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Infinity Bass
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Infinity Bass

Infinity Bass is a new sound-sculpting tool that makes low-end processing easier than ever. Four different sound profiles (or 'Modes') interact with a responsive set of controls that revitalize your track's lower-end components with added depth and warmth and even generate missing or lacking subharmonics.

Subtle Changes to Total Transformation

Whether you're looking for a slight bump in low-end presence or a complete change in bass tone, Infinity Bass has you covered.

Four Modes

Infinity Bass is powered by four (4) unique modes that deliver a wide range of processing potential. Whether you need a bass exciter, a dual-band subharmonic synthesizer, a clean sub-bass generator, or a bass-focused all-pass filter, this plugin does it all:

  • Punchy - This is a bass exciter mode perfect for treating electric, acoustic and synth bass lines as well as kick drums that could use more transient presence.
  • Warm - This dual-band subharmonic synthesizer introduces an octaver-style effect that's great for adding dimension and color to bass and synth stacks.
  • Deep - Deep mode is a clean sub-bass generator with dynamics control that unlocks new layers of depth in your kicks and bass lines. It's also good for treating full mixes that could benefit from enhanced low-end frequencies.
  • Phased - This is a bass-focused all-pass filter that helps boost any weaker bass and low-end transients in your mix. The result is subtle but essential for mixing.


  • Bass Shaper, Sub Generator.
  • Enhances weaker low-end components.
  • Generates subharmonics where they're missing.
  • Great on bass groups, kick stacks, and some full mixes.
  • Four different built-in processing modes.
  • Responsive interface linked to intuitive controls.
  • 'Frequency' knob sets frequency range for processing.
  • 'Character' knob colors and shape your processed signal.
  • 'Listen' button isolates processed portion of signal.
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