Acoustica has updated Mixcraft 8.1 to Build 412.
Changes in Mixcraft 8.1 Build 412:
- New splash screens.
- Fix for ASIO driver that reports a recommended size but doesn't allow for it with a new preference.
- Workaround fix for IK Multimedia Modo Bass and T-Racks plugins.
- Fix for VSTs that resize that do sidechaining. Was not updating parent window properly.
- Update Acoustica Instruments v1.462 to fix a few issues.
- Fix for loading a project with missing tracks that were selected.
- Bug #10023, fix for Strike VST not syncing properly to the current bar position.
- Bug #10050, fixed glitch in Pro Studio Reverb caused by preset settings being global to all instances.
- Fixed pin detection logic for VST and VST3 to handle second pin in a stereo set being marked as "mono".
- Bug #10020, added importing of *.vstpreset files into VST3 plugins.
- MIDI clips now locking.
- A case where a note was not being selected if ctrl clicked and resized immediately. in the ctrl click case, we simply add it to the selected notes if it wasn't selected.
- Fixed VST resize - was going back and forth due to message queue.
- If undocked, we no longer put the focus back to the details. It makes sense and doesn't seem broken.
- Disabling/enabling effect in list view now reflects changes on GUI effect list.
- Can now drag effect to inst track when inst track is collapsed.
- Fixed auto-scroll bug when mouse was down in piano roll.
- Don't pre-mix instrument tracks in some cases.
- Updated FreeSound URL to use "https" and to remove the "www".
- Bug #10019, fix for Send mixer knob values not displaying properly after loading, if the Send track occurs before the track that is sending.
Changes in Mixcraft 8.1 Build 408:
- Fixed VST3 issue related to PianoTEQ.
- Fixed VST3 issue related to relatively long plugin names such as 'Izotope Ozone 7 Vintage Compressor'.
- Fix for freeze when clicking fx button on effect list on track to close fx (only in WaveRT).
- Double clicking works when bringing up effects on track effect list.