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Synth (Analogue / Subtractive) Plugin by Fuzzpilz
No Longer Available
Oatmeal by Fuzzpilz is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin.
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Oatmeal is a two-oscillator subtractive synth.


Two oscillators:

  • Waveform: sine, sawtooth, pulse (square), triangle, user, and "user PWM".
  • Amp: Amplitude of the oscillator.
  • Tpitch (aftertouch > pitch): The effect of note velocity and later pressure changes on the oscillator's pitch.
  • Pulsewidth, PWM rate, PWM depth. These are ignored unless the waveform is "pulse" or "user PWM", in which case they set the base pulsewidth and the modulation rate and depth.
  • Trans (transpose): Transposition of the second oscillator relative to the first (i.e. the voice's pitch).
  • Detune: Constant frequency shift of the second oscillator.
  • Touch (aftertouch > osc amp): The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on both oscillators' amplitude.

Noise (white or bandpassed):

  • Amp: Noise amplitude.
  • Touch: The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on the noise level.
  • Resonance: If this is 0, unfiltered white noise is generated. Higher values increase the resonance of the bandpass filter, making the output purer.
  • Transpose: Transposition of the filter's center frequency relative to the note.


  • Filter type.
  • Double (filter doubling): If this is enabled, two copies of the filter are run in parallel. See the "split", "mix", and "speed ratio" parameters.
  • Cutoff: Cutoff or center frequency of the filter.
  • Track (keytracking): In octaves/octave: if it is 1, an increase in the voice's pitch of one octave will cause the cutoff to increase by the same amount.
  • Reso (resonance): Resonance of the filter (if applicable).
  • Split: If doubling is on, the second filter's cutoff frequency will be this much higher than the first's.
  • Mix: If doubling is on, this changes the output amplitude ratio between the two filters.
  • Touch (aftertouch > cutoff): The effect of note velocity and pressure changes on both filters' cutoff frequencies.
  • Mod (envelope modulation): Strength and direction of the filter envelope's effect.
  • Velocity: Effect of note velocity on the envelope modulation depth, not on the filter cutoff itself.
  • Filter envelope: For details, see the envelope block below.
  • Speed ratio: If doubling is on, the second filter's envelope will move at this rate relative to the first's.


  • Attack: The time it takes for the level to reach 1.
  • Hold: After reaching 1, the level stays there for this long.
  • Decay 1: The time it takes for the level to reach the breakpoint; however, if the breakpoint is set to 1 (0 dB), this is skipped.
  • Breakpoint: The point reached after the first decay phase (see just above to see what happens if you set this to 0 dB); immediately followed by.
  • Decay 2: The time taken for the level to change from the breakpoint to the sustain level.
  • Sustain: Sustain level.
  • Release: Release time.


  • Type: Hard clip, soft clip (tanh), sine (which can produce fm-like timbres or, failing that, horrible noise), or asymmetric.
  • Mode: This sets where the distortion is applied:
    Global: i.e. once, after summing all the voices.
    Per voice: after the filter.
    Per voice: before the filter.
    Double: i.e. per voice before the filter and then again after summing the voices.
  • Oversample: Oversamples the distortion to reduce aliasing.
  • Pregain.
  • Limit: The level at which the signal is clipped (or the amplitude of the sine).
  • Postgain: In double mode, this is not applied to the per-voice distortion.


  • Mode: Sine, Ramp, and FM are essentially the same thing with different LFO shapes. Irregular is a bit different: the delay times of the voices vary randomly within the given range.
  • Mode (aga.

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 4.00 from 5 reviews

Reviewed By JACITM [all]
November 9th, 2021
Version reviewed: 1.v on Windows

I loved Oatmeal! I used it all the time when using the ReNoise tracker DAW. This was one of my favorite all time VST's for warping traditional instruments into something harsher and heavier. I'm sorry to see that's it's not around anymore, I may have a multitude of other VST and extensions to use now vs. 2009 and I wish I had this as a VST for Reason suite 11 because of the options that it encompasses.

Thank you Fuzz, for making Oatmeal a great and fun utility to use in my mixes and music :).

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Reviewed By FarleyCZ [all]
August 22nd, 2009
Version reviewed: 38-1 on Windows

WOW! You know ... there just have to be somewhere a few freeware synths which sounds great. First of them was synth1. Next was Helix. But when Helix came commerical, this beast appeared!

Oh my god! There is every button I need. It does simply everything what you could expect from V/A synth. It's not something special. There were tons of free VSTi which wanted to do everything. But this one can do it with great sound! Fat, clear ... not as much as Sylenth 1 or V-Station, but really high class.

The CPU usage is very low. It depends on used modules. Of course with unisono and more than one key pressed it will rise up.

User interface is not much comfortable, but really quick! And I like it! Nothing aboud "discovering" a synth. Everything is on one page. That's good for playing for fun or just for some quick ideas.

