Deskew Technologies has updated Gig Performer, the cross-platform plugin host for live performing musicians, to version 3.8.
Gig Performer 3.8 is a maintenance release addressing the following issues:
- Fixed a problem where duplicate notes could sometimes be sent out from a VST3 plugin.
- Fixed a problem where copying current value to onLoad value of a widget could sometimes update other widgets.
- Fixed a problem where windows could show up outside user accessible screen areas on multi-screen systems.
- Fixed a problem where sending a PC message could associate a wrong rackspace with a song part.
- Fixed an issue where CC messages generated in VST3 plugins might not get sent to connected plugins.
Gig Performer 3.8 is free to existing users with GP 3 licenses. Users can download the update by visiting the downloads section of the Gig Performer main website.
Users of Gig Performer 2.x can upgrade to Gig Performer 3 for a small fee. Please visit the upgrade area for more information.