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RMV Drum Addiction

Drum Sampler Plugin by LinPlug
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RMV Drum Addiction
RMV Drum Addiction RMV Drum Addiction RMV Drum Addiction RMV Drum Addiction RMV Drum Addiction
RMV Drum Addiction by LinPlug is a Virtual Instrument Audio Plugin for macOS and Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin and an Audio Units Plugin.
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RMV is a Drum Synthesizer & Sampler, Loop Slicer and Librarian. It includes more than 10,000 sampled and synthesized drum sounds, 2,600 MIDI grooves, 1,500 Loops as well as a comprehensive 150 page reference manual (PDF) in English, French and Italian.


  • Drum Synthesizer.
  • Drum Sampler.
  • Audio Loop Modules (Slicer & Player).
  • Drum Librarian.
  • 32-voice polyphony.
  • Multiple instances of the RMV can be opened.
  • 48 polyphonic Pads for the universal or specialized Drum Synthesizers or Drum Samplers.
  • Six independent Audio Loop Modules with up to 64 slices each.
  • Each Pad and each Slice features its own controls for:
    • Volume.
    • Pan.
    • Output Selection.
    • Tune (+- 24 semitones in 10 cent intervals).
    • Two independent Effects Send.
  • Each Pad and Slice can belong to one of 10 Edit Groups (parameters for all Pads or Slices in a Group can be adjusted simultaneously).
  • Each Pad and each Slice can have additional modules:
    • A 12x12 Modulation Matrix.
    • 3 independent LFOs.
    • A Distortion and BitCrusher.
    • A multimode AHDSR-controlled filter.
    • A four-band parametric equalizer.
    • Three insert effects racks each of which can be set to one of nine different effects units.
    • A "Varizer" for unbeaten realistic humanizing.
  • Each Pad additionally features its own controls for loading and saving Pad files, Choke Group (12 groups are available including prev/next and self-mute), Trigger Key, Polyphony (mono... 8, full), Mute and Solo.
  • Almost all instrument parameters are MIDI controllable.

Audio Module Features:

  • Pads and Audio Loop Modules provide mono and true stereo sample playback and processing.
  • Pads can hold either a Sampler or Synth Audio module:
    • A percussion sampler module.
    • 2 different kick drum modules.
    • 2 different snare drum modules.
    • Open and closed hihat modules.
    • A Tom module.
    • A Clap module.
    • Two cymbal modules.
    • A simple and easy FM percussion module.
    • A flexible, universal purpose drum synthesizer.
  • Each Sampler module can hold up to 30 samples that can be layered, velocity-switched or -crossfaded and with parameters for start, end, reverse, volume and delay.
  • Sampler also features:
    • A Pitch Envelope with two successive Pitch and Time phases.
    • An AHDSR Envelope for controlling Amplitude.
  • Sample Waveform Display additionally shows Pitch-, Amplitude- and Filter-Envelope.
  • Samples can also be opened and edited in an external editor and then reloaded into the RMV right from RMV user interface.
  • Switchable response to MIDI Note Off.
  • Supported sample formats:
    • WAV 8-32-bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
    • AIF 8-24-bit, mono and stereo, any sample rate.
    • REX and REX 2.

Library Features:

  • RMV comes with a vast selection of partly multi sampled acoustic and electronic kits and synthesized kits and MIDI and Audio Loops:
    • 10,000 Drum Sounds (Sampled and Synthesized).
    • 2600 MIDI Grooves.
    • 1500 Audio Loops.
  • Four specialized "Librarians" are now incorporated into the RMV. Each Librarian has sophisticated search capabilities and is used for the storage and retrieval of various types of data that the RMV supports. The Librarians can be used with Pads (individual drum sounds), Kits, MIDI Grooves and Loops.
  • Samples can be imported using the RMV Sample Browser (supporting favourite folders and pre-listening.
  • The Kit Librarian features a "Live" control that enables setup of different Kits to be loaded using MIDI program change messages.
  • Samples, Pads, Kits, Grooves and Loops can be browsed while the RMV is playing.

Effects features:

  • Each Pad and each Slice has access to three individual Insert Effects, a four band EQ and two out of three Send Effects Racks.
  • Each Send Effect Rack can hold up to 3 individual effects and a final 4 band (2 bands parametric) EQ.
  • Each Insert / Send can hold one of these Effects Units: Stereo Delay, Filter-Delay, Reverb, WahWah, Flanger, Compressor, Multimode Filter, Bit Crusher, Gator.

Audio Loop Features:

  • 6 fully independent Audio Loop Slicers / Players are available.
  • Each Audio Loop Module with up to 64 Slices.
  • Each Loop Player can be used to load and playback audio loops in WAV, AIF, REX and REX2 format. Samples can be automatically sliced.
  • Slice start and end points, as well as automatic slicing sensitivity are user-definable.
  • Each slice has vast editing capabilities (like Filters, Envelopes, Modulations, Effects etc., see Main Features).

