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Plugin Alliance releases Maintenance Update 02.20

Plugin Alliance

Plugin Alliance has released Maintenance Update 02.20, which affects a big subset of Plugin Alliance products and includes many bug fixes and improvements. Update downloads are available through the PA-InstallationManager.

Brands / Products that have been updated:

  • ACME Audio.
  • A/DA.
  • Ampeg.
  • Black Box Analog Design.
  • Brainworx Audio (except for bx_console SSL 9000 J).
  • Chandler Limited.
  • Dangerous Music.
  • Diezel Amps.
  • elysia (except for Phil's Cascade).
  • ENGL.
  • Maag Audio.
  • Millennia.
  • Noveltech Audio.
  • Pro Audio DSP.
  • Purple Audio.
  • Shadow Hills Industries.
  • SPL (except for Hawkeye).
  • Vertigo Sound.

Support changes:

  • Qualified for use with the Windows 10 May 2020 Update.
  • Removed builds for SPL Attacker (successor is SPL Attacker Plus).

General Fixes and Improvements:

  • VST3: Fixed potential hangs in a DAW upon loading.
  • Fixed logical issues in undo / redo behavior.
  • Fixed UI resizing issues in Ableton Live on Windows.
  • Fixed audio processing initialization issues on amp and delay products.

Product specific fixes

Acme Opticom XLA-3:

  • Fixed quirk in PT automation highlighting of mono variant.

ADA STD-1 Stereo Tapped Delay:

  • Added AAX DSP format.

bx_console N:

  • Improved metering behavior.

bx_console Focusrite SC:

  • Fixed high frequency artifact that could occur on some signals.
  • Improved metering behavior.

bx_console SSL 4000 G & E:

  • Fixed possible compression misbehavior at 192k sample rate.
  • Improved metering behavior.

bx_digital V3:

  • Improved metering behavior.


  • Added scalable UI feature.


  • Fixed mod wheel when used via mod matrix.


  • Fixed reverb type being lost when moving instances to other slots.

bx_townhouse Buss Compressor:

  • Added scalable UI feature.

Diezel VH4:

  • Enhanced factory presets.

elysia alpha compressor:

  • Fixed potential audio processing for quiet signals.

Maag Magnum-K:

  • Fixed possible DC pop at rendering audio.

Pro Audio DSP DSM V3:

  • Improved metering behavior.

Purple Audio MC 77:

  • Fixed issues with DC signal.

SPL DrumXchanger:

  • Improved parameter smoothing for gains and Mix.


  • Added scalable UI feature.

SPL Transient Designer Plus:

  • Added scalable UI feature.

Vertigo VSC-2:

  • Added plugin toolbar.
  • Added scalable UI feature.

Vertigo VSM-3:

  • Added plugin toolbar.
  • Added scalable UI feature.

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