrictions at the time of voting - maximum joined date, minimum number of posts, etc. - to help prevent voter fraud.
- Voting will be in the form of selecting a top 5:
- 1st choice will be awarded 5 points.
- 2nd choice will be awarded 4 points.
- 3rd choice will be awarded 3 points.
- 4th choice will be awarded 2 points.
- 5th choice will be awarded 1 point.
- The winners will be announced on December 1st, 2009.
- The prize fund will be delivered to the winners via PayPal within a week of the winner being announced.
The Prize Fund (Money Money Money)
- The prize will be cold, hard, cash, made up from donations from the KVR community. Donations can be made via PayPal and will be held in escrow by KVRaudio until the winner has been selected. The prize will be paid to the eventual winner via PayPal. We'll endeavor to keep the prize fund total updated here.
- The prize fund will be split:
- 30% to the Windows entry with the most votes 1, 2
- 30% to the Mac OS X entry with the most votes 1, 2
- 20% to the next highest placed entry
- 10% to a wild card random selection
- 10% to ... be decided - make suggestions how we choose this in the DC Forum!
1 These can be the same entry. If it is multi-format and gets the most votes the entrant would receive 60% of the prize fund.
2 Yes we know Linux (and other OS) appears to be overlooked but the Linux (and other OS) userbase at KVR is very small so the decision has been made to concentrate prize distribution on the two major Operating Systems for audio production - Windows and Mac OS X. However, in the event of the unlikely situation that the entry with the most votes is for Linux (or another OS) only it will be awarded 30% of the prize fund and the next 40% will be split between the highest placed Windows and Mac OS X entries (20% each) and the "next highest placed entry" will receive 10% instead of 20%.
Good Luck!