2nd Sense Audio has updated ReSample to v1.1.5. The update introduces Noise Generation and Limiter processor, together with other bug fixes.
New features:
- New function: Noise Generation for white and pink noise;
- New Processor: Limiter processor, for normal limiter usage.
- User Experience: Windows installer for ReSample does not need VCRedist installation any more.
Other Updates:
- General: Fixed a memory leak issue after an insertion;
- Processor: Reverb processor is added a low cut filter, and other parameter related bug fixes;
- Processor: Minor fixes on some processor presets loading.
- Processor: Fixed errors on opening some processors after Batch processing is introduced;
- General: Fixed some playhead and looping related bugs;
- General: File name checking bug fixed for files with same names but different cases.
ReSample 1.1.5 is a free update for all customers, available immediately through the official website.
Price: $89. There is a 25-day fully functional demo version for Mac OS X and Windows on 2ndSenseAudio.com/resample.