Possiblites? WOW. There is even tuning a single notes! OMG! There is nothing that this synth can't do. Great PWM, great Unisono, Great Effects (specially filtered delay). And the best is integrated waveform-drawer!

Just love it! :-) GO and get it! It's free and great!
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Reviewed By jdtrbn [all]
May 5th, 2008
Version reviewed: 38-1 on Windows

Possibly the best freeware synth and the only one I've heard producing that screaming progressive metal lead. It supports custom waveforms and has a lot of stuff to tweak. You also get a couple of effects, which is nice. Some of the user made presets are astounding, better than some you hear in commercial synths. How hard or easy it is to get those sounds out of the thing, I do not know.

The GUI isn't the best I've seen. I believe it would work better if it had more than one page, like V-station. Now there are a lot of small knobs and the learning can take some time. After that you can work with it easily, though. You can also download alternative GUIs made by users. The manual basically explains the controls, but doesn't teach you any programming or go into details. This is normal for synth manuals and in the end you have to go through the controls anyway.

It's hard to review the customer support. I'll give it an 8 because the updates are somewhat frequent and there aren't any bugs or other things you'd absolutely need support for.
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Reviewed By lightninrick [all]
April 21st, 2008
Version reviewed: 38-1 on Windows

Oatmeal is in my opinion one of the best-sounding and most versatile freeware synths available. It sounds great on its own, and it layers beautifully with a wide range of instruments.

The supplied GUI is ugly and complex to the point of baffling, but alternative skins are available that do a very good job of making the instrument more usable. I've rated the user interface as "8" taking these alternatives into account--otherwise it would be more like "5" (usable, but barely).

The large library of 3rd-party patches for this instrument are a terrific bonus--in terms of number, variety, and quality of patches available, Oatmeal is competitive with many commercial synths.

The instrument uses a moderate to small amount of CPU, another factor that makes it useful for layering. It is thoroughly stable under Sonar 6.0 and 6.2.1, and runs very well in Xlusoft Chainer too. (Chainer is a useful way to set up layers using this and other soft instruments and effects, of course.)

In short, this is an instrument that can improve almost anyone's inventory of soft synths. The more I use it, the more I find new uses for it.
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Reviewed By MaliceX [all]
March 18th, 2008
Version reviewed: 38-1 on Windows

Oatmeal is by far one of the most versatile 2+1-OSC synthesizers out there in the FREEWARE market. (And it recently had an addition of unison!)

Tone-wise, it's quite simple to create simple sounds such as sinus basslines, but once you begin to investigate its options, it's a fully fledged VA under the hood. Various filters to choose from, a semi-modular distortion effect unit, onboard EQ, Reverb, Delay, Chorus, as well as an extremely flexible arpeggiator system.

One of the special nuances of Oatmeal is its wavedrawing mechanism. Now while one can draw whatever the hell they want in this screen for either OSC or LFO, right-clicking will reveal there's even morphing options of sorts for it, which expands the possibilities even more! Then there's the two other oscillator modes, hardsync and FM. Very nice touch, though the FM part is a bit limited due to some pitch limitations, if not a noticeable degradation of quality when one goes down pitch too far for OSC-1.

Anyway, the inbuilt modes for the included effects are amazing. There's so much to choose from. I like how it handles certain parameters with its ouwn modulation routings. My only caveat is it's quite confusing to work with at times, being the uniquely-constructed synth it is. I think this is also one of the only synthesizes that have a routable distortion. (Most synths act how GLOBAL mode does. Pre/Post filter? Sweet!) Now with the inclusion of a 15-voice unison, this can now sound very much like those big supersaw synthesizers. The only current limitation to the new unison is, it hasn't been properly implemented for HARDSYNC and FM as it modulates both OSCs or just OSC1 rather than simply the final shape combination. (ie: Post-generator stage) If this can be fixed, sync/fm unison heaven!

The main pinnacle of Oatmeal is its rather interesting randomizer unit. Comes up with some humorous, pre-programmed name combinations with the odd question (How it affects randomizing, probably nada.) Easy textures it can generate although you'd be better off making your own once you understand its limitations to randomizing.

Oatmeal is also skinnable too!! There are already some high quality skins out there for OAtmeal which not only get around the rather hard-to-read default GUI (single colours), to something more fancy, readable and appealing to work with.

Stability has been so far, excellent. While sometimes skins 'freeze' with some hosts, I have yet to experience any crashes using Oatmeal. It's always been relatively nice to my CPU however the more effects going, the more gets used. Now with unison added, long release, reverb plus multi-voices equals potential CPU choke; nothing strange, it's normal. Fares quite well with both a 1.7GHz AMD Sempron 2400+, and a 1.42GHz Pentium Dual Core.

