We are now in the download and voting stage of the KVR Developer Challenge 2012. This news item features an entry called VST Plug-in Preset Match by Christian-W. Budde. You can download it for free here.
Here's what they say about it:
With VST Plug-in Preset Match it is possible to match the settings of a VST 2.x plug-in to a given reference VST plug-in preset for a certain piece of music. By using a metaheuristics DE algorithm, the matching result will improve continuously over time (if matching is possible at all). With the included ASIO VST plug-in it is also possible to match a VST plug-in to an external hardware device.
This tool can be especially useful if you have older tracks, which use particular effects, which are not maintained anymore (e.g. did not yet make the step to 64-bit). Instead of recreating the plug-in's settings by hand, the tool can match the plug-in settings to the reference as good as possible. Not seldom, the same results can also be achieved with much less effort. For example, a graphic EQ setting can be replaced with a set of parametric peak EQ filters.
With the latest version 1.0.4, the example VST Plug-ins that were shipped to demonstrate the program are also available separately. However, please note, that these were not intended to be used outside this program (although it is likely that they work fine). This is due to the fact, that each plugin could not be tested with every host. Also there is no support beyond this tool.
The VST Plug-in Preset Match as contribution for the KVR Developer Contest will not be developed further, but - if popular enough - will be integrated in the VST Plugin Analyser 2.0. The development of version 2.0 will be partially crowd founded. Further information can be found here.