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Woodman's Immaculate Maple Syrup Studio releases WoodSynth 3.0 with a new sequencer

Woodman's Immaculate Maple Syrup Studio

Woodman's Immaculate Maple Syrup Studio has released WoodSynth 3.0, a significant update of its multi-layer synthesiser with a new sequencer UI and functionality.

New Sequencer functionality:

  • Step "On" or "Skip" probability.
  • Random note can now be set per step (was previously on/off for all steps).
  • Random note probability per step.
  • Random note range can be set per step.
  • Ratcheting (repetition of same note in the step) per step.
  • 9 ratcheting patterns provided (triplet, 4-sixteenths, 2-eights, etc).
  • Different duration per step. (regular step time multiplied or divided by 2,3 or 4).
  • Ratcheting probability per step.
  • 4 sequence Variations (which can have different values for all step params).
  • Variations can be selected manually, randomly or from a Playlist.
  • Playlist allows to create 64 steps sequence or can be used for verse, chorus, etc.
  • Variation glide for note values and volume: gradual transition between 2 Variations.
  • Sub semitone allows for "strange" note values in a Variation glide or for random notes.
  • Variation glide between notes can be limited to the selected scale.
  • Variation glide and Sub Semitone can be set on/off per step.
  • Added Envelope ADSR parameters per step.
  • Added more scales to the random note Limit Scales. (Ionian, Minor Harmonic, Acoustic, Lydian, Dorian, Phrygian).

New Sequencer UI:

  • New large panel with all 16 steps in 1 row.
  • Added per step Mute/Skip button.
  • New large Volume fader per step.
  • Added on/off/skip Led and playing Led for each step.
  • Volume curve can be drawn.
  • Added "All Steps" button. (modifying a step parameter is set in all steps).

Smaller improvements and fixes:

  • Touch bar lowest center note is now C1 (was C2).
  • Floating panels (Sequencer, CV, 3D, Advanced) can be moved around.
  • MIDI Out channel for Sequencer and Touch bar are now global and not part of a preset any longer.
  • Delay now has its own Mod LFO (freeing up the general LFOs).
  • Stereo Out delay now only applied on delay and reverb (to avoid destroying center bass notes).
  • Resizing the window does not toggle between the classic-expanded view any longer.
  • Smaller iPads can now also toggle to the expanded view (overview ...).
  • Fixed a problem in the Copy Factory Presets (was sometimes duplicating presets).
  • Fixed delay and reverb in 3D output.

New Presets (all in the new factory subfolder "sequences"):

  • Creeping.
  • Electroad.
  • Lymbo's Echoes.
  • Mozartificial.
  • Mystic Candles.
  • Ratch 22.
  • The First Day In The Universe.


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