Tracktion Software Corporation has updated Tracktion to v5.2.1.
- fix for quick param displays in racks.
- EQ phase invert fix.
- misc fixes for track selection + focus.
- REX fix for Windows.
- automation write fix.
- MIDI line tool fix.
- truncated long edit names in tabs.
- fix for rendering to MP3.
- transport pause with Ctrl key.
- avoiding opening plugins when scanning for orphan clips.
- fix for not applying master filters to some exports.
- fix for re-linking files from old projects.
- Fix for some problems dragging project folders around.
- auto-scrolling when dragging tracks around.
- fix for dragging multiple tracks.
- pass-through filters rendering fix.
- Absynth GUI fix.
- fix for mono clip channels.
- Better plugin scanning.
- VST3 fixes.
- fix for cmd-mousewheel zoom.
- Sending all-controllers-off to avoid hanging notes with sustain pedal.
- folder clip selection fix.
- REX fix.
- fix for imported files going into the wrong folder.
- Better MIDI note visibility when zoomed out or ghosted.
- Performance improvements in drawing MIDI editor.
- Added pan law selection feature.
- New plugin scanning algorithm.
- Ogg file reverse bug.
- MIDI snap notes to grid broken.
- reordering filters/plugins in the filterpanel.
- RX2 (Rex) Files in the 64-bit version.
- Action USB device not working in loop mode.
- Grid line rendering fix.
- MIDI snapping.
- Track plugin volume preset fix.