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 4.50 from 4 reviews
RMV Drum Addiction

Reviewed By Sensational [all]
February 25th, 2004
Version reviewed: 4.1 on Windows

The GUI looks really nice and compact. All the features are right upfront or on the back panel. Everything is one or two mouse clicks away.The looks give you that futuristic drum machine look.
The Sound is very crisp and clear. I tried the sample kits from the RMIII inside the RMIV and they sounded more distinctive and brighter in the RMIV. The synth modules are good too, easy to use since most are setup to give a sound for a certain type of drum,combine this with the envs and matrix and you can get all types of orignal sounds.
The features are great you have modulaton matrix,pitch,filter and time modulations,bit crusher,distortion,compresser and the varizer.Layering drums is out of this world with the RMIV,velocity switching and sample start points. On the RMIII I use to sometimes loose track of the kit I was using but the RMIV displays the name of the kits for you. I think there should be a way to save individual drum pad settings so that you could load up two or more different variations of the same drum type for comparing,tweaking and interchanging between kits. Also you should be able to preview whole kits and single drums while in use. One more thing is that it could use a built in sequencer like the Musiclab one in the DR008 to complete solidly.
The documents are top notch couldn't be better explains every detail.
The presets cover every base you can think of. I would just like to see some more up to date hiphop kits maybe some Korg and MoPhat samples.
Linplugs support has always been good, the forum and newsletters are very informative. I have never had any problem out of the RMIV yet.
The VFM can go two ways, if you had a previous drum module (RMIII,RM2) you get a really great discount because this is like adding drumsynths to the previous two. If you don't like the drumsynth or sample part then you could get the CM505 if you just like the synth engine or the RMIII if you just like samples. The latest update is just awesome the kits and grooves work like magic.Stability is like a rock! I have had no glitches,crashes or screwy looking interfaces yet in Sonar 3,FLStudio or Orion Plat.
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RMV Drum Addiction

Reviewed By original flipper [all]
January 3rd, 2004
Version reviewed: current on Windows

Software comes and goes so quickly i thought I would put foward my experience of this vsti as it may help someone currently looking to expand there software arsenal , as software tends to become dated as soon after it is released!
I have spent a lot of time recently building up drum and percussion Kits/programs from my sample collection ( although the RM4 does come with a huge collection of usable readymade Kits) and this has been a joy to work with.
It is so straightfoward to use (it comes boxed with a Manual) , I particularly like the way all samples are stored within the RM4 Kit folder so there is no chance of losing or getting in a muddle with where the samples are!
The sound quality is very good ; the words clean and full bodied spring to mind.
I find the program to be very stable using WINxp and Logic 5.5.
It has good sonic manipulation possibilities with a nice sounding Filter , envelopes , distortion , bit reduction and a modulation matrix.
You can use pitched samples although this is not its Forte - but i have and had good results.
What strikes me about the RM4 is how accessable it is you can get experimental if you want but for standard drum and perc sample playback i think this is as good as one could hope for.
Oh yes you can have multiple layers of samples per pad (similar idea to the cells in NI's Battery drum module , which i have but dont use anymore as this is more productive , enjoyable and cleaner sounding to my ears)
of which there are 18.
I also have Halion 2 but This is far more productive for its specialist use.
So if your looking for a drum/perc sample playback module
give this a try the demo is downloadable from the Linplug site.
I would love to see Linplug try something similar for multisample/instrument playback and manipulation as this product hits the spot for me-more so than some of the Hardware samplers I have previously spent much time with in the past peering at a 2" by 4" lcd screen!
(note on my marking-I think this product is Brilliant but feel most people overmark so there you have it!)
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RMV Drum Addiction

Reviewed By EagleEye [all]
September 17th, 2003
Version reviewed: 4.02 on Windows

I already had RMIII which fulfilled my needs. My main reason to buy RMIV were the Kits and ...
... the Drum Kit Display ! ( Which was missing in RMIII ) :-)

The Kits are outstanding ! Listen to the demos on LinPlug's site ! My favourites are the KohleKeller Kits !

I won't use the Synthesizer Modules though I think they're great ...

The Varizer is a great thing ( though I don't know what it exactly does ). You can change the sound in a very good and decent way with it !

Thanks to LinPlug for the steady improvements in userfriendlyness and features of their instruments !

Sorry for bad english ...
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RMV Drum Addiction

Reviewed By warbug [all]
August 26th, 2003
Version reviewed: 4.02 on Windows

i have been awaiting this vst since its announcement. i DLed the demo and had to buy it. i have been using battery before the release of this and i will NEVER go back.

-the user interface is layed out wonderfully even if you have never touched a percussion sampler the navigation is easy.

-IT HAS A FILTER!! battery does not have this a filter is a must for HH werk. i sure it has some super seceret sound processing algorithms but the bottom line is that it sounds good.

-features!!!!not only is it a deatail persussion sampler but an anolog drum emulator!!! the filter the variator and a compressor for each pad..nuff said. my favorite feature of all is the ability to flip threw sounds as it is playing (like redrum in reason). this makes building a kit VERY easy.

-it has a very detailed 55(?) page manual. i have not really looked at it cuz its sooo easy to use.

-presets....2500 individual hits that are collected into 170 kits. not all of them are my style but a very nice library none the less.

-every question i had for the customer support was answered in deatail very promptly.


-stability its a bit hungry in this area but nothing real hidious plus it does alot for a percusion sampler.

if your curious just DL the demo and youll see for your self. ppl talk about how great the DR008 is but the gui looks a bit to cluttered for me, this is my dream beat box. :)
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