Reviewed By duncanparsons [all]
May 30th, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.6 on Windows
Reviewed By mistertoast [all]
January 22nd, 2003
Version reviewed: 1.5 on Windows
Would love to try downloading it. But I press the link and there is a problem with the page
All his VST collection (17 free VST's, some are real gems) is now available as a unique pack (.zip) here:
or here :
The second link is by far more interesting (when you're in... click on the link "Parent Directory" at the top of the page and you'll understand why it is more interesting...).
Let me add that if you like flutes... his VST named PanFlute is an awesome physical modelisation of flutes! (and not only the pan flute). Wonderful.
Hey, .
I downloaded Dirtbag and like the patches but I must be doing something wrong because it's the only VST in my fruityloop that distorts. I then ran the patches thru my keybaord amp and still get distortion. I'm new to VST and most others I've used pretty much played right out of the box, so not sure if I have to modify certain options. Any help is appreciated.
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