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SynthFont updated to v1.712

Kenneth Rundt

SynthFont has been updated to v1.712.

Bug fixes:

  • If you wanted to play files in your playlist only and currently had no MIDI file open in SynthFont, you were asked to open one.
  • An exception might occur if the configuration file "SynthFont.ini" was open in a text editor that prevented access to the file.
  • Handling of overlapping notes has been changed to correspond to the methods in SynthFont2.
  • Moving notes up/down (=transpose) in Pianoroll used to move also percussion notes, which probably was not a good idea.
  • Moving notes towards the beginning of the tune (e.g. to remove the initial bars) using "Change time (position) of events" in Pianoroll/Edit track would position notes that would be moved to a negative time at time 0 instead – these notes are now deleted.
  • Some MIDI files were not correctly read.
  • Fixed some other bugs reported by crash reports.


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