Aly James Lab has unveiled the SY-4X, an enhanced emulation of the Pearl Syncussion SY-1 drum synthesizer for macOS and Windows. Here's what they say:
This plugin replicates the original's analog circuitry, including its rare CMOS based oscillators, 2 pole "spreading" low pass filter and all internal preset modulation connections called modes.
SY-4X goes beyond the original by offering four independent SY-1 modules in one package, allowing the creation of complex drum kits, and intricate mono synth lines.
New features include customizable pitch scaling, advanced envelope shaping, and a "Berserk" mode for extreme sonic manipulation.The SY-4X also introduces additional modes, G and H, for even more sonic possibilities.
Key Points:
- Circuit Model: Accurately reproduces the Syncussion design and sound.
- 4 Independent Syncussion modules.
- CMOS based oscillators for authentic tone generation.
- Multi Outputs routing capability.
- Drum Kit or Keyboard Modes.
- Modeled VCF Filter topology, 2-pole spreading low-pass filter with extra user control.
- Up to 60 optional pitch scaling rules to choose from.
- Optional Berserk Mode with 2 types of distortion.
- Most parameters respond to automation.
- Settings and preset browser pages.
- Up to X16 Oversampling.
- Native Silicon/ARM Included.
Price: 51 Euros.