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Loopscape Vinyl
Loopscape Vinyl
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Full version of Native Instruments KONTAKT v4.2.3 or later
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Loopscape Vinyl

Loopscape Vinyl is a loop-based synthesiser inspired by experimental musical pioneers of the 60s and 70s like Brian Eno. Eno created ambient music by combining tape loops of different lengths to create non-repeating, infinitely-varying compositions. With our original Loopscape, we took that concept and turned it into a tape-loop-based synthesiser. Loopscape Vinyl applies the same process to deliberately-aged custom-pressed vinyl records instead of vintage tape loops.

At its most basic, Loopscape Vinyl offers the user three virtual vinyl loops which can be run simultaneously. Each of these can be loaded with any one of six classic analog waveforms, and each can be set to run for between half a second and 17 seconds (in non-regular intervals). Each of the three virtual loops can be independently sculpted by a high / low pass resonant filter with LFO, and three further LFOs which control amplitude (twice) and pitch. Five LFO wave shapes are available, including a random wave. Although the controls are simple, the complexity of the underlying loops, plus the modulation, means that a single note played by Loopscape Vinyl will not repeat its sonic fingerprint for thousands of years.

"With three loops combined, the result is a lush and dense synthesiser sound, evolving and transforming constantly... it's incredible." – Film & Game Composers review

In the Global pane there are Level knobs and a full AHDSR envelope for each loop. Global effects include Tape Saturation, Chorus, Flanger and Delay (with stereo spread), allowing the fantastically complex waveforms generated by Loopscape to be manipulated in a familiar, traditional manner.

"Bursting with warmth, crackle and analogue life" – Computer Music review

Every component sound within Loopscape Vinyl was recorded onto custom-pressed vinyl dubplates. The waveforms themselves were sourced from analog synthesisers and were deliberately chosen for their irregular sonic character. These waves were then resampled using a variety of vintage turntables, including a 1960s Dansette, a 1920s hand-cranked phonograph, and an 80s-vintage reference table. The dubplates were also deliberately abused, warped and scratched to introduce further irregularities into the loops.


  • Three virtual Vinyl Loops running 24-bit recordings of real vinyl discs.
  • Each Loop can be loaded with Saw, Double Saw, Triangle, Pulse, Sine or Noise waveforms.
  • Each Loop can have its length chosen from 0.5, 0.66, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 17 seconds.
  • Each Loop has a switchable High / Low pass resonant filter.
  • Each Loop has four LFOs: Filter, Amp 1, Amp 2 and Pitch.
  • LFO wave shapes can be chosen from Sine, Triangle, Sawtooth, Square and Random.
  • Full AHDSR envelopes for each Loop.
  • Global Vintage Effects section with Saturation, Chorus, Flanger and Delay.

Loopscape Vinyl requires Kontakt version 4.2.3 and above (including Kontakt 5). Kontakt Player is not supported.

User Reviews Average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review Add A Review
Loopscape Vinyl

Reviewed By stamosfan69 [all]
December 10th, 2016
Version reviewed: Vinyl on Windows

I'm impressed. Gimmickry aside, this is a quirky, analog-sounding VSTi that is capable of creating strange, imperfect but instantly useful sounds. And it's cheap. I guess they could add a few more loop sounds but considering the price, it's kinda great as-is.

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