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Taiko Drum for MSoundFactory: introduction

Developers, Products, Tags: MeldaProduction, MAGC, MAmp, MAnalyzer, MAutoAlign, MAutoDynamicEq, MAutoEqualizer, MAutopan, MAutopanMB, MAutoPitch, MAutoStereoFix, MAutoVolume, MBandPass, MBassador, MBitFun, MBitFunMB, MCabinet, MCCGenerator, MChannelMatrix, MCharacter, MCharmVerb, MChorusMB, MComb, MCombMB, MCompare, MCompleteBundle, MCompressor, MConvolutionEZ, MConvolutionMB, MCreativeFXBundle, MDelayMB, MDistortionMB, MDoubleTracker, MDrumEnhancer, MDrumLeveler, MDrummer, MDrumReplacer, MDynamicEq, MDynamics, MDynamicsMB, Meldway Grand, MEqualizer, MEqualizerLP, MEssentialsFXBundle, MFilter, MFlanger, MFlangerMB, MFreeformAnalogEq, MFreeformEqualizer, MFreeformPhase, MFreeFXBundle, MFreqShifter, MFreqShifterMB, MGranularMB, MHarmonizerMB, MLimiterMB, MLimiterX, MLoudnessAnalyzer, MMasteringFXBundle, MMetronome, MMixingFXBundle, MModernCompressor, MMorph, MMultiAnalyzer, MNoiseGenerator, MNotepad, MOscillator, MOscilloscope, MPhaser, MPhaserMB, MPhatik, MPolySaturator, MPowerSynth, MRatio, MRatioMB, MRecorder, MReverb, MReverbMB, MRhythmizer, MRhythmizerMB, MRingModulator, MRingModulatorMB, MRotary, MSaturator, MSaturatorMB, MSoundFactory, MSoundFactoryLE, MSoundFactoryPlayer, MSpectralDelay, MSpectralDynamics, MSpectralDynamicsLE, MSpectralPan, MStereoExpander, MStereoGenerator, MStereoProcessor, MStereoScope, MStereoSpread, MSuperLooper, MTexturedStyleEditor, MTotalFXBundle, MTransformer, MTransient, MTransientMB, MTremolo, MTremoloMB, MTuner, MTurboAmp, MTurboComp, MTurboCompLE, MTurboDelay, MTurboEQ, MTurboReverb, MTurboReverbLE, MUltraMaximizer, MUnison, MUtility, MVibrato, MVibratoMB, MVintageRotary, MVocoder, MWaveFolder, MWaveFolderMB, MWaveShaper, MWaveShaperMB, MWobbler, MXXX, MXXXCore
UADx Ampex ATR-102 Mastering Tape Recorder
Tape Emulation
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