Detunized has released Vox Populi 2 Live Pack, the second instalment in a series of unique sounds from the Russian Polivoks synthesizer. The Pack contains a comprehensive collection of analog synth sounds that feature the rough and crude character of this crown of Soviet synthesizer engineering.
Made of nearly 650 samples, Vox Populi 2 forms a colourful sound palette of 46 presets that are encapsulated into Live's Rack architecture.
Be it the "Bolschoi Synth", the "Tupolew Pad", the "Vox Populi Piano" or even one of the included Drum Synths - each single Rack follows a standardized Macro Control layout that makes it easy to instantly familiarize with the sonic possibilities of this Live Pack.
- Format: Ableton Live Pack.
- Compatibility: PC/Mac, Live 8.3+.
- Instruments: 46.
- Samples: 644, 24 Bit/44.1 kHz.
- Disk space: 260 MB.
Price: €9.00.