Celemony has announced that anyone seeking to better understand Melodyne and make smarter use of it will find the new "Training" section on the Celemony website of real assistance.
Here's what they say:
It's one thing to know the functions of an application such as Melodyne; quite another to harness its full power to your specific needs and make efficient use of it. This takes, above all, experience, which is precisely what the creators of the new Melodyne Training section have set out to share. Users will find there practical advice on streamlining workflows, correct technique, and what to and what not to do in order to make successful use of Melodyne and obtain the best possible sound.
The Training pages are devoted primarily to lead vocals, double-tracking and vocal harmonies – all of them typical Melodyne applications. Topics include: the correct reading of the pitch curve, strategies for musically coherent and natural-sounding tuning, and the handling of timing errors as well as other problems that crop up constantly in day-to-day production. The contents are designed not only to get beginners off to the best possible start with a sound understanding of the Melodyne modus operandi, but also to provide experienced producers with valuable tips on things like the avoidance of artifacts and the swiftest way of doing things.