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Tekky Synths announces Summer End Update (covering many instrument plug-ins)

Tekky Synths

Tekky Synths has released a summer end update which actually covers most of their instruments.

Some other instruments have been discontinued.

AcCeLeRaToR 3.0:

  • NEW load entire folder of waveforms for each OSC.
  • NEW load entire folder of modulation waveforms.
  • NEW browse and random files buttons.
  • NEW OSC mix knob.
  • NEW modulation waveform sync.
  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW gater with 8 Lock'n recall memory slots, MIDI learn pattern selection and on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Haas FX with MIDI learn on/off switch added.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

AcIdIc 2.0:

  • NEW Groover unit added.
  • NEW FX unit: distortion.
  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW Filter step-seq on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW 3 types of random: synth, synth+sequencer, synth+sequencer+FX.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

CrAZyX 2.0:

  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW 2 distinct modes: preset (mix existing waveforms together) and draw modes (draw waveforms with hand).
  • NEW load entire folder of modulation waveforms for preset mode.
  • NEW Panner/gater FX with 8 Lock'n recall memory slots & MIDI learn pattern selection.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

Fly-Drums 1.5:

  • FIX memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern of each player.
  • FIX Filter Step-sequencer memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW added 2 group random buttons (Random player 2-3 & 2-4).
  • NEW mute player buttons with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

G-RAiN 1.5:

  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

NuCLeoDoM 1.5.1:

  • FIX Sequencer memory slots recall number of steps for each pattern.
  • FIX Groover memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • NEW FX unit on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

NuCLeoDoM FREE 1.5.1:

  • FIX Sequencer memory slots recall number of steps for each pattern.
  • NEW FX unit on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

PsYbAsSyX 3.5.1:

  • FIX Sequencer memory slots recall number of steps for each pattern.
  • FIX Groover memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • NEW FX unit on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

PsYbAsSyX FREE 3.5.1:

  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

PsYkYx 1.5:

  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

SpAcYx 2.0.2:

  • FIX Panner memory slots recall timing selection & number of steps for each pattern.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.

SpAcYx Xtrim 1.0.1:

  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.

SpAcYx DeeP 1.0.1:

  • FIX Panner memory slots recall timing selection & number of steps for each pattern.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.

SPDP 1.5:

  • NEW memory slots recall level setting for each player.
  • NEW pattern selection with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.
  • NEW FX unit on/off switch with MIDI learn.

SyNpLyX 2.5.1:

  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

SyNpLyX 2.5:

  • NEW groover added.
  • NEW BPM delay unit added.
  • Improved Step-Sequencer (transpose12/-12,number of steps, alternate pattern, global shift, global random pitch and groove).
  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW MIDI learn for groover and sequencer on/off switch.
  • NEW MIDI learn for each FX unit on/off switch.
  • NEW preset manager with copy/paste features.
  • NEW MIDI program change.

THriCe PRO 1.5.1:

  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

THriCe FREE 1.5.1:

  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

UpTiLin 1.1:

  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

VoCoGaTe PRO 1.5:

  • Improved Step-Sequencer (transpose12/-12, shift left/right).
  • NEW Shift left/right feature for groover.
  • NEW global detuner.
  • NEW random pitch button.
  • NEW MIDI learn system implementation.
    1. Right click any knob.
    2. Move hardware controller.
    3. CC learned.
    4. Double right click.
    5. Knob is free of any CC.
  • Double left click on knobs to restore default value.
  • Knob automation in hosts.
  • NEW MIDI learn for groover on/off switch.
  • NEW MIDI learn for each FX unit on/off switch.
  • NEW preset manager with copy/paste features.
  • NEW MIDI program change.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

VoCoGaTe FREE 1.5 features:

  • Same as VoCoGaTe PRO, only 1 setting for FX1, random pitch button disabled, 1 preset only;

ZeNeRyC PRO 1.5.1:

  • FIX Sequencer memory slots recall number of steps for each pattern.
  • FIX Groover memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • FIX Filter Step-sequencer memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

ZeNeRyC CUST 1.5.1:

  • FIX Sequencer memory slots recall number of steps for each pattern.
  • FIX Groover memory slots recall timing selection for each pattern.
  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

ZeNeRyC LIGHT 1.5.1:

  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

ZeNeRyC FREE 1.5.1:

  • NEW FX units on/off switch with MIDI learn.
  • NEW Bigger and improved GUI.

Also prices have been adjusted:

  • AcCeLeRaToR-3.0 Cost: 45€
  • AcIdIc-2.0 Cost: 45€
  • CrAzYx-2.0 Cost: Free.
  • Fly-Drums-1.5 Cost: 45€
  • G-RAiN-1.5 Cost: 45€
  • NuCLeoDoM-1.5.1 Cost: 45€/Free.
  • PsYbAsSyX-3.5.1 Cost: 45€/Free.
  • PsYkYx-1.5 Cost: 30€
  • SpAcYx-2.0.2 Cost: 45€
  • SpAcYx-DeeP-1.0.1 Cost: 65€
  • SpAcYx-Xtrim-1.0.1 Cost: 45€
  • SPDP-1.5 Cost: Free.
  • SyNpLyX-2.5.1 Cost: 45€
  • THriCe-1.5.1 Cost: 45€/Free.
  • UpTiLin-1.1 Cost: 45€
  • VoCoGaTe-1.5 Cost: 45€/Free.
  • ZeNeRyC-PRO-1.5.1 Cost: 65€/45€/Free.

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