SynthIV has updated their IV Line synthesizer/sequencer to version 2.0 (beta). Brand new MIDI capabilities, stylized graphics, and extra controls are all available in the updated version.
Update Details: MIDI and output controls; bend range, HP/LP filters, glide rate, and a keyboard (use the 'logo'/'midi' selector to show/hide these controls), peak meters for each step, and a 'system on' control (Runs the sequencer when there is no MIDI input). Select MIDI (under 'pitch') to allow that synth/step to be MIDI controlled. Pitch selector sets pitch from MIDI base note, so set 'note' to 0 when using the MIDI in the get the correct pitch. This synth is monophonic.
Notes: This is an entirely separate plugin from IV Line 1.1 and will not interfere with existing versions of IV LINE. IV Line is still in beta, so any bug reports or comments are appreciated. This is a Windows 32-bit VST plugin instrument.