SonicBirth Preview Version 5 is now available.
- Resonant lowpass and highpass.
- Horizontal and vertical sliders.
- Value change slower.
- Small gui bug fix for the XY pad element.
- Option to prevent reopening of exported plugins.
- Option to set argument averaging time.
- New low cpu usage sine generator.
- Now uses the first MIDI device by default.
- A better debug element.
- More audio file types supported for loading.
- Constant add/sub/mul/div.
- Bug fix regarding input/output types.
- Option to draw wires behind elements.
- Better display for the constant element.
- New and smaller element icons.
- Small bug fix for the Simple Reverb plugin.
- Grid for circuit gui design.
- Keyboard arrows move arguments in GUI design.
- Showing wire anchors now optional.