Very nice but the effects section could be better..
Agreed that the effects should be better. Guys, hopefuly after SynthMaster 3, we're gonna concentrate on improving FX/filter qualities.
Yes the effects section should be better.
If you use settings to change the user theme, the option to change it back in settings sometimes disappear. Well, you can right click other places in the user interface to change the theme, but it should work in settings too.
Many default patches are not in tune, making it difficult to use with other instruments - especially if you are a new user who haven't learned controlling the synt yet, it can be difficult to re-tune those patches. Those patches should be in tune from the start. It gives a bad impression of a hurried product released to early - I use the synt in my setups less because of this.
I hope the fix the above issues soon, as it could become a good synt.
What's the "global scale" setting on your SM1? is it set to Equal Tempered or something else?
What's the "global scale" setting on your SM1? is it set to Equal Tempered or something else?
Also, about the FX -> we have 11 effects not 6 :) Right click on the insert FX label and it's gonna show you more choices.
It was Andremega. Well normaly I wouldn't change that, but did it while switching skins, when the skin list (in settings) suddently disappeared and the global scale list took its place. I just tried changing it to "Preset", but there are still some not tuned patches. The change to "Preset" scale didnt change anything here.
The preset scale is set to equal tempered.
Just scrolled through a few patches (quickly to reply on this, so this is only a tiny handfull) and some of the patches out of tune are "PAD Venus Calling", "PLG Sky UK", "PRC Spider Step" and "SYN Chokepoint VS". So you should go through all the patches and fix those out of tune.
I know about the 11 effects, and didn't write 6. Still the effects section could be better - but its an okay start. Maybe next version then ;-)
As I ended up writing, SynthMaster One can become a good synt.
Thank you for your quick reply.
If it is Andremega why are you expecting it to be in tune :)))
ONLY "Equal Tempered" is perfect tuning. The others are tuning generated from analog synths so they keytracking wont be "perfect" ;)
It was Andremega. Well normaly I wouldn't change that, but did it while switching skins, when the skin list (in settings) suddently disappeared and the global scale list took its place. I just tried changing it to "Preset", but there are still some not tuned patches. The change to "Preset" scale didnt change anything here.
The preset scale is changing according to which preset/patch I am chosing. I had an odd tone on one of the KEY presets (think it was "KEY Self Osc Keys") and it was set to equal tempered. Then I selected the listbox (to see its options) and reselected equal tempered. Then the tone got in tune and I cant recreate the out of tune for that patch. That seems a little strange.
Just scrolled through a few patches (quickly to reply on this, so this is only a tiny handfull) and some of the patches out of tune are "PAD Venus Calling", "PLG Sky UK", "PRC Spider Step" and "SYN Chokepoint VS". So you should go through all the patches and fix those out of tune.
I know about the 11 effects, and didn't write 6. Still the effects section could be better - but its an okay start. Maybe next version then ;-)
As I ended up writing, SynthMaster One can become a good synt.
Thank you for your quick reply.
BTW, if the global scale is "Preset" the preset scale will be in effect, otherwise the global scale will be used globally for all presets...
One special thing I notice about this synthesizer is that it often sounds a little distorted. Like something is overdriven somewhere in the signal chain inside SynthMaster One. And that is on many sounds not even using the distortion effect. It might be to make it sound special (big, wide, etc.), but now when I hear it I cant stop hearing it. I never overdrive my signal chain, so I know it is not due to that. Of cause it is about how the patches are made (and how they are passed on between the modules in the software), but I dont hear this distortion on other synths, so it should be checked out.
I must say though, there are also times when this synthesizer sounds fantastic. So to the price, it is surely worth it ;-)
Has that been fixed by now?
Just got this yesterday. Now I have both SM1 and 2. Two very powerful synths with so many modulation capabilities. These are my top two for the forseeable future.
Just one question ... can I use these libraries in SM 2? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Synthmaster One Bass Expansion just released.
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