All in all, it's a great synthesizer. Easy to create presets on-the-go, as well as a great creative-block randomizer for a good starting point. Great included effects, and is now capable to sound as good as anything. From vintage retro keys, to fat basses, to growling leads, to sparkling pads akin to a Fairlight, you can't go wrong with Oatmeal!

It's great nutrition for your workstation, at no cost to your savings account!
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Comments & Discussion for Fuzzpilz Oatmeal

Discussion: Active
18 May 2014 at 12:54am

So far I don't seem to be able to get Oatmeal to see these lovely patches. For example, I put the Snow&Rust folder in the same folder (vst plugins) as I have my oatweal.dll file, but Oatmeal shows the original 17 programs. The rest are shown as 'init17' and numbers up to 63. I'm sure it's a simple adjustment. I just don't know what it is. Can anyone help me out?


4 July 2014 at 10:18am

In your DAW, choose "Open bank". Then choose the bank that you want and load it in memory. Immediately you now can browse within the patches of the bank you'ce just loaded in memory.

I have made for you an example in an animated gif.

Have fun.

4 December 2014 at 12:00am

Hi there.

I downloaded oatmeal (all versions i found) and tried all, but each time I try to use the vst, it says 'vst bridge connection lost'. Then the VST is unusable. I tried after to tweak the default skin, no succes.

I'm using cubase 7.5 64-bits on windows7. Is any one has any ideas to solve the problem?


4 December 2014 at 12:09am

Oatmeal is 32-bit, not 64-bit. It is on your 32-bit version of Cubase that it must be used, not on 64-bit version of Cubase.

4 December 2014 at 12:27am

I kniw, but cubase has a bridge to make 32-bits VST working in 64-bits. It's the only VST not working, and i cant fix that issue! Cubase forum sent me in oatmeal forum. In like a ping pong ball right now.

4 December 2014 at 12:51am

Ha Ok. I didn't know that there is an internal bridge in Cubase. My bad... But, perhaps that the bridge doesn't warranty a good work with very old plugins. The last time that Oatmeal has been updated was in 2008 if I recall correctly. So maybe this plugin is not very optimized for the memory managements of today, so it leads to incompatibility in the memory allocations. I think seriously that it's a problem of that kind. You should perhaps see if the internal bridge of Cubase allows some tweaking for some very old plugins having a weird memory management. I can't affirm, being not a Cubase user, so it's simply a suggestion to look into the help manual. Otherwise I suggest you to ask directly on the Steinberg forum, Oatmeal being a widely known plugin it is certain that on the Steinberg forum (I think that it is certainly more exactly here) someone will tell you with precision what happens and how to address that issue.

4 December 2014 at 12:57am

Thank you so much for you help. Yep looks to be in 2008 for the last update. Do you know if I can tweak the default skin? because I tried to change the default skin, oatmeal loaded, but it was all whit window. I could play and change patches, but didn't have acces to knobs and oatmeal interface, if i can say that. I will chanllenge on cubase forum as you suggested.

Thank you.

4 December 2014 at 1:29am

Yes, and Oatmeal is by the way very known to have already many awesome skins. I think that they all are made with the two freewares SkinMan and KnobMan (both quite easy to use, and very funny to experiment, spending hours to discover these two free gems is not time lost, it is a real hobby to enjoy).

4 December 2014 at 1:39am

So I just have to swap skins in the default folder in the oatmeal folder?


4 December 2014 at 1:59am

It's exactly that. You can also take this file in my web space, it contains Oatmeal but also many banks, patches, and skins for Oatmeal. You have just to unzip it in your VST directory and discover all that. And I highly suggest you to read all the pages of this thread, probably that you'll find yet other nice informations on Oatmeal, its patches and skins. The thread began in 2006 so of course many things are old (but interesting to read)... but the last pages of that same thread are just of a few weeks ago, meaning that the thread can remain still alive.

You're welcome.

6 December 2014 at 1:12am

A video which will help you to understand how you change the skin on Oatmeal:


26 February 2021 at 9:53pm

BlackWinny- thanks so much for uploading that combo of all things Oatmeal via your "this file" link above. Takes forever to get all that stuff put together and the default skin you picked is just great too... no desire to change it yet. Only thing I wish was that had been done was a pop-up preset browser, so you can see all the presets in the bank at once. Oh, well... beggars can't be choosers (hah). Still, I gotta admit this old synth still sounds good to my ears here in 2021. Thanks for making this available, since the dev has decided to let it be washed away by the tides of time. Thanks again for keeping it alive in a very friendly combo pack. Cheers.

28 December 2015 at 5:27pm

I made a track featuring this amazing Synthesizer:


24 February 2021 at 1:36am

Looks like the link to this track is now without the "wip-":


22 October 2016 at 5:53pm

Link is dead.

23 October 2016 at 6:08pm


24 October 2016 at 12:36am


22 February 2023 at 1:00pm

Я отремонтировал один skin MrM-Blue на своё усмотрение. Может, вам понравится.


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