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RML Labs updates SAWStudio to v4.7

RML Labs

RML Labs has updated SAWStudio and SAWStudioLite to v4.7, SAWStudioBasic to v2.1 and Midi WorkShop to v1.7.

SAWStudio / SAWStudioLite v4.7


  • Enhanced the Aux Send processing to allow for a Pst Fader – Pre Pan send scenario by disengaging the Aux Send Pst FX switch.
  • Enhanced and renamed the SACLink Import Mix Data from SAC option to now read as Import Mix Data From SAC Input Chans (Active/Selected). This function includes only active (input source assigned and not disabled) input chans and properly handles re-ordered SAC chans when creating the new Record Template. If SAC chans are selected, then only those chans are included in the import. Another new SACLink option called Arm Last Imported Record Template assures that the record arming begins on the proper imported start track so that all record input assignments will correctly follow the imported SAC channels. You can also engage the record template on the proper track by Alt-Clicking on any track Rec switch.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed code to correct problems with the SACLink Recall Scene By Name function that would cause certain scenes not to recall based on naming length conditions and other recall order factors. Also fixed code to stop a crash that could occur when the SACLink was not active and a Recall Scene By Name entry would be exercised.
  • More work done on saving VST settings and presets. This new code should fix compatibility issues with Voxengo plugins and UAD plugins (and others) that were having trouble saving presets and session settings.
  • More Work done on VST Multi-In/Out plugins like some of the newer Voxengo plugs to stop the possibility of a hard crash once playback is initiated.
  • More work done on retaining the last active window when switching between apps using the SACLink or minimize functions.
  • Fixed code to stop SRP playback across a marked area from muting armed record track data when Record is not actively engaged.

SAWStudioBasic v2.1


  • Enhanced the Aux Send processing to allow for a Pst Fader – Pre Pan send scenario by disengaging the Aux Send Pst FX switch.

Bug Fixes:

  • More work done on saving VST settings and presets. This new code should fix compatibility issues with Voxengo plugins and UAD plugins (and others) that were having trouble saving presets and session settings.
  • More Work done on VST Multi-In/Out plugins like some of the newer Voxengo plugs to stop the possibility of a hard crash once playback is initiated.
  • Fixed code to stop SRP playback across a marked area from muting armed record track data when Record is not actively engaged.

MidiWorkshop v1.7f


  • Patch Changes in the Library View are now allowed during Rec/Rdy Mode, to facilitate the live monitoring enhancements in the newer SAWStudio versions.
  • Step Draw can now be toggled on and off by pressing the D-Key.
  • Step Draw mode now creates undo files for each note added.
  • Step Draw mode now allows you to delete a note by Right-Clicking on the note, without the need to exit Step Draw mode.
  • When adjusting the speed of the auto step advance in Step Rec mode, pressing Ctrl and clicking the minus zone of the Step Rec switch sets the speed back to zero for single note auto advance operation.
  • Importing and Blending Midi Files now auto scale and center the MIDI data on each track so all MIDI notes are visible.
  • Blending Midi Files now responds to the starting cursor position and offsets data from there. If the starting cursor position is past the end of the current data, then new tempo data is included in the blend, otherwise tempo data is ignored.
  • Enhanced cursor lock and positioning between SAWStudio and MWS during Live Mode. Requires SAWStudio 4.7 or higher or SAWStudioBasic 2.1 or higher.
  • Enhanced the Controller Display chase to operate in Live Mode.
  • A new option has been added to the popup Time Signature menu called Set New Time Signature Entry Within Range. This option allows you to mark a range of measures ( do so with the grid ON) and change the time signature for that range without disturbing the rest of the composition outside the range. All measure numbers and tempo and time signature changes will remain the same for following existing data. Midi data will be pushed or pulled into proper alignment. If the change adds beats to the existing range area, the beats will be added at the end of the range leaving original data intact. If the change deletes beats from the existing range area, the data will be deleted from the end of the range. Most likely data transitions at the end of the range will have to be re-composed, but all existing data outside the range will remain intact.
  • A new enhancement has been added that will automatically fix stuck notes that are missing Note-Off data. If you see a note stretching across a track with no off position, you can click on it, as if to select it as the active note and it will sense and correct the missing Note-Off data by cutting the note duration to the current Grid Note value.
  • A new option has been added to the Options Menu called Global Midi-In Chan Filter. This option allows you to filter all incoming MIDI data down to a specific MIDI chan if desired. If set to a single chan, all incoming data not on that chan will be discarded. This can be helpful with certain MIDI keyboard controllers that send multi-chan MIDI data at the same time causing possible stuck notes and missing Note-Off data. This setting can be saved in the preferences.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the Major / Minor Scale color display option.
  • Fixed code that could damage time signature changes in measures that already contained tempo changes.
  • Fixed code to trap mouse-click control adjustments from crashing looped playback under certain conditions.
  • Fixed code to trap for crashes caused by dragging the mouse with the left button down into the top client area of the MT while in Step Rec mode.
  • Fixed code to properly set note length when holding a note during the Auto Step Rec Advance mode, when the advance speed is set to single note advance.
  • Fixed code to correct for different tick resolutions when blending MIDI files.
  • Fixed code to trap and correct for illegal tick resolutions when importing MIDI files.
  • Fixed code for more accurate MIDI file export and import of tempos.
  • Fixed code to trap and correct for illegal tempo and time signature entries when importing MIDI files.


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