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MeldaProduction updates all plugins to 14.16 with Apple Silicon support


MeldaProduction has updated all its plugins to 14.16, an important update which comes up with several improvements, features, bug fixes and MSoundFactory instruments. It is also the first version with Apple Silicon ARM CPU support. It is recommended to install this update. To do that, get the newest version from the download page.

Changes for effects in 14.16:

  • Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed.
  • MXXXCore and MSuperLooper now also unlock MTurboReverb with only MTurboReverbLE licence and Equalizer with MFilter licence.
  • Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support.
  • Added "Profile mixer" to MCabinet.
  • Added groups to MMultiAnalyzer.
  • Easy screen locks for title buttons have been moved to the left for consistency reasons.
  • Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there.
  • Added "High accuracy" switch to MCCGenerator.
  • MultiParameters in banks mode can now create custom categorization for switcher menu by setting banks names to "category#text".
  • Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets.
  • Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back.
  • Fix: Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect.
  • Fix: Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work.
  • Fix: Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them.
  • Fix: MDrumReplacer's MIDI output didn't work in some DAWs.
  • Fix: MTurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead.
  • Fix: Downloader could crash when installing certain 3rd party products.
  • Fix: Downloader requested a correct MSoundFactory path even when installing MDrummer/MDrumReplacer data.
  • Fix: MRhythmizer could ignore MIDI commands for volume sequences if the volume sequences were not defined.
  • Fix: Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page.

Changes for MSoundFactory in 14.16:

  • Added instruments: Funky robot, Origami.
  • Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed.
  • Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support.
  • Added Transition system to the Sampler, useful for realistic simulation of monophonic instruments such as saxophones or flutes.
  • Easy screen locks for title buttons have been moved to the left for consistency reasons.
  • Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there.
  • MultiParameters in banks mode can now create custom categorization for switcher menu by setting banks names to "category#text".
  • Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets.
  • The plugin can now search for missing samples and other resources.
  • Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back.
  • Fix: Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect.
  • Fix: Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work.
  • Fix: Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them.
  • Fix: TurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead.
  • Fix: MSoundFactory when expired was reporting itself as MSoundFactoryPlayer, which may be confusing.
  • Fix: Downloader could crash when installing certain 3rd party products.
  • Fix: Downloader requested a correct MSoundFactory path even when installing MDrummer/MDrumReplacer data.
  • Fix: Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page.

Changes for MPowerSynth in 14.16:

  • Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed.
  • Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support.
  • Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there.
  • Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets.
  • Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back.
  • Fix: Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect.
  • Fix: Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work.
  • Fix: Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them.
  • Fix: TurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead.
  • Fix: Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page.

Changes for MDrummer in 14.16:

  • Added enhanced aliasing improving the audio quality for most saturation algorithms available throughout the plugins. The downside is slightly higher CPU usage. It can be disabled from settings if needed.
  • Added native Apple Silicon CPU (currently M1) support.
  • Preset search fields are now highlighted in red to highlight them and avoid confusion when user forgets that something is written in there.
  • Added Channel parameter to MIDI settings / Program change in presets.
  • The plugin can now search for missing samples and other resources.
  • Holding Alt when clicking various copy buttons will allow exporting as XML button for editing as text. You can then edit the text and ctrl + pasting it back.
  • Fix: Automating multiparameters when the plugin was sleeping made no effect.
  • Fix: Closing text edit popup with escape key didn't work.
  • Fix: Keys A, C and V were forwarded to the DAW even if the plugin edit was actually using them.
  • Fix: TurboReverb delay order down was sorted up instead.
  • Fix: Downloader could crash when installing certain 3rd party products.
  • Fix: Loop editor loop double/half speed didn't store undo point.
  • Fix: Downloader requested a correct MSoundFactory path even when installing MDrummer/MDrumReplacer data.
  • Fix: Installer didn't show proper products when clicking on the home icon in the product selection page.

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Tags:MeldaProductionVirtual InstrumentVirtual EffectFREEWindowsMac OS XVST2 PluginsVST3 PluginsAudio UnitAAX PluginsUniversal 2 BinaryMAGCMAmpMAnalyzerMAutoAlignMAutoDynamicEqMAutoEqualizerMAutopanMAutopanMBMAutoPitchMAutoStereoFixMAutoVolumeMBandPassMBassadorMBitFunMBitFunMBMCabinetMChannelMatrixMCharacterMCharmVerbMChorusMBMCombMCombMBMCompareMCompleteBundleMCompressorMConvolutionEZMConvolutionMBMCreativeFXBundleMDelayMBMDistortionMBMDoubleTrackerMDrumEnhancerMDrumLevelerMDrummerMDrumReplacerMDynamicEqMDynamicsMDynamicsMBMEqualizerMEqualizerLPMEssentialsFXBundleMFilterMFlangerMFlangerMBMFreeformAnalogEqMFreeformEqualizerMFreeformPhaseMFreeFXBundleMFreqShifterMFreqShifterMBMGranularMBMHarmonizerMBMLimiterMBMLimiterXMLoudnessAnalyzerMMasteringFXBundleMMixingFXBundleMModernCompressorMMorphMMultiAnalyzerMNoiseGeneratorMNotepadMOscillatorMOscilloscopeMPhaserMPhaserMBMPhatikMPolySaturatorMPowerSynthMRatioMRatioMBMRecorderMReverbMReverbMBMRhythmizerMRhythmizerMBMRingModulatorMRingModulatorMBMRotaryMSaturatorMSaturatorMBMSoundFactoryMSoundFactoryLEMSpectralDelayMSpectralDynamicsMSpectralDynamicsLEMSpectralPanMStereoExpanderMStereoGeneratorMStereoProcessorMStereoScopeMStereoSpreadMSuperLooperMTexturedStyleEditorMTotalFXBundleMTransformerMTransientMTransientMBMTremoloMTremoloMBMTunerMTurboCompMTurboCompLEMTurboDelayMTurboEQMTurboReverbMTurboReverbLEMUltraMaximizerMUnisonMUtilityMVibratoMVibratoMBMVintageRotaryMVocoderMWaveFolderMWaveFolderMBMWaveShaperMWaveShaperMBMWobblerMXXXMXXXCore

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