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Cycling '74 updates Max to v8.0.2

Cycling '74

Cycling '74 has updated Max to v8.0.2.

New Features:

  • BEAP: v1.0.2 cosmetic updates for Max 8.
  • cycle~: 'reset' message to reset phase (a la phasor~).
  • inlet object: attr to define hot / cold state.
  • limi~: lookahead limiter (mc and mcs versions too).
  • MC Wrapper: 'setvaluerange' message.
  • mc.sum~: alias to mc.op~ @op sum.
  • node.script: amxd~ support.
  • Patching: "Keep Duplicated Objects in View" preference (defaults to off).
  • playlist~ / jit.playlist: append without arguments opens File dialog.
  • playlist~ / jit.playlist: reportprogress attribute.
  • Projects: search bar (by name).
  • Projects: viewmode to switch between flat and hierarchical views.
  • Projects: Duplicate Project functionality.
  • savebang: new object to bang on save.
  • Snapshots: importsnapshot/exportsnapshot (Snapshots functionality for Standalones).
  • standalone: Added way to specify application icon with standalone object attribute.
  • Typing: bring object to front when typing.
  • VIZZIE: SOLARIZR module (based on jit.fluoride).
  • Windows multitouch: multitouch support for multislider.

Fixed Bugs:

  • amxd~: dependencies updated after re-save.
  • amxd~: files are found in the same directory.
  • autocomplete: aliased objects have descriptions.
  • autopattr/pattrstorage: fixed issues with deleting/reinstantiating objects.
  • atoi: outputs int when there's only one value.
  • buffer~: 'write' messages with simple filenames works.
  • chooser: fixed crash updating with scheduler in overdrive.
  • chooser: margin is respected.
  • chooser: updates pattr objects when value changes.
  • closebang/freebang/savebang: consistently support bang and dblclick.
  • coll: fixed crash when dumping a large line.
  • coll: fixed issues with using name of object/vignette/doc/etc.
  • Core Audio: remove constraint on sample rates.
  • dict: fixed crash with garbage values.
  • expr: negative inputs to "expr fact($i1) " work.
  • font panel color wheel: changing object text color no longer pollutes undo history.
  • format palette: "changed attr" bar resizes properly.
  • gridmeter: outlet and click on square to mute.
  • groove~: followglobaltempo works with looped groove~.
  • Groups: outline of group is not shown in Max For Live devices.
  • Help patchers: fixed issues with third party seealsos in question mark tab.
  • Inspector: fixed "Show in Reference".
  • jit.cellblock: improved signalmode responses.
  • jit.dx.grab: fixed crash when vdevice set but no device present.
  • jit.gen / jit.pix: min attribute of param works.
  • jit.gl.handle: auto_rotate works in jit.window/world.
  • jit.gl.imageunit: fixed.
  • jit.gl.node: does not grab objects that have explicit drawto set.
  • jit.matrix: fixed javascript exportimage usage.
  • jit.playlist: finds referenced media in a standalone.
  • jit.playlist: viddll engine fixed multi-file drag and drop.
  • jit.textfile: fixed crash on matrix input.
  • jit.window: fixed duplicate mouse data output.
  • jsui: avoid crash when there are too many sketch instances.
  • live.grid: fixed error when interpolating presets.
  • Mappings: outlines hidden for non-presentation objects in presentation view.
  • Mappings: drawing improvements.
  • Mappings: improved key mapping display for modifiers.
  • Mappings: rename 'bang' trigger mode to 'retrigger'.
  • matrixctrl: display disabled cells properly.
  • Max 7 templates: handle bgfillcolor existence when opened in Max 8.
  • MC Wrapper: applies attribute values to new channels.
  • MC Wrapper: wrapper messages work to non-leftmost inlets.
  • MC Wrapper: fixed crash when wrapping with prefixed name.
  • mc.function: redraws properly after receiving clearchans.
  • mc.gen~: fix for issues with finding gendsp file for all instances.
  • mc.gen~: no longer attempts to load Max patchers.
  • mcs.groove~: sync outlet has correct number of channels.
  • menubar: 'append' message refreshes menus.
  • mgraphics: fixed image_surface_draw memory leak.
  • MIDI: fixed crash on Windows sending single byte to MIDIout.
  • MIDI: fixed crashing on app close.
  • MIDI: unplugged devices on Windows appropriately disappear from MIDI options.
  • mute~: fixed crash when used with MC.
  • Node For Max: fixed dict access after maxApi.post and maxApi.getDict.
  • Node For Max: NPM execution status updates properly.
  • Node For Max: fixed missing restart filePath when using @watch 1.
  • Node For Max: improved NPM execution status updates.
  • node.script: can find .js files in amxds.
  • node.script: fixed crash closing help file on Windows.
  • node.script: fixed potential hangs on Windows.
  • node.script: symbol usage optimizations.
  • Object Browser in Toolbar: internal objects are displayed.
  • Open GL Status Window: Fixed crash when opening.
  • Package Manager: OS versions are validated correctly.
  • Parameters: gestures start on time for undo to stay in correct order.
  • Parameters: 'assign' messages work as they should.
  • Patcher: "zoomed" patcher window location is saved.
  • Patching: fixed issues with bogus object when ref file of the object's name is in the same folder.
  • pattrhub: resolves pattr-bound boxes in subpatchers.
  • pattrstorage: fixed extreme memory leakage when storing value in parameter mode.
  • pattrstorage: greedy attribute no longer inherited by pattrstorage objects in subpatchers.
  • playlist~: cursor no longer disappears after command drag.
  • playlist~: fixed single click to deselect.
  • plugin~ / plugout~: can have multiple instances of these objects again.
  • popup menus: fixed memory leak.
  • Preferences: all show clues.
  • Projects: item lists are converted to dictionaries for fast lookup.
  • Projects: jxf jitter files are added to 'data'.
  • Projects: improved nomenclature and display of project items.
  • receive: fixed crash when clicking on Object Action Menu and object has no argument.
  • Recent Messages: fixed shortcut key (shift+m).
  • Save Dialog: Select All works in File Save dialog (Mac).
  • scope~: fixed text rendering in automatic mode.
  • Search: opening gen patchers works.
  • speedlim: fixed stalling when changing speedlimit time.
  • Standalones: accommodate unicode in pathnames.
  • Standalones: does not create Projects and Max for Live Devices folders when running.
  • Standalones: does not overwrite Max preferences.
  • Standalones: further fixes for unique location for standalone prefs.
  • Standalones: packages load properly in versioned standalones.
  • suckah: fixed use on Windows with display scaling enabled.
  • Toolbar: audio power button aligned with audio level meter.
  • Tour: fixed error on last slide - jit.gl: invalid extension called (Win).
  • Typing: fixed issues with dead characters while typing in a box.
  • Typing: improved arrow key handling when editing text.
  • VIZZIE FEEDR: fixed gain dial.
  • VIZZIE INTERPOL8R: outputs alpha.
  • VIZZIE RECORDR: fixed output dims to match input dims and added realtime/codec parameters (based on engine).
  • VIZZIE SNAPPR: Fixed image saving.
  • vst~: fixed crash when closing patch when plug-in window is open.
  • vst~: fixed loading of shell plugins.
  • vst~: no longer tries to load plugs twice.
  • vst~: VST3 snapshots and presets.
  • Windows: save dialog is sizable.


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